20歲開 Veyron 超速被捕 - 歐洲車

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-05-01T00:50

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from http://ppt.cc/3@9T

Dutch police confiscated a 20-year old man's license and his parents' Bugatti
Veyron after he drove at twice the prevailing speed limit. The man was doing
160 km/h (99 mph) in an 80 km/h (50 mph) zone in Rotterdam on Monday. At €
1.8 million (US$2.4 million) for a Veyron, this has turned out to be quite an
expensive joyride for the youth.

荷蘭警方逮捕一名 20 歲少年,他以 160 km/h 的時速開在限速 80 km/h 的路上。
他父母的 Veyron 也因此被扣留~

The Veyron is regarded as one of the fastest production cars ever made. Top
Gear once put its top speed claims to the test at VW's private track and they
achieved 407.9 km/h (253.5 mph) on a flat straight surface. However, there
some other tuners putting that to the test lately.

Bugatti Veyron 最高時速可達 407.9 km/h。

Two days before in a separate incident, police in Plaatweg Stellendam in
South Holland arrested a 22-year old man who rode his motorcycle at 197 km/h
(122 mph) in an 80km/h zone. He also lost his license.

前兩天也有一名 22 歲的年輕人被逮捕,他更猛,限速 80 km/h,他騎到 197 km/h!


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All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-05-04T03:03
我也好想開我父母的藍寶堅尼 然後超速被照相喔QQ
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2010-05-06T15:17
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-05-09T12:18
確實是騎車阿 @@
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2010-05-11T19:54
"who rode his motorcycle at 197 km/h" 是騎車阿...
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-05-16T01:55
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-05-19T22:41
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-05-21T02:50
在荷蘭, 不意外阿~ 八成又是"呼"到ㄎㄤ掉了...
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-05-23T22:05
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-05-27T02:44
我覺得他不是故意的 這種時速大概才2檔4千轉那邊
William avatar
By William
at 2010-05-28T22:11
以一般車來說 4千轉很高了耶...
David avatar
By David
at 2010-05-31T01:59
我之前的1.6 MII也常拉到四五千...差別只在還是跑不快~


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-04-30T11:01
以小弟我的淺見 若講到超屌的車 跑車來說 我只會想到義大利的馬跟牛 轎車我只會知道德國的賓士和寶馬 但自從我在英國看到Maybach這台車 同時也知道有這種車的存在 才知道自己真的很弱atat~ 所以想再請教車神們 以轎車和跑車來說 目前最頂級最屌的要屬哪一國的呢 如果能列出車廠和型號更好 感謝~~~ ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-04-29T15:43
這個月中去英國旅遊時 在倫敦市區的Harrods百貨後面的小街道看到一輛大型房車 因為在台灣沒看過 當時又記不住他的mark和型號 所以想來這請教各位汽車專家 外觀:黑色四門大型房車 車型和目前最新款的賓士S-class很像 但車身比賓士更長 只記得後面寫著MayXXXX或XXXXMay的字樣 當 ...

[問題]賓士 W211 維修

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-04-29T12:50
※ [本文轉錄自 car 看板] 作者: ij714 (ij714) 看板: car 標題: [問題]賓士 W211 維修 時間: Thu Apr 29 11:44:38 2010 前幾天家裡把 W211 送回原廠換機油 原廠(中華賓士 台中)有檢查車子的狀況 檢查出以下列表異常 1.輔助電瓶不良需 ...

AMG 5.5公升 V8機械增壓引擎

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-04-29T00:47
想請問一下 AMG 5.5公升 V8機械增壓引擎的特點 例如最大扭力/最大馬力 材質 汽缸排列方式 搭載車型 重量等等..... 現在好像都在講雙渦輪了... 順便再請教一下AMG SPPEDSH FT MCT七速變速箱及底盤特點 希望有人能幫忙解答 感激不盡...... - ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-04-29T00:13
車子常跑高速公路 免不了聽到碎石撞擊聲 聽說有什麼奈米鑽石鍍膜的 xx鍍膜一大堆... 不知那些東西的功能如何 足以防止碎石刮傷嗎? 還是只是噱頭而已? 想請問有板大做過類似的的東西嗎? 值不值得呢? 謝謝大家 - ...