AUDI A4 1.8T的年份 - BMW

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2009-02-17T08:42

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※ 引述《cyslove (- >*< 艾凡里 >*< )》之銘言:
: 請問一下對AUDI A4 1.8T車系了解的人
: A4 1.8T好像01 02年有改款
: 尾燈是最容易判斷的地方
: 因為預算大概30~40萬
: 請問一下這台車01 01之前跟之後除了外型上的差別
: 小毛病方面會不會很多?
: 隔音跟路感方面有沒有比現在新型的中型房車好? (如civic8 camry 2.0等)
: 本來要挑雙B,但社會大眾的刻板印象很深
: 所以挑內斂的AUDI
: 問遍朋友同事,說買AUDI就是要買AUDI A4 1.8T,CP值高又好改
: 但普遍都說保養費不便宜,但內裝跟行路質感真的不差
: 新車價大概多少?
: 也不知道每個年份的二手價基準在那邊,真的不好挑

i have an audi a4 2003 6MT quattro 3.0.

here are some ideas that might be hopeful for you

the things i like the most is steering and quattro.

these two features make audi so fun to drive and

make me want to own another audi.

audi gets lots of compliments on his exterior and interior design and

i feel the same way too. so this should be a big plus.

BUT, audi is not as reliable as toyota, honda, lexus, acura.....

hope you are not supresied too much.

i have replaced couple of small things myself and now

check engine light is on possibly due to o2 sensor failure

ownership is not cheap. i paid $1200 plus tax to have my

timing belt replaced.

mileage is not impressive. 17 mpg in city and 26 in highway.

this 3.0 V6 engine is not as good as i expect, comapring to my father's

camry 3.0 V6 year of 1993. toyota engine is more smooth based on

what i feel.


if you like driving, audi is the answer for you

if car is mainly a transportation for you, choose other

lexury sedens like lexus or acura.

i wound not choose audi for my next car if i want to

keep it for more than 5 years. instead, bmw 3 or benz C should be

my next drive.


All Comments

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2009-02-21T09:13
Thank you!!I will refer to the more user's opinions.

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By Zora
at 2009-02-17T08:40
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By Olga
at 2009-02-16T08:54
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at 2009-02-15T21:30
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