Audi RS6 可能由 V8 twin-turbo 取代 - BMW

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2009-09-26T02:12

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Rumor has it that Audi may begin limiting use of their V10 engine that has
been a favorite on the RS6, S6, and the S8. Instead, the company is planning
the introduction of a new twin-turbo V8.

目前在 RS6、S6、S8 身上使用的 V10,將有可能被 V8 twin-turbo 取代。

The reason for the change is the environment. Speculation is that Audi will
be able to provide more power, while producing less emissions, with the new
V8. Despite this, Audi still chose to introduce the latest R8 Spyder with a
5.2-liter, naturally-aspirated version of the V10. This unit produces 525 hp.

為提供更大的動力與排放更少的廢氣,V8 算是目前的最佳解答了。
雖然如此,這顆 V10 還是會搭載於剛發表的 R8 Spyder 身上。

It could be the new Audi RS6 that first receives the new V8. With a
twin-turbo 5.0-liter V10, the current-generation Audi RS6 goes 0-100 km/h in
4.5 seconds. The engine generates 580 horsepower and up to 479 ft-lb of

預計第一部換成 V8 twin-turbo 的車款為 RS6。
目前 RS6 搭載 5.0 L V10 twin-turbo,最大馬力 580 匹,最大扭力 66.3 公斤米。
0-100 km/h 加速只需要 4.5 秒。

On the previous RS6 (C5), Audi used a 4.2-liter twin-turbo V8 engine that
produced 331 kW (450 PS; 444 bhp). If BMW is working on a new, 550 - 600
horsepower twin-turbo V8 for the next M5, Audi could be working on something
equally strong for the sake of competition.

上一代 RS6(C5),Audi 使用 4.2 L V8 twin-turbo,最大馬力 450 匹。
假如下一代 BMW M5 的馬力為 550 ~ 600 匹,Audi 應該也會跟進這樣的數據。

-- 2009.4.15 玩命關頭四首映會

Tags: BMW Audi

All Comments

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2009-09-28T22:26
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2009-10-03T03:45
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-10-06T08:15
Audi性能車確實存在一個問題:車重, 這也是謠言有quattro
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-10-07T06:53
sport輕量車型的研發 而且繼續投資ASF研發與各式複合材料
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2009-10-09T02:54
也是Audi未來重點之一,當雙離合器 甚至新型差速器上身...
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-10-11T10:43
如何減輕重量勢必然的思考方向 當然一方面也是因為渦輪技
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-10-15T18:51
術不能和昔日並論 話說C5 RS6刷卡刷很爽 油針也掉很爽
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2009-10-19T07:39
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2009-10-21T17:41
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2009-10-25T14:53

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Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-09-24T14:09
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Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-09-24T00:31
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Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2009-09-21T10:34
※ 引述《meioman (MAN)》之銘言: : 除了新莊的張天師之外 : 不知道各位大大有沒有其他可以推薦的老闆 : 重要的是 價格要便宜 謝謝! 其實價格方面,每家保修廠都差不多 重點是師傅的專業度及服務態度比較重要 我也是多方比較尋問過每家的保修廠 個人是推薦這家 杰昌汽車 電話: ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2009-09-20T23:53
除了新莊的張天師之外 不知道各位大大有沒有其他可以推薦的老闆 重要的是 價格要便宜 謝謝! - ...