Audi的電動車廣告看板 - 電動車

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2017-06-14T23:04

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Audi 為了宣傳他們將在2019年推出的電動車 e-tron Sportback Concept



通常若是寫著 "Must-Have."是表示必備、你必須擁有(的一台車)

但 Audi 故意將 Must 拼錯拼成 Musk 來吃 Tesla CEO - Elon Musk 的豆腐


這台車推出後 Audi 不知道會不會免費送一台給 Musk,不然就不是 Musk-Have了XDDD



Audi teases Tesla and Elon Musk in a new billboard ad for upcoming
electric vehicle

Legacy automakers have targeted Tesla in ads before, like BMW’s
anti-Model 3 commercials and Nissan’s Leaf ads aimed at Model 3
reservation holders.

Audi is the latest automaker to go after Tesla in its ads – though it
appears to be more in an attempt at humor than a targeted effort to
mitigate the impact of Model 3 reservations on their sales.

In a strange move, Audi City Berlin posted a billboard ad advertising
their upcoming e-tron Sportback all-electric vehicle, which was unveiled
in April.

It’s weird enough that they would be advertising the concept of a
vehicle that is not planned to hit the market for another 2 years, but on
top of that, they appear to tease Tesla’s Elon Musk over it.

The ad features what appear to be a wordplay on “must-have”, as in “
this is a must-have vehicle”, but spelled “Musk-Have” (pictures via

While the e-tron sportback is currently only a concept unveiled at the
Auto Shanghai 2017, Audi confirmed that they plan to bring it to
production in 2019 as the second vehicle in its series of 3 premium
all-electric vehicles to be released in the next 3 years – starting with
the e-tron quattro in 2018.

The automaker says that it will feature the same or similar specs as the
quattro, like a 95 kWh battery pack for ~300 miles of range and a 320 kW
motor, but in a smaller format.

While the e-tron quattro is likely to become a competitor to the Tesla
Model X next year, the e-tron Sportback is more likely to face the Tesla
Model Y, which is actually planned for around the same time.

It looks like Audi is planning to create a rivalry ahead of time.


All Comments

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2017-06-17T11:47
這下沒dsg了 又屌打特斯拉 太神啦
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2017-06-19T12:16
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2017-06-22T16:20
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-06-24T02:17
人人都提特斯拉 代表很在意
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2017-06-26T00:06
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2017-06-26T12:33
笑了 這廣告詞是想要得到什麼效果XD
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2017-06-29T20:11
沒差爆肝是廣告設計 audi付些錢就好
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2017-06-29T22:02

想賣掉New Mazda3 麻煩建議一下

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2017-06-14T19:54
※ 引述《minibosss (wesco)》之銘言: : 小弟的人生第一台車在2011年底買了New Mazda3 1.6 5門實在是蠻帥氣的 : 加上改裝零零總總約花了70W 今年四月貸款也還完了 : 車子開至今已經兩年十一個月 好開而且妥善率真的很棒 沒進過廠 : 但是由於小弟家較鄉下 住鄉下的人都知道 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2017-06-14T18:13
連結: 來源:小七 內文: 7carandlt;小七車觀點andgt;日前接獲網友的投稿,在苗栗地區拍攝到一部相當特殊的小型商用貨車 。從它的外型以及塗裝來看,應是對岸金杯汽車所生產的新海獅 X30L。 金杯新海獅是華晨金杯汽車於 2011 年所開始的小型商用車 ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2017-06-14T11:32
Audi不清楚 不過雙B來說不管是amg套件還msport套件 通常不是只有外觀而已 甚至內裝 輪框 懸吊也會有不一樣 二手賣價肯定會比沒有套件的高 尤其是BMW 1/3/4系列 你可以去看一下沒M sport的空車內裝有多陽春 - ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2017-06-14T10:06
想請問一下 Audi/Benz/BMW 這些都有一些外觀套件能選配 Audi有S-Line Benz有AMG BMW有M 假如購車時有選備這些套件 之後在脫手時價錢會比沒有選備的高嗎? 還是脫手時只能當贈品送? - ...

M-Benz 17年式 E250 AMG line 開箱

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2017-06-13T21:10
原先考慮 Lexus is200t、Mazda 6 外觀、內裝滿意,也都試駕過 但就是高科技主被動安全不齊或是半套的系統 之後就看了這次大改款的 E Class 從訂車至交車約經過了七個月,漫長的等待… 因23p(智慧駕駛輔助套件) 缺料延到今年2017年3月生產, 為了這套系統多等幾個月 我覺得 ...