BMW、Mercedes和VW召回更新530萬輛柴油車 - BMW

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2017-08-04T01:25

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初步決定會以更新軟體的方式召回已出售的柴油車來降低 NOx 排放量 25~30%




合計約530萬輛 (還有30萬輛哪來的新聞沒寫)








BMW, Mercedes and VW agree on emissions software update for 5.3m cars

The move agreed with German authorities includes an incentive scheme for
owners to trade in their old car for a new, less polluting vehicle

A trio of German car makers have agreed to issue a software update on 5.3
million diesel cars to cut pollution levels by nearly a third.

BMW, Volkswagen and Daimler – the latter the parent company of Mercedes
– reached an agreement with German authorities to update 5.3million cars
with Euro5 and 6 diesel engines with a software tweak that will reduce
nitrogen oxide emissions by 25 to 30 per cent. No customer will be
charged for the update.

Of the 5.3 million cars, 3.8 million come from VW – of which 2.5
million have already been upgraded as part of the emissions scandal. A
further 900,000 Daimler vehicles will be involved, and 300,000 vehicles
from BMW.

The carmakers also agreed to set up an incentive scheme, where drivers of
older, more polluting models would be able to trade vehicles in exchange
for a new, low-emissions vehicle.

The move follows similar announcements made by Mercedes, Audi, Porsche
and VW. Last month, both companies announced they would issue a voluntary
software update on cars sold in Europe to improve their NOx emissions
under real world driving. Mercedes issued a £195m technical fix on three
million cars in Europe, while Audi, Porsche and VW said their update
would apply to 850,000 cars with the VW Group's V6 and V8 diesel engines.

BMW is offering owners across Europe an “environmental bonus of up to €
2,000,” for owners of Euro 4 or older diesels who trade in their car and
purchase a new BMW or MINI. According to BMW, the new car has to be
either a BMW or MINI fitted with Euro6 engine or electric and hybrid

Harald Krueger, chairman of the board of management at BMW said: "The
meeting [between BMW and German authorities] was an important step. We
support the initiative and are investing in the Sustainable Urban
Mobility fund. State-of-the art diesels will definitely play an important
role in future mobility, as well."

Tags: BMW Audi

All Comments

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-08-08T21:05
鬼島地區的零件跟軟體都是特規 不需要麻煩
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-08-09T21:01
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2017-08-11T14:00
柴油車要軟屌惹 幫QQ
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2017-08-12T11:42
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2017-08-13T14:17
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2017-08-17T11:33
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2017-08-19T22:59
借問一下,2007 golf tdi有中嗎
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2017-08-21T08:10
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2017-08-24T23:39
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2017-08-28T07:36
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2017-08-29T14:29
這麼神奇 o_O?

BMW美規 528 比 428 還便宜 !?

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2017-08-03T23:03
有在看外匯車的朋友都知道 目前 BMW 3系列跟Benz C系列佔絕大多數 百來萬的售價也算是好賣的熱銷價格帶 不過我關注好一陣子BMW美規車 對 528 與 428 的價格感到相當疑惑 !! 同樣的 2.0升高增壓版本的引擎 (老528是3000cc) 當初台灣總代理售價 528 比 428 高不少 ...

Tesla 平價 Model 3 好誘人?外媒:背後

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2017-08-03T22:41
豪車定價本來就是這樣的啦 比較一下直接對手BMW入門3系列 起價$38,750 除了基本的黑白兩色免費 其他10個顏色都要加 $700 輪框升級也是最少 $700 其他最基本會選的 包括盲點和自動剎車綁導航 $4,500 加熱座墊綁升級皮椅 $2200 這些加起來車價就$46,000了 再選個倒車輔助、 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-08-03T08:15
※ 引述《loveshenny (Esmeralda)》之銘言: : 各位好, : 小妹剛抵達DC這邊,預計待六年,目前有購車需求, : 因為不太懂車所以上來這裡向各位神人請教, : 我的需求: : 1. 小車為主能跑就好,平常通勤頂多20分鐘車程(不考慮SUV) : 2. 預算20,000鎂(未稅) : 目 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2017-08-02T23:21
原文連結: 原文內容: 歐洲各國對於柴油車的存亡議題討論越演越烈,包含幾個國家下達禁令或者布達將禁止柴 油車上路的時間點等等,其中身為汽車大國的德國,雖然先前已有報導指出德國車廠與政 府達成協議,將主動對自家柴油車進行升級以改善排放 ...

BMW 650i Coupe法拍 123萬仍流標

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2017-08-02T22:32 法務部行政執行署高雄分署昨天進行8月份法拍,從安全帽、高粱酒到土地房屋都有,共 拍得4054萬9900元,不過最吸睛是一輛BMW 650i Coupe雙門跑車,2012年出廠,原價585 萬元起跳,昨天喊到123萬元可惜還未達底價,第2度流標,預計下月再次拍賣。 ...