Bob Bell Q&A:Renault upgrades should help in Hungary too - 一級方程式賽車 Formula One

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2009-07-20T16:47

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While Red Bull won the race, Renault also had reason to celebrate in Germany,
with Fernando Alonso clocking the fastest lap of the race in his upgraded
R29. Alonso’s team mate Nelson Piquet will receive the same package in time
for next weekend’s Hungarian Grand Prix and technical director Bob Bell is
hopeful that both drivers will enjoy strong performances in Budapest…

Q: Bob, the team took a big step forward in Germany. What do you feel made
the difference?
Bob Bell: The upgrades we introduced certainly improved the aerodynamic and
mechanical performance of the car and allowed us to be much more competitive.
When you develop the car to a level where the drivers feel really comfortable
and confident with it, you often get a lot more gains than you would expect
from the sum of those parts on paper. I think we saw a good example of that
at the Nurburgring and Fernando in particular was able to raise his game and
get the most from the new parts that he had on his car.

Q: Despite coming away from Germany with just two points, the R29 was the
fastest car in the race. You must be optimistic for the rest of the season…
BB: It is encouraging, but we need to be cautious and not get too excited by
a single performance. We now need to go to Hungary and consolidate that
performance improvement to confirm that the pace of the car is genuine and
not simply due to unique circumstances in Germany, such as the track
conditions or tyre performance.

Q: Will there be more updates in Hungary?
BB: In Germany we only had the new updates on Fernando's car, but next
weekend Nelson will have the same upgrades as Fernando. There will also be
some more bodywork updates that should take us another step further forward.
Hungary will also give us more time to optimise all the previous upgrades in
terms of car set-up, so I expect to see further benefits coming from the
upgrade package we introduced in Germany.

Q: Is the tight and twisty nature of the Hungaroring likely to suit the R29?
BB: The problems we have been experiencing with the car in the first half of
the year have not been related to specific circuit characteristics and are
more general as we were lacking a little bit of performance in all areas of
the car. To some extent those deficiencies have been corrected by the recent
upgrades and so there's no reason why we can't produce a similar level of
performance in Hungary as we did in Germany. The Hungaroring is also a
circuit Fernando enjoys and has always gone well at so I think he can be
competitive again.
爭力 (註:完全忽略小皮龜)

Tags: 賽車

All Comments

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-07-24T12:18
小皮龜哭哭 nano加油
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-07-28T07:49
德國戰真的讓我看到希望 可惜ALONSO排位不佳
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2009-08-01T03:19
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2009-08-04T22:50
在後面咬老巴也很爽 O_O!
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2009-08-08T18:21


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By Ursula
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