J.D. Power Asia Pacific Reports - BMW

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2009-07-01T19:58

Table of Contents

SINGAPORE: 1 July 2009

Now in its 11th year, the redesigned study measures new-vehicle owner
satisfaction with the sales and delivery experience by examining seven key
factors that contribute to overall satisfaction. In order of importance, they
are: delivery process, salesperson, delivery timing, sales initiation, deal,
paperwork and dealer facility. Overall satisfaction averages 876 on a
1,000-point scale in 2009.

Among the 11 brands included in the study, Lexus ranks highest with an
overall SSI score of 918 and performs particularly well in all seven factors.
Mercedes-Benz follows Lexus with a score of 897, while Toyota (892) and BMW
(881) rank third and fourth, respectively.

Lexus ranks highest for a second consecutive year in customer satisfaction
with the new-vehicle sales process in Taiwan, according to the J.D. Power
Asia Pacific 2009 Taiwan Sales Satisfaction Index (SSI) StudySM released

不知道有沒有比J.D. Power更有公信力的研究?

Tags: BMW Benz

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BMW 735Li改裝

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-07-01T01:44
唉...不得不推一下~開大七都是在開品味的... 話說這輛 高品味 的大七 小弟可是很有緣的在八德路上遇見 只可惜那次來不及拍下美麗的身影 此後 不時與朋友提起 不止的讚嘆與緬懷 全車高級鍍鉻 + 高級精美鋁框(18吋吧?) + 大包 + 大型鴨屁屁(一般的五倍厚度吧) 後來一次南下 在高雄又巧遇 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2009-06-29T17:32
因為某些因素, 讓我有幸參加新大七的試乘。 路線是從中和依德到烏來的一間咖啡館, 一路上除了感受大七的新科技外, 還能享受不錯的駕馭感, 為什麼能說不錯呢?? 因為這麼龐大的車體, 加速跟瞬間換道是非常靈敏的, 當然不能跟其他小跑車相比, 像是slk m3 clk g37s…等,我只開過以上 ...

全台大概有多少台千萬級超跑 ?

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2009-06-29T16:38
這個問題這樣問不知道會不會很奇怪 想知道在台灣像法拉利、藍寶堅尼這種等級的頂級跑車大概有多少台 ? BMW M5這種百萬等級的不包括在內的話 請問有這方面的數據嗎 ? 300台 ? 1000台 ? 因為原 po 在高雄住了 22 年 只有去年在住家附近親眼看過法拉利 但是在台北到了晚上能見度 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2009-06-29T00:00
所以對機車和汽車都感到有� ...

Mercedes-Benz E-Class 7/8發表

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2009-06-26T16:35
※ [本文轉錄自 car 看板] 作者: campdkny (玩弄邏輯的米虫) 看板: car 標題: [情報] Mercedes-Benz E-Class 七月發表 時間: Wed Jun 24 12:18:33 2009 在經濟部能源局五月份油耗測試中,新一代的Mercedes-Benz E-Clas ...