k6 裝上了後下防傾桿 - 汽車改裝

By Eden
at 2009-11-08T20:06
at 2009-11-08T20:06
Table of Contents
※ 引述《moonshade (一隻歐拉貓)》之銘言:
: 討論到sway bar的功能,這一段是
: wiki上的 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sway_bar
: Main functions
: Anti-roll bars provide two main functions. The first function is the
: reduction of body lean. The reduction of body lean is dependent on the total
: roll stiffness of the vehicle. Increasing the total roll stiffness of a
: vehicle does not change the steady state total load (weight) transfer from
: the inside wheels to the outside wheels, it only reduces body lean. The total
: lateral load transfer is determined by the CG height and track width.
: The other function of anti-roll bars is to tune the handling balance of a
: car. Understeer or oversteer behavior can be tuned out by changing the
: proportion of the total roll stiffness that comes from the front and rear
: axles. Increasing the proportion of roll stiffness at the front will increase
: the proportion of the total load transfer that the front axle reacts and
: decrease the proportion that the rear axle reacts. This will cause the outer
: front wheel to run at a higher slip angle, and the outer rear wheel to run at
: a lower slip angle, which is an understeer effect. Increasing the proportion
: of roll stiffness at the rear axle will have the opposite effect and decrease
: understeer.
加強後防傾桿-> 後 -> 後 ->
後 前 加強 過度 不足 不足
: 因為美規k6只有前防傾,沒有後防傾,所以裝後防傾有助於改善understeer
: 我是基於這樣的紙上研究,裝完也有感覺改善(希望不是錯覺)
: 我想那段文字應該是說前後兩外輪的camber不一樣導致slip angle
: 不同,至於什麼roll center那一大堆的我還沒搞懂,
: 想去圖書館借本書來研究,網路上的東西圖好少Orz
超跑夢 ///M Power
: 討論到sway bar的功能,這一段是
: wiki上的 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sway_bar
: Main functions
: Anti-roll bars provide two main functions. The first function is the
: reduction of body lean. The reduction of body lean is dependent on the total
: roll stiffness of the vehicle. Increasing the total roll stiffness of a
: vehicle does not change the steady state total load (weight) transfer from
: the inside wheels to the outside wheels, it only reduces body lean. The total
: lateral load transfer is determined by the CG height and track width.
: The other function of anti-roll bars is to tune the handling balance of a
: car. Understeer or oversteer behavior can be tuned out by changing the
: proportion of the total roll stiffness that comes from the front and rear
: axles. Increasing the proportion of roll stiffness at the front will increase
: the proportion of the total load transfer that the front axle reacts and
: decrease the proportion that the rear axle reacts. This will cause the outer
: front wheel to run at a higher slip angle, and the outer rear wheel to run at
: a lower slip angle, which is an understeer effect. Increasing the proportion
: of roll stiffness at the rear axle will have the opposite effect and decrease
: understeer.
加強後防傾桿-> 後 -> 後 ->
後 前 加強 過度 不足 不足
: 因為美規k6只有前防傾,沒有後防傾,所以裝後防傾有助於改善understeer
: 我是基於這樣的紙上研究,裝完也有感覺改善(希望不是錯覺)
: 我想那段文字應該是說前後兩外輪的camber不一樣導致slip angle
: 不同,至於什麼roll center那一大堆的我還沒搞懂,
: 想去圖書館借本書來研究,網路上的東西圖好少Orz
超跑夢 ///M Power
All Comments

By Rosalind
at 2009-11-09T12:09
at 2009-11-09T12:09

By Annie
at 2009-11-10T09:46
at 2009-11-10T09:46

By Charlie
at 2009-11-15T05:24
at 2009-11-15T05:24

By Hedwig
at 2009-11-15T14:06
at 2009-11-15T14:06

By Emily
at 2009-11-15T17:32
at 2009-11-15T17:32

By Elizabeth
at 2009-11-20T07:35
at 2009-11-20T07:35

By Elizabeth
at 2009-11-21T01:54
at 2009-11-21T01:54

By Emily
at 2009-11-25T03:20
at 2009-11-25T03:20

By Ursula
at 2009-11-28T03:34
at 2009-11-28T03:34

By Donna
at 2009-12-02T23:04
at 2009-12-02T23:04

By Bethany
at 2009-12-05T05:56
at 2009-12-05T05:56

By James
at 2009-12-06T12:22
at 2009-12-06T12:22

By Frederica
at 2009-12-07T16:39
at 2009-12-07T16:39
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