Kimi希望他本季還能夠再次衝擊單站冠軍 - 一級方程式賽車 Formula One

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2012-04-22T23:09

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Kimi Raikkonen hopes he will fight for wins again this season

Kimi Raikkonen believes that he will be in with a chance to win grands prix
again this season after losing out in a close battle to world champion
Sebastian Vettel in Bahrain.

Raikkonen, just four races into his comeback with Lotus, scored a fantastic
second place at Sakhir having challenged Vettel for the lead during the final
stint of the race.

He couldn't get past the Red Bull and settled for second once the grip from
his tyres began to fade away.

The Finn admitted afterwards that he was disappointed to have missed out on a
19th career victory, but said he was sure that he would be able to fight for
wins again this year.

"Of course I wanted to win and would have been much happier in myself if I
had won but nevertheless the team deserved what they got and hopefully we can
put ourselves in this position more often," he said afterwards.

"We had the car already in the first three races to be up there but we made
some small mistakes and it cost us too much.

"Today wasn't far away. I really should have made it but I didn't so, like I
said hopefully we can put ourselves in this position more often to have a
chance. But we have to work hard and improve certain areas of the car and I'm
sure we can be up there more often and try to get the win.

Raikkonen admitted that he didn't make the most of his one realistic
opportunity to pass Vettel on lap 36.

"We got one try on Sebastian but I couldn't use it because I chose the wrong
side and then my tyres dropped off and that was it.

"I pretty much knew that was my only chance."

The 32-year-old also reckons that he could have won the race had he not
dropped behind the Ferrari's at the start and engaged in a wheel-banging
battle with Felipe Massa.

"We gave ourselves a chance at least and it's a bit disappointing that we
didn't manage to do it, but I made a small mistake at the beginning, lost one
place to a Ferrari and I had to re-overtake him and that took a little time.

"I could pass the people quite easily but if you look in the end it still
look too long and we couldn't win the race.

"After the last race when we tried hard and then we failed, I think people
probably thought we were a bit stupid, but even after yesterday what we did,
but it turned out to be right decision.

"I think the team deserves what we achieved now, we have been working hard in
the background and I have not been 100 per cent happy with how the weekends
had been gone so far, but we finally got some proper results for the team so
it is an important step."

Another battle for second position with his team-mate Romain Grosjean also
hindered Raikkonen's progress in his pursuit of Vettel.

"Yeah, but there are no team orders, we know the rules - I tried to get past
as quickly as I can, but it is always easy with two similar cars so," he
said. "It's always easy afterwards to say we should have done that but in the
end we were not fast enough to win so we had to take second."

剩下就是一些官話或者wait and see的加長版換句話說
(其實我是要來show我的簽名檔 Kimi讚啦!!)

═══════ ══ ═══════════════════════
芬 蘭 ◤█◣ 。。。Kimi Raikkonnen。。。
◣ ◢◤◥ ψoneal

Tags: 賽車

All Comments

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-04-25T05:18
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2012-04-27T11:26
Kimi Raikkonen !!!
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2012-04-29T17:35
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2012-05-01T23:43
何辛跟羅賓應該都是K粉 只是沒了K轉為喜歡V
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2012-05-04T05:52
其實馬後炮 巴林的第一彎快的話走外線其實不難超 因為第二
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-05-06T12:00
彎是反向的左彎 Kimi 08黏就這樣超調Kubica
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2012-05-08T18:09
George avatar
By George
at 2012-05-11T00:17
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2012-05-13T06:26
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2012-05-15T12:34
Vettel充分運用前車佔線的優勢,守住racing line
William avatar
By William
at 2012-05-17T18:43
Vettel就很單純的防守而已 不過Vettel防守其實不差
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2012-05-20T00:51
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2012-05-22T07:00
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2012-05-24T13:08
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2012-05-26T19:17
他們兩個有一條款式相同的短褲XD 昨天Kimi收工時穿的
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2012-05-29T01:25
紅白相間的花褲 XD
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2012-05-31T07:34
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2012-06-02T13:42 XD
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2012-06-04T19:51
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2012-06-07T02:00
這兩個年紀差一截 個性截然不同 感情這麼好實在很神奇
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-06-09T08:08
大概是個性互補吧 一個少話 另一個多話炒熱氣氛 XD
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2012-06-11T14:17
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-06-13T20:25
短褲! 感情超好的好朋友!
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2012-06-16T02:34
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2012-06-18T08:42
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2012-06-20T14:51
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2012-06-22T20:59
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2012-06-25T03:08
26都叫"萊科寧" 可是人家當初在麥拉崙命名叫 "雷克南"
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2012-06-27T09:16

雙方各執一詞 2011賽季上演「蓮花爭霸」

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2012-04-22T23:02
※ 引述《pinestudy (子朝)》之銘言: : 標題: Re: [情報] 雙方各執一詞 2011賽季上演「蓮花爭霸」 : 時間: Sun Dec 12 06:54:22 2010 回答18338篇對蓮花車隊的疑問,姑且借用pinestudy大的這篇接續一下事情後來的發展。 : 1952 Colin ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2012-04-22T22:11
Pos No Driver Team Laps Time/Retired Grid Pts 1 1 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing-Renault 57 Winner 1 ...

關於2011 Renault車隊 2012 Lotus車隊

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-04-22T22:08
※ 引述《innocent (I live for opera....)》之銘言: : 發現有些車隊名稱 搞不清楚 : 一時之間分不清楚 哪一隊是去年的哪一隊 : 去年不是有一隊是Renault車隊 (Aloson 第一次拿冠軍的Renault車隊) : 去年的Renault車隊這一個Team是今年的哪一隊啊 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2012-04-22T22:06
看到Kimi今天第十一位起跑,能夠以第二名作收,實在感到很欣慰 雖然一度看似有機會拔掉Vet,最後沒能多撐幾圈感到有些可惜 但是眼光還是要放遠一點,對於一個休息兩年後重新回歸的車手, 才第四戰就能夠站上頒獎台,這已經是不敢想像的美妙結果了 Kimi good job啊!!!!!! 接下來還 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-04-22T22:03 4/18的新聞 這一站跑完, 季初展現出的優勢頓時成為泡影 前兩場佔頭排該掌握機會拿分時拿不到大筆分數 中國站已經露出警訊 到巴林站更是越發悲劇 整組大夢一醒解放前,又 ...