McLaren P1 LM - 歐洲車
By Oscar
at 2016-06-23T09:23
at 2016-06-23T09:23
Table of Contents
McLaren Special Operations built 24 units of the P1 GTR, but some of the
wealthy owners were not too happy with the idea of using their prized
possessions exclusively during private track days organized by McLaren.
That's why these people gave Lanzante a call and asked them to convert
the 986-hp machine into a hypercar with road-legal status.
McLaren P1 GTR,對一般人來說已是金字塔頂端的再頂端,但...車主們想要更多!
不想跟McLaren玩賽道內的團康遊戲,他們想要把P1 GTR...開上一般道路。
因此,Lanzante有了這獨特契機,準備改造P1 GTR,並讓它合法上路。
Now, Lanzante has McLaren's blessing to build five units of the P1 LM which
is essentially a P1 GTR that can be driven anywhere. Besides these five cars,
there's a prototype dubbed “P1 XP1 LM” which will receive its dynamic
debut on Sunday at the Goodwood Festival of Speed where it will be driven by
Kenny Brak.
Lanzante獲得原廠許可後,規劃打造五台由P1 GTR改裝而來的P1 LM。
除了這五台,另有一台原型車「P1 XP1 LM」將在周日的Goodwood速度嘉年華首演!
The P1 LM serves as a worthy successor of the iconic F1 LM from the 90s, a
special edition that came to life after Lanzante Motorsport triumphed at Le
Mans with an F1 GTR. Five production cars plus a prototype were made and now
it's happening all over again with the P1 LM.
1995年,Lanzante Motorsport以F1 GTR(#01R)獲得利曼冠軍。
接著McLaren打造五台以F1 GTR為基礎而生的道路版,名為F1 LM。
P1 LM也就是遵循這歷史淵源而來的產品~~~
P1 LM 與 P1 GTR 的差異,請參閱網頁內文......
※ 文章網址:
※ 編輯: clark3530 (, 06/23/2016 09:24:42
McLaren Special Operations built 24 units of the P1 GTR, but some of the
wealthy owners were not too happy with the idea of using their prized
possessions exclusively during private track days organized by McLaren.
That's why these people gave Lanzante a call and asked them to convert
the 986-hp machine into a hypercar with road-legal status.
McLaren P1 GTR,對一般人來說已是金字塔頂端的再頂端,但...車主們想要更多!
不想跟McLaren玩賽道內的團康遊戲,他們想要把P1 GTR...開上一般道路。
因此,Lanzante有了這獨特契機,準備改造P1 GTR,並讓它合法上路。
Now, Lanzante has McLaren's blessing to build five units of the P1 LM which
is essentially a P1 GTR that can be driven anywhere. Besides these five cars,
there's a prototype dubbed “P1 XP1 LM” which will receive its dynamic
debut on Sunday at the Goodwood Festival of Speed where it will be driven by
Kenny Brak.
Lanzante獲得原廠許可後,規劃打造五台由P1 GTR改裝而來的P1 LM。
除了這五台,另有一台原型車「P1 XP1 LM」將在周日的Goodwood速度嘉年華首演!
The P1 LM serves as a worthy successor of the iconic F1 LM from the 90s, a
special edition that came to life after Lanzante Motorsport triumphed at Le
Mans with an F1 GTR. Five production cars plus a prototype were made and now
it's happening all over again with the P1 LM.
1995年,Lanzante Motorsport以F1 GTR(#01R)獲得利曼冠軍。
接著McLaren打造五台以F1 GTR為基礎而生的道路版,名為F1 LM。
P1 LM也就是遵循這歷史淵源而來的產品~~~
P1 LM 與 P1 GTR 的差異,請參閱網頁內文......
※ 文章網址:
※ 編輯: clark3530 (, 06/23/2016 09:24:42
推 yanzistart: 叫LM...也要上LeMans跑ㄧ下啊 06/23 10:25
推 reallocust: 好帥! 06/23 11:15
→ zeta: 其實F1LM是官方推出的道路版GTR,之後又有數輛真正從GTR賽車 06/23 11:44
→ zeta: 改裝成可上路規格,如果照本文看來應該比較接近後者,不過最大 06/23 11:46
→ zeta: 差異是F1 GTR是實戰賽車,P1 GTR只是賽道限定而沒有實際參賽 06/23 11:49
→ zeta: 只要麥拉拉沒正式參賽利曼,這P1LM純度可說是差很多,當然買家 06/23 11:53
→ zeta: 可能比較在意花大錢的P1 GTR不能開進倫敦市區就是了 06/23 11:54
→ zeta: 是說現今因為賽例跟道路法規的關係,直接從賽車改來的街車可 06/23 11:56
→ zeta: 以說是鳳毛麟角了 06/23 11:58
→ zeta: 懷念F1 LM, CLK-GTR, 911 GT1等珍禽異獸的年代 06/23 12:00
→ DYE: 會被鄉民說 汙染空氣變成有錢人的特權 06/23 12:03
→ zeta: 哈,只要買輛老柴油車一般人也可以貢獻污染呀XD 06/23 12:08
→ zeta: 補充一下,當年F1 LM因為沒有流量限制器,馬力比F1 GTR還大... 06/23 12:10
推 MPSS: 當年的LM到底有沒有出售啊?網路上的圖片好少 06/23 14:30
推 zeta: 有啊,五輛都賣了,麥拉拉留一輛原型車 06/23 14:37
→ MPSS: 那當年說LH奪冠要送他,後來有送嗎? 06/23 14:55
→ zeta: 老丹條件是贏兩座WDC,但LH贏一座就離開了...... 06/23 19:10
→ MPSS: 原來如此 06/23 22:59
All Comments
By Puput
at 2016-06-25T21:14
at 2016-06-25T21:14
By Isabella
at 2016-06-26T22:43
at 2016-06-26T22:43
By Andrew
at 2016-07-01T19:59
at 2016-07-01T19:59
By Sandy
at 2016-07-04T17:13
at 2016-07-04T17:13
By Andy
at 2016-07-07T19:54
at 2016-07-07T19:54
By Ivy
at 2016-07-09T03:30
at 2016-07-09T03:30
By Caroline
at 2016-07-10T10:51
at 2016-07-10T10:51
By Andrew
at 2016-07-11T16:40
at 2016-07-11T16:40
By Ethan
at 2016-07-14T12:29
at 2016-07-14T12:29
By Lydia
at 2016-07-15T23:35
at 2016-07-15T23:35
By Olive
at 2016-07-18T02:19
at 2016-07-18T02:19
By Connor
at 2016-07-21T10:13
at 2016-07-21T10:13
By Belly
at 2016-07-24T03:52
at 2016-07-24T03:52
By Genevieve
at 2016-07-26T05:12
at 2016-07-26T05:12
By Ingrid
at 2016-07-27T17:40
at 2016-07-27T17:40
By Caroline
at 2016-07-30T14:10
at 2016-07-30T14:10
By Jacky
at 2016-08-01T17:07
at 2016-08-01T17:07
By Joe
at 2016-08-05T02:49
at 2016-08-05T02:49
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