Mercedes就比賽重新開始提出兩項異議均遭 - 一級方程式賽車 Formula One

By Franklin
at 2021-12-13T12:33
at 2021-12-13T12:33
Table of Contents
When the clerk of the course decides it is safe to call in the safety car
the message "SAFETY CAR IN THIS LAP" will be sent to all Competitors via
the official messaging system and the car's orange lights will be
extinguished. This will be the signal to the Competitors and drivers that
it will be entering the pit lane at the end of that lap.
"Will be"表示只要"Safety car in this lap"的訊息亮起,
safety car就必須要進pit lane了
"If the clerk of the course considers it safe to do so, and the message
'lapped cars may now overtake' has been sent to all competitors via the
official messaging system, any cars that have been lapped by the leader
will be required to pass the cars on the lead lap and the safety car."
Unless the clerk of the course considers the presence of the safety car
is still necessary, once the last lapped car has passed the leader the
safety car will return to the pits at the end of the following lap.
這段的意思是在說Clerk有權力去判斷場上是否安全,否則可以把safety car留在場上,
重點並不是套圈車過了還要過一圈safety car才可以進去。
不是在說safety car要帶完多少圈才能進pit lane。
the area over home plate from the midpoint between a batter's shoulders
and the top of the uniform pants -- when the batter is in his stance and
prepared to swing at a pitched ball -- and a point just below the kneecap.
※ 引述《terransoimba (yo)》之銘言:
: 推特上The times記者就規則上來說的解讀 :
: I think the FIA made the right call in race time. Nobody wanted to see the
: finale end with the drivers following the safety car. What we got was far
: more exciting.
: If I’m understanding this right, race director has authority over the safety
: car. So if he had the power to get the safety car off once the cars between
: MV and LH were out of the way, and return to racing, seems a good call to me.
: 條款除了48.13 override 48.12以外
: 天條是15.3
: 15.3 allows the race director to control the use of the safety car, which in
: our determination includes its deployment and withdrawal.
: 代表Race director Michael Masi有控制SC的"絕對"權力
: 其他條款並無法說明Masi有違反規則
: 也就是說在SC情況下 他指揮"any lapped cars"而非"all lapped cars"過之後
: Masi withdraw SC的決定是在他職權的規則範圍內准許的
: ※ 引述《victor0lynn (守護神)》之銘言:
: : 在阿布達比GP戲劇化地痛失車手頭銜之後,Mercedes AMG車隊針對比賽中的兩個有爭議的部分,向幹事提出異議,然而皆遭到駁回,Max Verstappen確認為2021年一級方程式錦標賽車手世界冠軍。
: : Yas碼頭賽道的比賽尾聲,由於Nicholas Latifi的撞車引出了Safety Car,在Hamilton錯過Pit入口的情況下,Red Bull Racing果斷要Verstappen進站換胎。
: : 比賽重新展開前,領先的Hamilton跟Verstappen之間有著數輛落後賽車,F1賽事總監Michael Masi本來是不允許這些車輛越過Safety Car的,但卻在最後一刻翻轉決定,這清空了頭銜競爭對手間的障礙。Verstappen在比賽重新開始之後,立刻靠著全新的輪胎輕鬆幹掉了Hamilton,贏得這場比賽的勝利。
: : 對於FIA的作法感到非常不滿的Mercedes車隊,迅速按照規定在賽後30分鐘內,基於賽事規則第48.12及第48.8條款提出異議,然而都遭到了駁回。
: : 第48.12條款的內容中提到,"任何被領先者套圈的車輛,將被要求回超領先者及Safety Car",並且"...一旦最後一輛落後賽車回超完成之後,Safety Car之後得在下一圈結束時返回Pit"。
: : Mercedes方面認為,要是這項規定被嚴格執行,44號賽車會贏得比賽,因此他們要求幹事根據FIA國際賽事規章第11.9.3.h條款,修改最終排名。
: : 在聽取了Mercedes、Red Bull車隊以及賽事總監的陳述之後,幹事做出以下判決:
: : 第15.3條款允許賽事總監掌控Safety Car的使用,我們判定上是包括其部署以及撤離。雖然第48.12條款在Safety Car返回Pit方面或許沒有被充分運用,但第48.13條款是凌駕其上的,並且一旦"Safety Car這一圈返回"的訊息被顯示出來,最終必須強制Safety Car於該圈撤離。
: : 儘管Mercedes車隊要求幹事將最終排名回溯至倒數第二圈,但幹事認為此作法實際上縮短了比賽,因此並不合適,所以異議駁回,押金不予退還。
: : 而第48.8條款則的內容為,在Safety Car返回Pit後,任何車手都不得在場上超越其他車輛,直到通過起終點線為止。
: : 雖然幹事認同,當兩人都在加速跟減速的同時,Verstappen確實短暫地跑在Hamilton的前面,但他也隨即退了回去,且Safety Car部署期間結束時,沒跑在Hamilton的前面,因此駁回Mercedes車隊所提出的異議。
: :
: : -
: : 第一次貼違反版規請說一下,我馬上修改
: : 這個FB好少人追蹤
: : -----
: : Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
When the clerk of the course decides it is safe to call in the safety car
the message "SAFETY CAR IN THIS LAP" will be sent to all Competitors via
the official messaging system and the car's orange lights will be
extinguished. This will be the signal to the Competitors and drivers that
it will be entering the pit lane at the end of that lap.
"Will be"表示只要"Safety car in this lap"的訊息亮起,
safety car就必須要進pit lane了
"If the clerk of the course considers it safe to do so, and the message
'lapped cars may now overtake' has been sent to all competitors via the
official messaging system, any cars that have been lapped by the leader
will be required to pass the cars on the lead lap and the safety car."
Unless the clerk of the course considers the presence of the safety car
is still necessary, once the last lapped car has passed the leader the
safety car will return to the pits at the end of the following lap.
這段的意思是在說Clerk有權力去判斷場上是否安全,否則可以把safety car留在場上,
重點並不是套圈車過了還要過一圈safety car才可以進去。
不是在說safety car要帶完多少圈才能進pit lane。
the area over home plate from the midpoint between a batter's shoulders
and the top of the uniform pants -- when the batter is in his stance and
prepared to swing at a pitched ball -- and a point just below the kneecap.
※ 引述《terransoimba (yo)》之銘言:
: 推特上The times記者就規則上來說的解讀 :
: I think the FIA made the right call in race time. Nobody wanted to see the
: finale end with the drivers following the safety car. What we got was far
: more exciting.
: If I’m understanding this right, race director has authority over the safety
: car. So if he had the power to get the safety car off once the cars between
: MV and LH were out of the way, and return to racing, seems a good call to me.
: 條款除了48.13 override 48.12以外
: 天條是15.3
: 15.3 allows the race director to control the use of the safety car, which in
: our determination includes its deployment and withdrawal.
: 代表Race director Michael Masi有控制SC的"絕對"權力
: 其他條款並無法說明Masi有違反規則
: 也就是說在SC情況下 他指揮"any lapped cars"而非"all lapped cars"過之後
: Masi withdraw SC的決定是在他職權的規則範圍內准許的
: ※ 引述《victor0lynn (守護神)》之銘言:
: : 在阿布達比GP戲劇化地痛失車手頭銜之後,Mercedes AMG車隊針對比賽中的兩個有爭議的部分,向幹事提出異議,然而皆遭到駁回,Max Verstappen確認為2021年一級方程式錦標賽車手世界冠軍。
: : Yas碼頭賽道的比賽尾聲,由於Nicholas Latifi的撞車引出了Safety Car,在Hamilton錯過Pit入口的情況下,Red Bull Racing果斷要Verstappen進站換胎。
: : 比賽重新展開前,領先的Hamilton跟Verstappen之間有著數輛落後賽車,F1賽事總監Michael Masi本來是不允許這些車輛越過Safety Car的,但卻在最後一刻翻轉決定,這清空了頭銜競爭對手間的障礙。Verstappen在比賽重新開始之後,立刻靠著全新的輪胎輕鬆幹掉了Hamilton,贏得這場比賽的勝利。
: : 對於FIA的作法感到非常不滿的Mercedes車隊,迅速按照規定在賽後30分鐘內,基於賽事規則第48.12及第48.8條款提出異議,然而都遭到了駁回。
: : 第48.12條款的內容中提到,"任何被領先者套圈的車輛,將被要求回超領先者及Safety Car",並且"...一旦最後一輛落後賽車回超完成之後,Safety Car之後得在下一圈結束時返回Pit"。
: : Mercedes方面認為,要是這項規定被嚴格執行,44號賽車會贏得比賽,因此他們要求幹事根據FIA國際賽事規章第11.9.3.h條款,修改最終排名。
: : 在聽取了Mercedes、Red Bull車隊以及賽事總監的陳述之後,幹事做出以下判決:
: : 第15.3條款允許賽事總監掌控Safety Car的使用,我們判定上是包括其部署以及撤離。雖然第48.12條款在Safety Car返回Pit方面或許沒有被充分運用,但第48.13條款是凌駕其上的,並且一旦"Safety Car這一圈返回"的訊息被顯示出來,最終必須強制Safety Car於該圈撤離。
: : 儘管Mercedes車隊要求幹事將最終排名回溯至倒數第二圈,但幹事認為此作法實際上縮短了比賽,因此並不合適,所以異議駁回,押金不予退還。
: : 而第48.8條款則的內容為,在Safety Car返回Pit後,任何車手都不得在場上超越其他車輛,直到通過起終點線為止。
: : 雖然幹事認同,當兩人都在加速跟減速的同時,Verstappen確實短暫地跑在Hamilton的前面,但他也隨即退了回去,且Safety Car部署期間結束時,沒跑在Hamilton的前面,因此駁回Mercedes車隊所提出的異議。
: :
: : -
: : 第一次貼違反版規請說一下,我馬上修改
: : 這個FB好少人追蹤
: : -----
: : Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
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