Porsche 911 Targa 小改款登場!!! - Porsche

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-07-29T09:59

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from http://0rz.tw/f14ts

pic http://0rz.tw/384yf

After the facelifted Carrera and Carrera 4 debuts, Porsche is following up
with the 911 Targa facelift. Available in the same variants and 997 facelift
upgrades, the 911 Targa 4 and Targa 4S feature more powerful direct injection
engines, PTM Porsche Traction Management replacing all-wheel drive and
Porsche's new 7-speed Doppelkupplungsgetriebe or double-clutch gearbox.

Targa 車系跟上 Carrera 的腳步,推出小改款車型。
七速 PDK 雙離合器自手排變速箱

The visual highlight of the 911 Targa, as before, is the 1.54-square-metre
glass roof made up of two segments, the elegant sliding roof at the front and
the tailgate. When opened completely, the roof slides within seven seconds
beneath the tailgate, offering an open space above the passenger compartment
of 0.45 square metres. The sliding roof comes as standard with a new sunblind
offering even greater privacy than before and, when closed, covering the
entire area of the sliding roof and opening and closing electrically
independently of the roof itself. The glass roof and the tailgate come in
special anti-sunglare glass, protecting the occupants even in bright sunshine
from UV radiation and excessive heat.

Targa 車系的招牌天窗,面積為 1.54 平方公尺,從關閉至全開只需七秒。
(以雙層 2.6 mm PLS 薄型玻璃夾合 1.1 mm PVB 膠合材質製成)
乘客坐上方的玻璃車頂為 0.45 平方公尺,隱密性比上一代車型更好。

Compared to the 0-100 km/h time of 4.7 sec and 4.5 time of the facelifted
Carrera and Carrera S, respectively, with PDK trans, the heavier 911 Targa 4
accelerates to 100 km/h in 5.0 seconds while the Targa 4S does it in 4.7

0-100 km/h
Carrera ---- 4.7 秒
Carrera S -- 4.5 秒
Targa 4 ---- 5.0 秒
Targa 4S --- 4.7 秒

Top speed is also a little slower of 289 km/h (179 mph) for the base Carrera
while the Targa S is 284 km/h (176 mph). Carrerra S top speed is 302 km/h
(187 mph) and the Targa 4S notches slight below at 297 km/h (184 mph).

Carrera ---- 289 km/h
Carrera S -- 302 km/h
Targa S ---- 284 km/h(有這個車型嗎= =)
Targa 4S --- 297 km/h

Expect market launch and pricing information to be released after its October
public debut in Paris.

小改款 Targa 將在十月的巴黎車展發表!


steven0529: 小學時會有人說要烙國中生打人05/20 12:19
steven0529: 國中時會有人說要烙高中生打人...05/20 12:19
imanikki: 可是高中沒人說要烙大學生打人05/20 12:20
egg9: 因為大學生都在打魔獸吃泡麵   要烙的話也只會烙賽05/20 12:22

Tags: Porsche

All Comments

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2008-07-29T12:47
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-07-30T05:34
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-08-03T10:35
因為大學生都在打魔獸吃泡麵   要烙的話也只會烙賽
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2008-08-07T04:10
好漂亮的屁股....XD Targa S那是筆誤吧,Targa應該都是四驅
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-08-09T01:45
不確定是不是跟Carrera 4一樣用wide body?看起來像是...
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2008-08-12T15:28
什麼時候才要出targa turbo
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2008-08-13T05:36
什麼時候才要出targa GT2
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-08-15T05:49
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2008-08-16T10:12
什麼時候才要出 targamania
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-08-19T07:52
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2008-08-24T07:20
跟C4S是一樣的Wide Body
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-08-28T08:07
Turbo Targa 930就有囉


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2008-07-27T11:45
來源:http://chinese.autoblog.com/2008/07/26/porsche-vw/ 歐盟委員會23日正式做出決定,批准德國Porsche汽車控股股份公司收購德國VW汽 車集團。身為全球最賺錢的汽車製造商Porsche 2007年僅售出97,515輛車, 但是淨利潤達 ...

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Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2008-07-24T20:47
車禍!! http://blog.pixnet.net/twrc/post/20417088 某知名F1車手的父親前不久才剛撞了一輛鄰居的Porsche Carrera GT 這次又少了一輛,而且還是透過Gemballa巧手改裝的Mirage GT! 該怎麼說呢...看樣子撞到連氣囊都爆開了,不過似乎只 ...

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Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2008-07-23T08:59
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Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2008-07-17T15:32
新入手 03 BENZ E240 2.6 黑色 135.8萬 有任何理想車種還是還不知道該買哪台 或有任何問題都歡迎來電聊聊^^ 我們是三十年老店口碑絕對有保障 而這裡沒有商人只有一群愛車有對車有熱誠的年輕人 我們的網站開張了 http://www.wretch.cc/mypage/bestcar 影音區有 ...

廣告拍攝 徵 跑車

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2008-07-09T14:09
不好意思打擾了~ 我是廣告製作公司的~ 最近有一支服飾廣告需要 跑車 希望是Benz slk系列或是Porsche的新型跑車 要銀色或白色的 拍攝日期為 7/19 0800-1700 共9小時 拍攝地點在新莊 費用是 $8000 有興趣的請來信 harukoattofarfilm.com 請附上照片 ...