Re: 小車撞擊測試和大車的標準不同 - 歐洲車

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-02-01T00:21

Table of Contents


20. Are large cars safer than small cars?
In frontal impacts between cars, the occupants of the heavier car or the
one with higher structures tend to fare better than those travelling in
lighter lower cars. It should be noted though that higher vehicles tend to be
less stable and consequently more likely to be involved in accidents,
particularly those involving loss of control, where overturning or an impact
with a roadside obstacle may occur. These effects are currently impossible to
overcome. As most people decide on the size of the car to buy for other
reasons, Euro NCAP only makes comparisons within size categories. The rating
of a car within its size category is a function of the quality of its safety

21. Can results be compared between different categories of cars?
No. Results should only be compared within the same group. The frontal
testing method mirrors a crash between two similar sized cars. The Euro NCAP
tests cannot be used to predict the outcome of such crashes between cars of
different heights and masses.

請看20 他說前撞情況下較重的車(請注意是重不是大)可能較佳

大小呢? 他說不同類別"不能比較"



All Comments

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2007-02-02T22:35
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2007-02-05T11:11
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2007-02-08T02:44
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2007-02-10T22:02
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-02-13T19:43
21的內容是說測試結果只能針對同一級距(the same group
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2007-02-15T23:09
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2007-02-19T19:17
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2007-02-24T08:15


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2007-01-31T20:20
NCAP安全測試 小車是拿小車來撞,大車是拿大車來撞 看來買車還是要買大車. 拿不同級距車種比較積分差異是沒有意義的;以前方撞擊測試為例, 測試單位模擬的是車輛撞上質量相近車輛時的狀況,因此當發生事故的 兩車質量差異過大時,測試的結果就顯得沒 ...

今天看見 s600 pullman

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2007-01-30T01:21
※ 引述《windom (屁股涼涼的...)》之銘言: : 下午在復興南看到的 : 黑色的 是貨真價實的 s600 pullman : 不過怎麼雜誌都沒寫勒?? : 這台的屌度不輸maybach吧.. : 超長的 : 微風門口也常停一台加長的s不過是加長30cm那款啦 : pull ...

今天看見 s600 pullman

George avatar
By George
at 2007-01-30T00:37
下午在復興南看到的 黑色的 是貨真價實的 s600 pullman 不過怎麼雜誌都沒寫勒?? 這台的屌度不輸maybach吧.. 超長的 微風門口也常停一台加長的s不過是加長30cm那款啦 pullman是加長一米喔atat 題外話 一個小時後又在我家巷口(市民大道) 看見一 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2007-01-29T18:26
※ 引述《iioo (唉唉喔喔)》之銘言: : 閃光回來了 : 他說推文答案沒有一台是的......囧andgt; : 他說雙龍最像 但是中間是一個正圓形 旁邊的羽毛是兩劃 : 然後是黑色的 : 聲音像跑車 德國的(?) : 他說車體是賓士的 可是牌子是掛別的 : 有這車嗎......麻煩大家在幫我想想 ...

Re: [新聞]許瑋倫車禍陷重度昏迷 仍未눠…

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2007-01-29T07:50
推 reallocust:可是像側撞方面(side impact),除了速度,大小以外,我一 01/29 00:22 → reallocust:直找不到那輛台車的重量數據.且重量關乎動量,個人覺得 01/29 00:26 → reallocust:重量才是最重要的 01/29 00:27 推 Ecclesto ...