Schumi 在 Nurburgring 撞掉 430 Scuderia - 歐洲車

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2008-07-30T08:54

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We recently reported that seven time Formula One World Champion, Michael “
Schumey” Schumacher helped complete final test stages of the new Ferrari
California. With past development involvement with other notable Ferrari cars
such as the Enzo and 599 GTB, Schumacher has become a permanent fixture as a
Ferrari test driver on and off the track.

七屆 F1 世界冠軍 Michael Schumacher 正在幫助 Ferrari 測試 California~
已發表的車款,像 ENZO、599 GTB 也都經過 Schumi 的建議做調教!

Last week Ferrari had exclusively reserved the Nurburgring for testing of a
Ferrari 430 Scuderia prototype, and our spy photographer on the scene noticed
it was Michael Schumacher driving. Also, as co-driver he had his son, Mick,
who seemed to be enjoying some quick laps at the famous Nordschleife.

上星期 Schumi 正在 Nurburgring 測試 430 Scuderia 的原型車。
他兒子 Mick 也在著名的北賽道(Nordschleife)享受著老爸當司機的快感!

Our spy photographer states that an hour later the track was closed after an
accident was reported by the 430 Scuderia at Schwedenkreutz. Some rumors
quickly emerged that its was Michael's son Mick who was driving the vehicle,
but this is highly doubtful since Mick is only 9 years old, track conditions
were damp, we can clearly see his silhouette in the passenger seat and the
F430 Scuderia proto hit the guardrail at 250 km/h (155 mph).

一小時後賽道暫時封閉,在 Schwedenkreutz 路段有輛 430 Scuderia 發生事故!
來源不明的乳摸表示,駕駛正是 Schumi 的九歲兒子 Mick!
哈哈哈~天大的笑話,從照片上可以清楚看出 Mick 坐在副駕駛座~
430 Scuderia 原型車以時速 250 公里的速度撞上護欄………

According to Schumacher's spokeswoman Sabine Kehm, "Michael called me and
said 'We have crashed the car but are going to continue with another one',"

Schumi 的發言人 Sabine Kehm 說:
「Michael 撥了通電話給我,說他們撞了一台車,但會用另一台車繼續測試!」


steven0529: 小學時會有人說要烙國中生打人05/20 12:19
steven0529: 國中時會有人說要烙高中生打人...05/20 12:19
imanikki: 可是高中沒人說要烙大學生打人05/20 12:20
egg9: 因為大學生都在打魔獸吃泡麵   要烙的話也只會烙賽05/20 12:22


All Comments

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-08-03T09:07
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2008-08-04T01:58
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-08-09T01:20
因為大學生都在打魔獸吃泡麵   要烙的話也只會烙賽
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-08-11T01:44
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2008-08-15T02:47
馬:MS雖然也有上場,不過是測試車手Raffaele de Simone
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2008-08-16T23:00
James avatar
By James
at 2008-08-21T11:55
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-08-22T14:07
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-08-24T09:38
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2008-08-24T22:58
我給你他的電話 3345678 記住 晚上十點過後不要打
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-08-27T10:41

傳言:Renault Alpine將以Nissan 370Z為基礎?

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-07-29T21:03
來源: 早先的報導顯示將會採用一款中置引擎,後輪驅動,尺寸大小類似Mazda Miata或 是最新一代的Toyota MR2的車款,但是現在最新的報導顯 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-07-29T16:46
※ 引述《russellashcr (MONI)》之銘言: : 標題: [問題] suv車系到底用轎車胎好還是越野胎!!?? : 時間: Thu Jul 24 17:07:28 2008 : : 看到國外的SUV車主大都是選用越野的車胎 : 可是國內的SUV車系怎大都看到用轎車胎在跑 : 這真是奇怪的現象.. ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2008-07-28T21:14
My idea ※ 引述《clark3530 (R E S T A R T)》之銘言: : 以下資料來自本板精華區,黃色為新增車型。 A : 小型雙門MPV B : 小型MPV C : 小型豪華房車 E : 中型豪華房車 G : 4*4越野車 ﹝中文的吉普是由jeep音譯來 越野比較有意譯﹞ M ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-07-28T20:40
今天下午大約4點多 在北上的機場系統交流道跟南崁交流道間發現了一台新大五 的計程車,想說:哇!第一次看到新大5當計程車耶 開車是個5、60歲左右的阿伯 開過去靠在他旁邊看 結果看到 520p 一開始以為是520d 仔細看真的是520p 外觀就是新大五的造型 不知各位有沒有看過這台 怪異型號的 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-07-28T17:24
以下資料來自本板精華區,黃色為新增車型。 A : 小型MPV B : 小型MPV C : 小型房車 E : 中型房車 G : 吉普車 M : SUV R : Crossover S : 大型房車 V(Viano): 商務車 GL: LSUV SL: 二人座大型敞篷車 CL: 雙門四人座 (以 ...