Skoda 因應晶片缺口減配安全科技(澳洲) - SUV

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2022-02-03T10:51

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Skoda the latest brand to ditch safety tech amid semiconductor shortage

The Volkswagen-owned Skoda brand has issued a bulletin to dealers advising
some safety features will be deleted from certain Kodiaq family SUVs – while
particular variants of the Scala hatch and Kamiq small SUV will be paused
until further notice.

VW集團的SKODA 通知經銷商將取消Kodiaq特定車款的部份安全功能,
未來 Kamiq 及Scala hatch部份特定車款甚至會公告暫停生產。

Certain variants of the Skoda Kodiaq family SUV will soon be delivered
without a number of key safety features – but come with a minor price drop –
while Skoda Australia will also stop offering certain versions of its Scala
hatch and Kamiq small SUV until further notice.

特定Kodiaq 市售車款將會拔掉一些關鍵安全功能--但也同時降價--
Skoda澳洲甚至將公告停售部份Kamiq及Scala hatch車款。

The Volkswagen-owned Skoda brand is the latest automotive brand to discreetly
remove certain safety technology and luxury features – or delete model
variants – amid the global semiconductor shortage, in an attempt to keep car
assembly lines moving.


A confidential 14-page bulletin sent to Skoda dealers in Australia outlines
the changes.
However, the Skoda Kodiaq's missing features are still listed as optional on
the Skoda Australia website – and on a brochure downloaded by Drive today.


The confidential dealer notice says the Skoda Kodiaq "Style" model (pictured
above) will for the time being not be available with the option pack that
includes the 360-degree camera, "side assist" (Skoda's term for blind-zone
warning), rear cross-traffic alert, the electric child safety lock on the
rear doors, and the 12-speaker Canton premium audio system.


Drive understands the removal of these features will not impact the Skoda
Kodiaq's ANCAP safety rating, however blind-zone warning and rear
cross-traffic alert are two of the most useful and accurate pieces of
advanced safety technology in modern cars.


The Skoda Kodiaq is still equipped with nine airbags, autonomous emergency
braking, and a rear-view camera – among other safety aids.


Dealers who had ordered a vehicle with this option pack will instead be
issued a refund of $1091, according to the bulletin.


Last week, Peugeot became what is believed to be the first car company in
Australia to delete airbags due to the semiconductor crisis.

澳洲 Peugeot 上週為因應晶片缺口減配安全氣囊。

In the Peugeot Expert van, two of the vehicle's four airbags have been
deleted in Australia until further notice.

Other brands such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz have also removed some safety
features in Australia over the past 12 months.

澳洲 BMW、Benz在過去一年內也減配安全配備。




All Comments

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2022-02-01T17:14
其實沒有影響吧 車子本身夠安全 科技只是輔助而已
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2022-02-05T09:45
這次沒提到奧迪 給箭頭
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2022-02-01T17:14
拔內鐵 vs 拔晶片
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2022-02-05T09:45
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2022-02-01T17:14
William avatar
By William
at 2022-02-05T09:45
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2022-02-01T17:14
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2022-02-05T09:45
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2022-02-01T17:14
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2022-02-05T09:45
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2022-02-01T17:14
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2022-02-05T09:45
這ID是專業反串鳥黑粉 不要被玩弄了
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2022-02-01T17:14
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2022-02-05T09:45

特斯拉水土不服? 3年車齡Model S有1成

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2022-02-03T09:41
特斯拉水土不服? 3年車齡Model S有1成未通過德國品質檢測 原文連結: 原文內容: 儘管特斯拉已成為電動汽車技術領先的龍頭廠商之一,但在產量、行業地位及品質方面,相 較傳統車廠還有落差,根據德國媒體揭露,部分特斯拉Model S電動車出現無法通過德國 ...

peugeot 3008 VS benz B200

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2022-02-02T23:36
大家好最近在看車 家庭成員為兩大人+兩嬰兒 有看新的Peugeot 3008 還有二手的 MB B200(W247 2019~) 3008 B200 價格 145萬 130-140萬 車型 SUV 小MPV 動力 1.5T柴油 1.3T汽油 油 ...

不只奢華、環保、寬敞 最新亮相的iX M60還是BMW集團最速電動車款!

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2022-02-02T12:34
本帖最後由 louis890 於 2022-2-2 08:39 PM 編輯 先前我們便曾介紹iX對於BMW這個豪華汽車品牌而言,可絕不僅是輛以電力驅動的休旅作品那般簡單,它更被賦予了「品牌科技旗艦」的不凡定位。然而,若將原已綜合BMW i電動技術、BMW X休旅車型的iX和BMW M高性能結合,又將創造什 ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2022-02-02T12:06
已經考慮到tiguan了,為什麼不把系出同門的SKODA考量進去? SKODA的karoq、kodiaq不但配備滿滿,妥善有口碑,更有價格上的優勢。 你說日系車才有的cp值、妥善率根本謬誤,歐系的skoda也都有。 加上與生俱來的歐系操控、德制工藝安全,絕對屌打日系車甚至北歐車。 妥善好過XC60、關門聲安 ...

Andy 老爹 fb:我的夢想車庫都是電動車

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2022-02-02T07:56
我的夢想車庫就是.................都電動車...哈哈哈哈....一台電動房車一台電動 跑旅.....享受純電生活圈,而且我買了轉接座,Tesla的充電器可以充audi e-tron... #Audi#audietron #model3 老爹真的很環保,環保人士的典範! 夢想車庫都是電動車! ...