some news regarding BMW - BMW

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-03-10T13:23

Table of Contents

According to insider...

1).SuperSport labels will be used for 1er and 3er.
-有興趣可以搜尋小弟之前提過的1er SS

2).Z2 at the final hurdle

3).PAS production car
-BMW 5er Gran Turismo will focus on a "Laid back".
-Lounge feeling with it's marketing ,not overly kinetic but soft visuals
-Soft music(New age jazz) ,lounge music...etc

4).X1 production car
-Will be more youthful and urban orientated.
-Filming commences next week in Chicago.

5).BMW GT 6!
-Think of BMW`s interpretation of the CLS/A7/Panamera...Concept CS reborn?
-Many years old Rumor: LC5(Limousine-Coupe-5)、Performance Spatial Coupe
-Innovative 6er GT(F14)...based on F10 5er platform, no B-pillar
-F12 platform is made to be able to carry F14 body if needed
-6er Coupe(F12)、6er Cabrio(F13)、6er GT(4dr/5dr Coupe,F14)

6).AM Lagonda Concept
...BMW has the same design idea: Sport Activity Sedan (X4)

Tags: BMW

All Comments

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2009-03-11T01:21
我還是希望有7er based GT...
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2009-03-12T14:47
Don't see the future; F02 760Li Individual instead...
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2009-03-16T21:44
F14 TOMCAT終於要出現了XD
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-03-17T03:12
Apache Tomcat?


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2009-03-10T00:00
BMW X5 3.0 �� ...

R8 台灣有掛牌嗎

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2009-03-07T12:26
※ 引述《rabbitgin (Usually)》之銘言: : 借題發揮一下 : 隨意在網路上看到的影片: :;feature=related : 好像是R8利曼版 : 真是太熱血了 從一開始起步 在山路用這樣速 ...

Next chapter of BMW EfficientDynamics?

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-03-06T01:31
BMW預計在F10 M5搭載KERS 那下一階段呢? 腦筋動到了內燃機沒效率的地方 BMW和DLR(德國太空中心)合作研發車用熱電發電機(ThermoElectric Generator,TEGs) 也因為TEGs去年得到ÖkoGlobe獎... Klaus Draeger(Chief of develop ...

ULW S5 Prototype

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2009-03-05T20:47
ULW= Ultra Low Weight 為了應付未來歐盟二氧化碳標準... 遽聞高層指派了項任務給Audi Randamp;D部門 - ULW S5! 這部原型車已經準備好了, 動力來源2.0TFSI K04(265HP/350Nm) 採用多種複合材質, 整車重量減輕400Kg 小道消息說性能數據和原 ...

新買的X5 買不到一個月竟然會漏機油???

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2009-03-05T19:37
友人在高雄市博愛路的BMW 新買了一台X5 買不到一個月 竟然發現有漏機油的現象 總代理的經理的反應 說這不是他們的問題 還跟友人說 叫誰來講都沒關係 態度很屌 我想這應該不是知名品牌的正確回應態度 請南部準BMW車主 三思阿 買車之後才是服務的開始阿 -- - ...