Tesla: Model S or Model 3 - 汽車

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2017-04-07T01:59

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(僅中譯Model 3部分)

We’ve been getting ready for Model 3 by advancing manufacturing,

expanding our charging network, improving service, opening more

retail stores and much more.

我們已經增進製程, 擴展電網, 提升服務及展店...等替Model 3做好準備

With a new model coming this year, we know our customers will have

questions about which car is right for them. One question we’ve

been asked is, “Should I trade in my Model S for a Model 3?”

While Model 3 will be our newest car, it isn’t “Version 3” or

the next generation Tesla. Our higher priced premium models still

include the most advanced technology and the best driving experience

we have to offer.

僅管Model 3是我們最新款的車,但他並非"第三版"或次世代的Tesla.

貴貴的Model S才是好棒棒

Model S is the leader in its class in every category, which is why

94 percent of our owners say they will buy Model S again. It has a

5-star safety rating and will continue to be our flagship Model with

more range, more acceleration, more power, more passenger and cargo

room, more displays (two) and more customization choices.

With Ludicrous+, Model S has a zero-to-60 time of 2.28 seconds as

measured by Motor Trend, making it the fastest accelerating production

car in the world. Model S will also continue to be the longest-range

vehicle we offer, capable of a landmark 335 miles on a single charge,

meaning you can travel from Los Angeles to San Francisco nonstop.

Model 3 is smaller, simpler, and will come with far fewer options

than Model S, but it makes driving feel effortless and offers a good

range of at least 215 miles for our starting model.

與Model S相比, Model 3較小台, 較簡化且選配少很多,

但能無腦駕駛, 且入門款的里程數至少有215哩(346公里)

At the foundation of every Tesla is safety – keeping our customers

safe is part of every decision we make. In addition, every Tesla vehicle

(Model 3 too) comes standard with full self-driving hardware which,

through over-the-air software upgrades, will enable a Tesla to be

substantially safer than a human driver. As we continue to test and

validate new features, customers can expect an increasing number of

updates to be rolled out to their cars this year. And while innovation

at Tesla will never stop, the very best vehicles we make are already

available for purchase and on the road today.

每一款Tesla(包含Model 3)都標配完整的自動駕駛硬體, 透過OTA升級軟體後,


Tags: 汽車

All Comments

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2017-04-08T18:48
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2017-04-13T11:25
除了台灣稅重了點 法律落後了點沒辦法開AP以外 真完美
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2017-04-18T02:10
Model 3 台灣接單價多少?
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2017-04-21T15:05
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2017-04-22T09:32
XD 很怕沒人買S的感覺 正常當然是便宜的狂賣瞜
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2017-04-23T07:37
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2017-04-24T03:41
David avatar
By David
at 2017-04-24T14:37
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-04-28T03:42
如果有人Tag他 他偶爾還會跑去串門子 接著就爆料了
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-05-02T15:10
Model 3如果進台灣之前推測大概160萬起?不過主力大概還是
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2017-05-03T20:22
剛剛問業務3有 70萬張訂單


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-04-06T23:46
※ 引述《y387589 (超級喜歡于小文)》之銘言: : 常開高速公路的都會遇到或是看過 : 一直超車結果超不過去就一直跟在前車等有縫隙後就揚長而去 : 跟車距離都差不多一個車頭這樣 : 如果是自己被這樣跟車的話 : 你會怎麼做? : 一直看後視鏡嗎? : 還是腳不知道為什麼癢癢的想去踩煞車呢? 借文問一 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2017-04-06T23:45
小弟外號car版姚明,180/80/15 去Costco坐一下展示車,因為已經對Ford很失望了 所以出新車我也一直都沒去看 只是想去Costco逛逛 一坐進去...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 比馬3還要小是怎樣,這不是Ford嗎? 美國品牌 到了副駕駛,膝部空間一樣不及格 副駕駛那種白癡 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2017-04-06T23:32
http://news.ftv.com.tw/NewsContent.aspx?ntype=airandamp;sno=2017406C10M1 超速的不是我!揪二手車商偷換車牌 4月課徵汽車牌照稅,二手車商避稅居然鑽漏洞!台中一名林小姐,3月4日買了部中古自 小客,交車沒多久卻收到超速罰單,比對違規 ...

七十到八十萬 五門車選擇?

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2017-04-06T23:18
其實...兩個小孩都這麼小馬三根本綽綽有餘... 安全座椅帶著去展示間擺一下就知道了... 問這種問題根本就是來亂的。 三歲就身高一米八腳會頂到前座就是了? 本來想直接推文的,不過這種無腦月經文一直出現實在有點無言 只好回文了... -- 補充一下.. 如果有安全座椅的話請帶著去展示間找最快 喜歡的車型都試, ...

有些事情 被酸是有原因的吧

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2017-04-06T23:12
https://youtu.be/JjDqZi0hCNo U6跳完U7跳 U7跳完S5跳 https://youtu.be/HvSpQb-Fzz8 嫁出去的女兒就像潑出去的水? 那噴不出的氣囊? https://youtu.be/RDEMq6AzMrg 一個人幹嘛換這種車? 因為比較安全 ??? htt ...