Tesla行政總裁馬斯克:決定放棄私有化 - 汽車

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2018-09-30T09:07

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Elon Musk agreed Saturday to step down as chairman of Tesla and pay a $20
million fine in a deal to settle charges brought this week by the Securities
and Exchange Commission.


Under the settlement, which requires court approval, Musk will be allowed to
stay as CEO but must leave his role as chairman of the board within 45 days.
He cannot seek reelection for three years, according to court filings.


He accepted the deal with the SEC "without admitting or denying the
allegations of the complaint," according to a court document.


Separately, Tesla agreed Saturday to pay $20 million to settle claims it
failed to adequately police Musk's tweet.

"The $40 million in penalties will be distributed to harmed investors under a
court-approved process," the SEC said in a press release.


The company also agreed to appoint two new independent directors to its board
and establish a board committee to oversee Musk's communications.


Tags: 汽車

All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2018-09-30T15:19
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2018-10-02T16:53
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2018-10-07T06:59
挖 GG
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-10-08T07:07
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2018-10-11T16:25


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2018-09-30T03:42
每日上班通勤與出差往返(台北/宜蘭來回約三小時,包含偶而新竹出差) 皆有室內車庫,年里程數約3~4萬重度使用需求 80%使用時間都是自己一個人(假日偶出遊),車買媽媽名字但我在使用 方案一:和泰產險(業務員寄來的續保通知書) 種類 保險金額 ...

k9 方向燈繼電器位置

John avatar
By John
at 2018-09-30T03:38
方向燈 閃了一下會停 上網爬文說是繼電器位置 但是爬不到只好跪求ptt大神 請問有人知道嗎? 順帶請問屏東高雄的汽車材料行 感謝 - ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2018-09-30T00:56
朋友收到1張拒酒測的罰單。 但罰單的時間,車都停在他家的停車場裡, 也有攝影機可以證明,也將要去做申訴。 但紅單上也表明全程都有錄音錄影,會是影像判別錯誤嗎? 有上網稍微搜尋了一下,罰單也是蠻常開錯的樣子, 所以完全就是剛好開錯嗎? 想詢問一下大家的看法 謝謝 - ...


David avatar
By David
at 2018-09-30T00:47
https://i.imgur.com/q4sDpiI.jpg - 肉眼、手機夜拍,都看不清楚他的Mark。 以圖搜圖的結果,看起來很像Fiat 500, 但不太確定。 - 再麻煩車板熱心鄉民解惑。 感激不盡。 - 請原諒我手持手機拍攝。 - - ...

剛出的車禍 這算三寶嗎??

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2018-09-30T00:04
先說結論 我認為你零肇責 不過個人認為歸認為,送鑑定畢竟還是人在看的 有時候需要一點運氣 從影片中他至少有三個違規事實 一、左轉/變換車道未打方向燈 二、變換車道未與後車保持安全距離 三、外線車道違規左轉 在送鑑定之前你要叫警察送他這三張罰單 至少要集滿兩張 這樣子送鑑定或日後上法庭會對你會比較有利 ...