Turbocharged BMW M-division ? - BMW

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2008-11-29T02:59

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※ 引述《fatmouse (鮪魚鼠)》之銘言:
: Autoweek刊登了篇M渦輪化的報導, 也在這幾天充斥了各網路媒體...
: http://www.autoweek.com/article/20081126/FREE/811269993
: 根據某位深喉嚨的消息來源(according to high-ranking BMW sources)
: 高轉自然進氣引擎的製造成本和日趨嚴苛的環保與油耗因素...BMW M將逐漸渦輪化
: 最快正是明年X6M(X5M?)的TwinTurbo 4.4L N63高出力版本...
: 另外除了引擎改變外, M-model也將導入EfficientDynamics方案(Stop/Start、BER等)
: ﹦
: 按:
: X6M放上TTV8也不是一天兩天的傳聞了, M3/M5/M6引擎哪時會被phase-out才令人關心
: 如果連最後的high-revving NA都失守...那BMW剩下的只有sheer driving pleasure?
: 個人對強制進氣 自然進氣並無好惡, 不過萬一哪天M-Power全渦輪實在令人扼腕...
: 補:
: 1).new Z4 '08/12/15 debut, Z2(compact roadster) in the future
Z4 shared plateform with 3er..... Z2....shared plateform with...er...next
generation 1er?
預計下一代1er推出在2011 我個人還滿期待的
我覺得這代伊系列除了後座 幾乎沒啥缺點
只要不要再亂搞就好了 像外型 渦輪....but who knows?!...sigh

: 2).2009 focus on PAS(Progressive Activity Sedan, so called V5(or Y5?)
: and lots BMW Performance accesory
performance accessory看來只像是原廠外觀改裝套件
走視覺系 @@" 可能會有點輕量化的作用
PAS 應該是比較接近 MPV/MAV的車型
但是怎麼和5er touring做區隔呢?

: 3).after MINI-E, Project-I will extend to BMW and RR...'09 Geneva- 1er eDrive
: 4).much more model based on 1er、3er platform
3er sedan touring coupe convertible/CC Z4 X1 or even PAC?

1er 3 dr 5 dr hatch coupe convertible touring 1er MAV?

: 5).3er-based crossover confirmed- PAC(Progressive Activity Coupe)
: 6).RR04 Concept- '09 Geneva; RR04 productin-ready model- IAA
: 7).Rumor:RR04 based Grand Tourer

我要 NA! M power L6 S54! with HPI and valvetronic!

and 1er M power

我也很期待M1 or Z10...


最重要火掉Chris Bangle


On a given day, a given circumstance, you think you have a limit. And
you then go for this limit and you touch this limit, and you think,
"Okay, this is the limit." As soon as you touch this limit, something
happens and you seddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind
power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well,
you can fly very high. ~Ayrton Senna da Silva

Tags: BMW

All Comments

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-12-02T04:50
BMW Performance最早出的其實是煞車套件,目前還有碳纖集氣箱
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2008-12-06T01:43
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-12-09T07:40
以目前M家族的走向來看BMW Performance反而比較像以往E30 M3
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2008-12-09T10:48
我是猜PAS會用xDrive 5touring就是一樣後驅來分別@@?
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-12-10T10:10
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2008-12-12T19:35
將來全車改裝BMW Performance套件的1跟3應該會比較符合堅持過
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-12-16T12:45
去M精神的車迷們,除非傳聞中已被擱置的新M3/6 CSL能重見天日
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2008-12-16T20:22
M家族跟Porsche一樣迎合市場慢慢轉往daily luxury performace
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-12-20T11:11
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2008-12-25T02:41
推z板大所言!1er eDrive不會用下代1er底盤,其實就是把目
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-12-28T07:51
前MINI-E的動力系統套上E87 1er。PAS和Touring差異還是有
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-12-30T05:25
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2009-01-01T02:43
ck,等明年發表就知道了 目前僅知是當初設定R-Class修正路
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2009-01-05T13:59
並強調空間機能的新跨界車種,至於PAC應該也類似PAS 反正
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2009-01-08T04:59
都是他們的設計語言 也許又是在線條上做文章...不過CEO曾
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2009-01-09T00:52
保證PAS座艙空間與機能會令人刮目相看 目前只知道概念板
William avatar
By William
at 2009-01-11T09:56
PAS發表時會類似X6 ActiveHybrid般裝上大腳,xDrive的話..
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2009-01-15T09:01
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2009-01-18T21:34
請問有Z4跟Z2的圖嗎?? thx~

有關BMW E46系列

James avatar
By James
at 2008-11-27T21:47
不好意思 借用你的標題 我也是在研究同車型 但是 我是已經有稍微鎖定目標 應該就是2000/2001年的325i 現在大部分找到的都差不多10萬mile左右 價錢大約都落在一萬+-1500 現在就是在想這台買回來 有什麼已經可能必須的保養花費 我現在知道的就是以下兩點 環保線材好像買來過沒多久就應該要檢查 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2008-11-26T00:00

有關BMW E46系列

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-11-25T23:42
不好意思上來問問題~~ 我在美國~現在開一台手排Celica GT~ 但是加速真的讓我直搖頭= = 加上空間也太小 目前想換一台E46 的coupe系列 我看到網路上~E46 有323 328 330 等等 請問這些引擎有甚麼差別呢? 馬力輸出又是如何呢? 哪一款的引擎是比較新的? 因為我的預算大概只有一萬三 ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2008-11-19T17:02
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3117/2918442837_c94e2fd3ba_o.jpg bmw真是太超過了.. 不過真有錢760就這樣晾著 - ...

單人座新秀-Ferrari Zobin Concept

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-11-18T09:12
單人座新秀:Ferrari Zobin Concept from http://chinese.autoblog.com/2008/11/17/ferrari-zobin-concept/ pics http://0rz.tw/5556q http://0rz.tw/8e573 http://0rz.tw/ ...