中翻英”””請各位大大幫個忙謝謝 - 汽車

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2008-03-19T00:00

Table of Contents

您好:我是馬自達汽車客服畢姓楊,請問可以擔誤您兩分鐘的時間嗎?請問車子現在使用狀況是否都良好?請問配件上有齊全嗎?請問如果一到十分您會給業務人 員幾分?謝謝您,若是有接到我們總代理的電話麻煩您幫我們業務人員打個十分支持一下若有任何問題煩請與我們聯絡謝謝!!
Tags: 汽車

All Comments

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2008-03-21T13:24
Hello: This is Yang, guest service of MAZIDA automobile.
May I bother you two minutes for some questions?
If the car condition is well to use?
If all accessories are completely?
Would you please score our sales in 1 to 10?
Thank you.
If you get a phone call from our general agent please score our sales 10
to encourage.
If there is any question, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Thank you.


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-03-18T00:00


Una avatar
By Una
at 2008-03-18T00:00
我現在開名高職2年級><我想問說  如果我要聯考 考台中學校  我可以讀哪些??請問有大大能幫我列出�� ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2008-03-18T00:00
這是我最後的希望請好心人幫幫忙我已經走投無路了可以的話麻煩請耐心看完謝謝!自從生意失敗後,我的生活就陷� ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2008-03-18T00:00
大里台中有哪裡有缺的阿.....有誰可以提供給我一點資訊嗎?我想做正職的早班或大夜班中班也OK~反正有工作就可以 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-03-18T00:00