各種想玩壞Tesla 召喚模式的測試 - 汽車

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2019-10-07T01:55

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※ 引述《Scape (缺鈣缺很大)》之銘言:

: Police Pull Over Driverless Tesla Model 3 that was using Smart Summon Feature
: (DragTimes 做了很多次測試,其中有一次Model 3 被警察攔停! 直接轉跳到那)
: https://youtu.be/QeNP4lUktPE?t=335

今天看到關於這影片的新消息,覺得有必要PO 上來

美國的汽車媒體insideEVs 聯繫了影片中的這位警察,詢問關於這件事情的經過

結論是警察攔停這件事是演的! (看來DragTimes 平常跟警方關係很好)


“First and foremost, anything within these few questions/answers is
pertaining to Florida law. I can’t speak for other states, etc.:

Q: Was this staged?

A: Yes.

Q: Can a local police agency/sheriff’s office issue a citation on private

A: If that private property has a traffic agreement with the city/police
agency, YES you can be cited on private property.

Q: Who would receive the ticket in a case like in the video?

A: Florida law states that the person “controlling/operating” the
autonomous car would be responsible. Holding down the “summon” button in
the app technically puts you in “control” of the vehicle making you the
sole operator of said vehicle (making you responsible for any mistakes the
car may make: I.E. running a stop sign, etc.)

Overall with what I’ve seen online and in-person with the “Summon Mode” is
that the car is extremely cautious. The car would sometimes come to a
complete sudden stop if there were any sort of movement in front of the
vehicle. This sort of eases my mind in cases where a pedestrian, bicyclist,
motor vehicle, or other obstruction were to travel in front of the vehicle.
At the same time, I would sure hope that if there were some sort of
malfunction with the front-facing sensors/cameras/radar there would be a
failsafe to either disable the vehicle/notify the operator.

I’d say the biggest hazard in this stage of the Summon Mode is the sudden
stops of the vehicle. Vehicles behind the Tesla could be following too
closely/not paying attention and rear-end the vehicle. Another hazard would
be where the Tesla would place itself when responding to the operator. In one
test within the video, the vehicle placed itself into the opposite direction
of travel to be close to the operator/summoning area. This could obviously be
a hazard, but I do believe the vehicle would stop itself in time before any
collision (it would just cause other drivers in parking lots to be extremely

Autonomous vehicle laws are extremely new and enforcement hasn’t been
prominent considering it’s so new. I have yet to encounter any Tesla
vehicles violating traffic laws while actually working. As of now, the laws
state that whoever is ‘operating’ the vehicle is responsible for any sort
of violations/crashes, etc.”



Tags: 汽車

All Comments

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2019-10-08T05:23
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2019-10-11T06:47
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2019-10-13T13:58


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2019-10-06T23:57
今天中午經過汐止交流道,遇到換車道不用看的油罐車(山隆通運),差點被收走 但我的行車紀錄器時間不對,如何提出檢舉? 我想到的只有ETAG經過門架的時間,是否還有其他的辦法? - ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2019-10-06T23:03
先上圖 https://i.imgur.com/hkZGge6.jpg 今天在一個外地停車場迴出來的時候沒注意到地上的基座就擦破了其中一顆胎壁,當下立 即跑回當地原廠,結果服務廠沒開也不能先自己拿料換明天再來結帳QQ 不過原廠推薦我去附近一家輪胎行,但一到那裡人多到連違停到處都是,後來就這樣邊看 胎壓 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2019-10-06T22:57
大家好 我的車是CIVIC 8代 2.0方向盤是電子式的,因為覺得有點重所以 正在研究中,之前已經先調整過輪胎、胎壓等其它因素了,好像電瓶跟前束都有關係 回到正題,在爬文中剛好有看到https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/car/z53mp2p.html 裡面的一段文章 and#34;電子助 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2019-10-06T22:43
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DOD 4K行車紀錄器出了?

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2019-10-06T22:23
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