[情報] 這樣玩1:43真變態呀! - 歐洲車

By Megan
at 2009-01-21T15:43
at 2009-01-21T15:43
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※ 引述《zeta (Find the Way)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 DieCast 看板]
: 作者: tpt (曉泊) 看板: DieCast
: 標題: [情報] 這樣玩1:43真變態呀!
: 時間: Mon Jan 19 21:41:45 2009
: 組裝塗裝 Fait ABARTH 的玩具……真的很猛呀!!
: http://www.bluegtv.com/2008/05/143-fiat-abarth-695s.html
作者 metalfinally (絕望的號角,黑暗的時刻!) 看板 FORMULA1
標題 [情報] 法拉利提供Felipe Massa一台客製的Fiat 500
時間 Wed Jan 23 16:08:06 2008
Ferrari presents Felipe Massa with custom Fiat 500
If you drove Formula One cars for a living, what would you drive in your
spare time? Well, just about anything you want, given the
multi-million-dollar contracts F1 drivers garner these days. F1 teams,
however, routinely present their star drivers with their parent company's
best rides. For example, while at McLaren, Fernando Alonso had to make room
for his SLR by selling off his Renaultsport Megane. But Felipe Massa may have
to get a (slightly) larger garage to fit the new custom Fiat 500 that Ferrari
presented him in Monaco next to the Ferrari 599 he received previously. But
after routinely squeezing into the tiny cockpit of a grand prix racing car,
the comparatively vast space inside the tiny Fiat may actually be a step up.
最好的車輛。例如,當Fernando Alonso在McLaren的日子,他必須賣掉他的Renault
sport Megane來換取SLR的車庫空間(編按:他會不會太早賣了?)。但Felipe Massa
或許要一個(稍微)更大的車庫空間來讓新的客製Fiat 500停放在他先前由Ferrari所提供
的Ferrari 599旁邊。不過跟常常擠在F-1的駕駛艙比起來,FIAT小車算是空間升級了
Naturally Ferrari wouldn't give its star driver just any ordinary 500.
Massa's has been outfitted with a 120-hp 1.4-liter quattrovalvole four from
Fiat Powertrain Technologies, a special brown leather interior to contrast
with the pearl white paint and Skydome electric sunroof, and bright red brake
calipers peering from behind the 16" alloys. We can't see him complaining,
especially since his mentor Michael Schumacher himself has an original 500 in
his garage.
很自然的,Ferrari當然不會讓他們的明星車手開一台"普通"的Fiat 500。Massa的車裝備
由Fiat Powertrain Technologies提供的1.4升四氣門引擎,可輸出120匹馬力,一個特別
紅色卡箝。我們看不到Massa有任何抱怨,因為他的良師益友Michael Schumacher也在
他的車庫放著一台原廠的fiat 500。
人都是軟弱的動物 aokman
一不小心又會背叛你的 啊啊啊啊
囧 別走! 別想跑!!!
來當我僕眾吧!<︰\ \囧/ \囧/ \囧/ \●/
我來招降你 ◢█ █ ★ █ ▲ aokman
: ※ [本文轉錄自 DieCast 看板]
: 作者: tpt (曉泊) 看板: DieCast
: 標題: [情報] 這樣玩1:43真變態呀!
: 時間: Mon Jan 19 21:41:45 2009
: 組裝塗裝 Fait ABARTH 的玩具……真的很猛呀!!
: http://www.bluegtv.com/2008/05/143-fiat-abarth-695s.html
作者 metalfinally (絕望的號角,黑暗的時刻!) 看板 FORMULA1
標題 [情報] 法拉利提供Felipe Massa一台客製的Fiat 500
時間 Wed Jan 23 16:08:06 2008
Ferrari presents Felipe Massa with custom Fiat 500
If you drove Formula One cars for a living, what would you drive in your
spare time? Well, just about anything you want, given the
multi-million-dollar contracts F1 drivers garner these days. F1 teams,
however, routinely present their star drivers with their parent company's
best rides. For example, while at McLaren, Fernando Alonso had to make room
for his SLR by selling off his Renaultsport Megane. But Felipe Massa may have
to get a (slightly) larger garage to fit the new custom Fiat 500 that Ferrari
presented him in Monaco next to the Ferrari 599 he received previously. But
after routinely squeezing into the tiny cockpit of a grand prix racing car,
the comparatively vast space inside the tiny Fiat may actually be a step up.
最好的車輛。例如,當Fernando Alonso在McLaren的日子,他必須賣掉他的Renault
sport Megane來換取SLR的車庫空間(編按:他會不會太早賣了?)。但Felipe Massa
或許要一個(稍微)更大的車庫空間來讓新的客製Fiat 500停放在他先前由Ferrari所提供
的Ferrari 599旁邊。不過跟常常擠在F-1的駕駛艙比起來,FIAT小車算是空間升級了
Naturally Ferrari wouldn't give its star driver just any ordinary 500.
Massa's has been outfitted with a 120-hp 1.4-liter quattrovalvole four from
Fiat Powertrain Technologies, a special brown leather interior to contrast
with the pearl white paint and Skydome electric sunroof, and bright red brake
calipers peering from behind the 16" alloys. We can't see him complaining,
especially since his mentor Michael Schumacher himself has an original 500 in
his garage.
很自然的,Ferrari當然不會讓他們的明星車手開一台"普通"的Fiat 500。Massa的車裝備
由Fiat Powertrain Technologies提供的1.4升四氣門引擎,可輸出120匹馬力,一個特別
紅色卡箝。我們看不到Massa有任何抱怨,因為他的良師益友Michael Schumacher也在
他的車庫放著一台原廠的fiat 500。
人都是軟弱的動物 aokman
一不小心又會背叛你的 啊啊啊啊
囧 別走! 別想跑!!!
來當我僕眾吧!<︰\ \囧/ \囧/ \囧/ \●/
我來招降你 ◢█ █ ★ █ ▲ aokman
All Comments

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at 2009-01-21T20:17
at 2009-01-21T20:17
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