據說Tesla與Buffett地熱公司正進行對話 - 汽車

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2019-01-25T21:49

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Tesla is in talks to buy lithium from Warren Buffett’s geothermal wells in
California, report says

標題:據報導說,Tesla 正在與Buffett 在加州的地熱井公司就購買鋰問題進行對話

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Energy is looking to potentially extract
large amounts of lithium from its Salton Sea geothermal plants and Tesla is
reportedly in talks to be a customer.

Those who have been following Tesla for a long time will remember that the
automaker tried and failed to buy a lithium startup in the Salton Sea for
$325 million back in 2014.

Warren Buffett 的Berkshire Hathaway 能源公司希望從其Salton Sea 地熱發
電廠中提取大量鋰,而據報導Tesla 正在與其進行談判想成為買家。

長期關注Tesla 的人會記得,這家汽車製造商在2014年以3.25億美元的價格嘗試
收購一家在Salton Sea 的鋰業新創公司但失敗了。

Now they could be again looking to use lithium from area to supply
Gigafactory 1 in Nevada.

現在,他們可能會再次尋求使用來自該地區的鋰來供應內華達州的Gigafactory 1。

Financial Times (paywall) reported that Berkshire Hathaway Energy is in talks
with Salton Sea Industries over an agreement to extract lithium from its

Financial Times 報導,Berkshire Hathaway 能源公司正在與Salton Sea Industries

Tesla is reportedly interested in the lithium:

“It has been in discussions to supply Tesla with lithium, a component for
batteries to power electric cars, said people familiar with the company.”

The automaker has always said that it aims to get raw materials for battery
production at Gigafactory 1 from more local sources.

There are lithium reserves fairly close to the factory in Nevada, but only
one is currently in production and many other exploitation projects are
lagging behind.

Warren Buffett’s geothermal wells in California could produce up to 90,000
tonnes of lithium a year, according to fundraising documents.

據文件顯示,Warren Buffett 在加州的地熱井每年可生產高達9萬噸的鋰。

At current prices, the value of the lithium would be worth about 5 times the
power that the wells are generating.


That said, it’s not a done deal since an estimated $2.5 billion investment
would be required in order to extract that much lithium from the project.




前年一位名叫Tom Benson 的研究員才在McDermitt 火山口發現北美已知的

最大鋰礦床,離Tesla 在內華達州的的Gigafactory 1 沒有多少距離

●69843 6 8/30 Scape □ [新聞] 在Gigafactory附近,發現豐富的鋰礦資源
│ 文章代碼(AID): #1PfgskiW (car) [ptt.cc] [新聞] 在Gigafactory附近,發現豐 │
│ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1504095662.A.B20.html
│ 這一篇文章值 25 Ptt幣 │

現在同樣在離Gigafactory 1 不算太遠的地方也有從地熱鹽水中提取鋰礦的計劃

如果真能就近取得鋰礦的話,對Tesla 大量生產電動車電池會相當有利

Falcon Heavy & Starman


All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2019-01-27T22:25
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2019-02-01T18:21
美國發展技術,但不愛作,常賣給其他人 從而吸引各方投入
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2019-02-05T09:21
靠這些資金與人物力參與 幫他們賺錢+產業成型
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2019-02-09T13:01
美國資源不是都先買別的國家的 自己的以後在用


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2019-01-25T21:47
小�� ...

8891馬自達CX5與三菱Eclipse cross評比

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2019-01-25T21:35
原文 https://youtu.be/tovXnGnGKsc 來看之前阿基拉都留下高評價的兩台車要怎麼比,上次的馬三與Auris是比操作。 這次除了繞錐髮夾彎之外,還要測AEB,而且還用真人測!不會又是歐陽峰吧。 - ...

【全動畫】汽車業最帥董座 嚴凱泰無悔

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2019-01-25T20:14
心得:大家買車是看汽車性能還是董座長相 「少主中興」?? 為何媒體的風向跟車版不一樣 該請人家上批踢踢看看?? 作者: whj0530 (億載金城武) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 【全動畫】汽車業最帥董座 嚴凱泰無悔 時間: Fri Jan 25 10 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2019-01-25T20:09
班上喜歡的女同學FB 剛剛放了一張照片 好像說要去陽明山看夜景 https://i.imgur.com/6sEpRMw.jpg 請問我騎勁戰追上去有機會嗎 還是要QQ了... - ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2019-01-25T19:34
※ 引述《f88524037 (ss)》之銘言: : 最近剛牽三年二手進口車 剛過戶幾日 : 還在評估保哪家全險就被三寶撞了 : 我直行 對方對向要轉彎 看到我剛開始減速 但又突然加速 就正撞我後門和屁股 : 我有四顆行車記錄器 警察說這很清楚了 叫我一定要回家再備份一份 但對方保險員一到 : 場看完記錄 : ...