汽車鍍膜 - 保養

By Isabella
at 2012-09-12T10:20
at 2012-09-12T10:20
Table of Contents
※ 引述《toinnd (黑咩咩)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《CSL (下一個路口)》之銘言:
: : 作者: CSL (下一個路口) 看板: car
: : 標題: [問題]汽車鍍膜
: : 時間: Mon Sep 3 10:04:34 2012
: : 提問前,建議務必填寫清楚您車子的資料
: : =======
: : 1.廠牌:Subaru
: : 2.車型/年份: BRZ/2013 (紅)
: : 3.問題現狀: 新車8/30 晚上才牽,是第一台自己的車對保養比較不了解
: : 4.其他:
: : 目前人在米國,很像不容易有地方自己拉條水管洗車,大概只有游泳池有吧
: : 但也沒看人用那的水洗車,所以感覺鍍膜似乎是個選項
: : 爬文後,感覺推的人似乎不多,因為翻譯的關係,不確定米國有的跟台灣大家用的
: : 一不一樣
: : 這有一個網站,下有一個表格(似乎是比較各種鍍膜,當然賣家說自己的最棒,或許是吹的)
: : http://www.opti-coat.com/
: : 不知台灣是否也有這種 Opti-Coat 2.0?
: : 是否推薦呢? 謝謝!
: 最近也想找些東西來讓車子常保閃亮亮狀態
: 剛好看到你這篇 所以就查看看好不好用
: 一估就剛好看到http://ppt.cc/fJjp
: 前面的圖是跟另一廠牌的鍍膜進行比較 稍微看一下就過去了
: 後面就有點驚悚了 失敗or老化的鍍膜 http://ppt.cc/ef9- http://ppt.cc/AHmH
: 看來超難處理的 一般人來處理可能會有點慘烈吧?
: 讓我對於如何以最高CP值來讓車子閃亮的方法中
: 鍍膜要打個問號了 (後期處理可能是個問題)
謝謝這個版友,給的資訊,我寫信給我下週約要幫我 Opti-Coat 2.0的店家
There are 3 parts to car paint, 2 of which are typically mentioned.
There is the sheet metal panel, primer, color coat, and then clear coat.
The color coat contains the color, and the clear coat is clear paint with no
pigment added. The clear coat contains UV inhibitors, and protects the
color coat from fading. Without the clear coat, the color will fade from a
gloss to a dull color as the UV rays from the sun oxidize the paint. The
clear coat will slowly disintegrate over time, typically about
15-25 years or so, accelerated by improper care of the car.
What you're reading is that the clear coat of the car has become very thin
and lost it's adhesion to the color coat, as both cars tested are about
15-20 years old.
This happened BEFORE the Opti-coat was ever applied.
The paint was already in very bad condition, and the author was simply
asking if adding Opti-coat to the already damaged part would help
slow the damage. The damage is not from the Opti-coat, nor will the
Opti-coat ever lead to damage similar to this. It does the opposite,
and protects the paint instead and slows down the process of aging.
Like I said, the damage was already on the car as both cars are from
around the 1980's and are very old and
the damage came from age/neglect over 20-25 years.
Trust me, the article says nothing but good things about Opti-coat.
Here's the process that will be done to the car:
Along with a review thread. Keep in mind that this user did not wash
the car properly and took horrible care of it on purpose to test it out
under extreme conditions. The final update is on page 21:
: ※ 引述《CSL (下一個路口)》之銘言:
: : 作者: CSL (下一個路口) 看板: car
: : 標題: [問題]汽車鍍膜
: : 時間: Mon Sep 3 10:04:34 2012
: : 提問前,建議務必填寫清楚您車子的資料
: : =======
: : 1.廠牌:Subaru
: : 2.車型/年份: BRZ/2013 (紅)
: : 3.問題現狀: 新車8/30 晚上才牽,是第一台自己的車對保養比較不了解
: : 4.其他:
: : 目前人在米國,很像不容易有地方自己拉條水管洗車,大概只有游泳池有吧
: : 但也沒看人用那的水洗車,所以感覺鍍膜似乎是個選項
: : 爬文後,感覺推的人似乎不多,因為翻譯的關係,不確定米國有的跟台灣大家用的
: : 一不一樣
: : 這有一個網站,下有一個表格(似乎是比較各種鍍膜,當然賣家說自己的最棒,或許是吹的)
: : http://www.opti-coat.com/
: : 不知台灣是否也有這種 Opti-Coat 2.0?
: : 是否推薦呢? 謝謝!
: 最近也想找些東西來讓車子常保閃亮亮狀態
: 剛好看到你這篇 所以就查看看好不好用
: 一估就剛好看到http://ppt.cc/fJjp
: 前面的圖是跟另一廠牌的鍍膜進行比較 稍微看一下就過去了
: 後面就有點驚悚了 失敗or老化的鍍膜 http://ppt.cc/ef9- http://ppt.cc/AHmH
: 看來超難處理的 一般人來處理可能會有點慘烈吧?
: 讓我對於如何以最高CP值來讓車子閃亮的方法中
: 鍍膜要打個問號了 (後期處理可能是個問題)
謝謝這個版友,給的資訊,我寫信給我下週約要幫我 Opti-Coat 2.0的店家
There are 3 parts to car paint, 2 of which are typically mentioned.
There is the sheet metal panel, primer, color coat, and then clear coat.
The color coat contains the color, and the clear coat is clear paint with no
pigment added. The clear coat contains UV inhibitors, and protects the
color coat from fading. Without the clear coat, the color will fade from a
gloss to a dull color as the UV rays from the sun oxidize the paint. The
clear coat will slowly disintegrate over time, typically about
15-25 years or so, accelerated by improper care of the car.
What you're reading is that the clear coat of the car has become very thin
and lost it's adhesion to the color coat, as both cars tested are about
15-20 years old.
This happened BEFORE the Opti-coat was ever applied.
The paint was already in very bad condition, and the author was simply
asking if adding Opti-coat to the already damaged part would help
slow the damage. The damage is not from the Opti-coat, nor will the
Opti-coat ever lead to damage similar to this. It does the opposite,
and protects the paint instead and slows down the process of aging.
Like I said, the damage was already on the car as both cars are from
around the 1980's and are very old and
the damage came from age/neglect over 20-25 years.
Trust me, the article says nothing but good things about Opti-coat.
Here's the process that will be done to the car:
Along with a review thread. Keep in mind that this user did not wash
the car properly and took horrible care of it on purpose to test it out
under extreme conditions. The final update is on page 21:
All Comments

By Michael
at 2012-09-15T15:24
at 2012-09-15T15:24
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