請問這輛古董 Maserati 的型號? - 歐洲車

By Joe
at 2009-02-05T15:14
at 2009-02-05T15:14
Table of Contents
哈哈 找到了 自問自答
根據 hakkiene 提供的資料 的確和 200SI 很像 推測年份很接近
看了左邊的文字敘述 以下這段就是重點
The famous Argentinian driver Juan-Manuel Fangio raced for Maserati for a
number of years in the 1950s, producing a number of stunning victories
including winning the world championship in 1957 in the Maserati 250F
alongside Toulo de Graffenried, Louis Chiron, Prince Bira, Enrico Platé, and
a few others. Other racing projects in the 1950s were the 200S, 300S (with
several famous pilots, among them Benoit Musy), 350S, and 450S, followed in
1961 by the famous Tipo 61.
接著拿這幾個車名去問股溝大神 果然給我找到答案了!
它就是 Maserati 450S 還順便找到當地租這台車的網站 XD
※ 引述《clark3530 (克拉克超跑)》之銘言:
: http://f.imagehost.org/0751/Maserati.jpg
: 春節在紐西蘭拍的
: 國外真的很神奇
: 這樣的古董車都敢拿出來路上亂跑
......... 紐 西 蘭 的 美 麗 風 景 http://tinyurl.com/bgs58x
根據 hakkiene 提供的資料 的確和 200SI 很像 推測年份很接近
看了左邊的文字敘述 以下這段就是重點
The famous Argentinian driver Juan-Manuel Fangio raced for Maserati for a
number of years in the 1950s, producing a number of stunning victories
including winning the world championship in 1957 in the Maserati 250F
alongside Toulo de Graffenried, Louis Chiron, Prince Bira, Enrico Platé, and
a few others. Other racing projects in the 1950s were the 200S, 300S (with
several famous pilots, among them Benoit Musy), 350S, and 450S, followed in
1961 by the famous Tipo 61.
接著拿這幾個車名去問股溝大神 果然給我找到答案了!
它就是 Maserati 450S 還順便找到當地租這台車的網站 XD
※ 引述《clark3530 (克拉克超跑)》之銘言:
: http://f.imagehost.org/0751/Maserati.jpg

: 國外真的很神奇
: 這樣的古董車都敢拿出來路上亂跑
......... 紐 西 蘭 的 美 麗 風 景 http://tinyurl.com/bgs58x
All Comments

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at 2009-02-12T13:13
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