115萬歐元的車禍...... - 歐洲車

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2009-12-31T10:56

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from http://ppt.cc/KVm3

A Bentley Continental and a Maybach 62 collided near the Savvinskaya
Embankment in Moscow just days before Christmas. The driver of the
Continental was blamed by police for the crash, which took place on a
slippery road in the early evening.

聖誕節前夕,莫斯科發生一起車禍,主角是 Bentley Continental + Maybach 62。
Bentley Continental 的駕駛被警察當眾訓斥,詳細原因...不知道。

Only minor damage was reported, however any fender bender with either of
these models is likely to cause a costly bill. The two cars share a combined
base price of over €1,150,000. The Maybach is owned by furniture company
Orteks-Line, and restaurant firm Gallery-Alex was listed as the Bentley
owner, according to a Russian web site.

兩部車加起來約 115 萬歐元......
Maybach 車主為 Orteks-Line 家具公司老闆~
Bentley 車主則是 Gallery-Alex 餐廳老闆~


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十 億 車 聚 http://ppt.cc/7Yob 1st Taiwan Rally █ █ █
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All Comments

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-01-03T07:44
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-01-04T05:40
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2010-01-08T05:44
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-01-12T23:38
XDXD 家具跟餐廳都那麼賺
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-01-16T21:10
Toyota 撞 Toyota 在台灣機率可能超過 50 % !!!
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2010-01-17T01:56
兩台加起來也只不過是一台reventon (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-01-21T10:00
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-01-22T10:50
我曾經在高速公路看到一個連環車禍 總計是13輛車
13輛裡有9輛是TOYOTA 看來機率遠大於50% XDD
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2010-01-23T23:35
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-01-25T19:38
我也撞過TOYOTA= =
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-01-30T17:09
我家就有兩部toyota = =
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-02-03T08:06
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-02-07T22:15
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-02-12T02:07
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-02-17T00:28
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-02-21T10:03
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-02-24T14:33
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-02-27T16:16
不過有三台三菱  ̄▽ ̄||
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-03-03T00:36
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-03-05T16:48
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-03-10T08:35
回樓樓上~可以歐 只是不對稱 因為有一台是得力卡\(^▽^)/
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2010-03-11T08:29
應該沒有被訓斥這麼嚴重啦 blame應該是指被判定為肇事車輛
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-03-13T20:09
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2010-03-17T11:05
50%沒錯阿 撞到50% 沒撞到50%
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-03-20T22:40
我家賓士可以排廠徽 除了外面那一圈...
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-03-22T18:55
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-03-26T02:28
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-03-29T09:57
那如果是福斯排廠徽算炫耀嗎....? 六輛對三輛 XD
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-03-31T23:42
頭又大排廠徽 → 側撞測試??
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-04-05T00:15
David avatar
By David
at 2010-04-07T01:01

Aston Martin Cygnet 僅提供現有車主選購

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2009-12-31T10:31
from http://ppt.cc/CQln Only current Aston Martin owners will be able to purchase the companyand#39;s upcoming pint-sized model, according to Works Serv ...

Re: 請問PEUGEOT的柴油車

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2009-12-29T16:43
※ 引述《blueblay (不倫不類)》之銘言: : 最近有考慮買PEUGEOT柴油車,目前考慮有308SW、407甚至607庫存車,想請教版上 : 達人: : (1) PEUGEOT的柴油車,在台灣加哪個品牌的柴油比較適合? 中油.台亞直營都ok阿 泛台塑體系目前是低硫柴油 對DPF比較好!! : (2) ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2009-12-29T14:29
最近有考慮買PEUGEOT柴油車,目前考慮有308SW、407甚至607庫存車,想請教版上 達人: (1) PEUGEOT的柴油車,在台灣加哪個品牌的柴油比較適合? (2) 開柴油車如果去較偏遠的地方,加油方便嗎? (3) 柴油車據說1萬公里保養一次即可,因為我開車一年都不超過10000公里, 那這樣 ...

206三門 1.6以上手排 or 自排

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-12-29T10:20
誠徵三門206一台 1.6以上,手排或自排皆可 請註明車況、車色、年份、改裝等等 若有板友願意轉讓,請mail到我信箱 感恩 - ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2009-12-29T00:49
家中有台二手豹,最近想整理一下卻又不太想進原廠 進一次原廠就要大失血一次,荷包痛心更痛 車子是1994年的XJ6 3.2L 目前的問題有:底盤漏油(變速箱).天線升降不正常.雨刷故障 不知道中部地區有沒有合適的保養廠能夠維修jaguar車系的? 多謝各位車友了 - ...