HAM:我是來比賽的 不是來聽TO的 - 一級方程式賽車 Formula One

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2014-07-29T19:24

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Niki Lauda, who after Hamilton's qualifying fire had cheered the Briton up over
pizza, insisting with typical clarity that the driver was "right" and the
German team "wrong".

老大說話了:HAM是對的 德國隊是錯的!

"Lewis ignored it because he remembered before the season that we said they
could fight freely against each other.

"That's why he did the right thing," the great Austrian told Bild newspaper.

Not everyone is as convinced.

The Hamilton ego-show?

The headline in the major German daily Welt claims Mercedes is the victim of
"Hamilton's ego-show".

"With his disobedience, Hamilton weakened the authority of the team leadership
and provoked his teammate Nico Rosberg, for a comparatively low reward."
他們認為HAM就是猴死囝子 他只是在挑釁ROS而已

But according to Hamilton, that's not the point. On Monday, he insisted he is
"hired to race".
HAM表示:恁爸是來比賽的 不是來聽TO的

"It is not questioning authority," the 2008 world champion explained. "I am
hired to be me, and race my heart out."
"我不是在挑戰權威 我只是來比賽 就醬"

Team boss Toto Wolff and Rosberg agreed after the race that Hamilton's defiance
had cost Mercedes a race win.

Again, Hamilton doesn't see it that way.

"I did not cost Nico a win," he insisted.
"I was racing against him! Why would I be concerned for him?
"I don't think I was being ruthless. I was not even being bloody minded. I was
doing my job. I tried my hardest to be ahead and I don't feel as though I was
obligated to help."
"恁爸是想打敗他的 他怎樣與關我屁事!"
"我在跑我的比賽 沒必要幫他!"

John Watson, a former F1 driver turned commentator, thinks the problem is home

"Is Toto Wolff more interested in projecting himself?" he wondered. "Does he
really have the authority?" the former McLaren driver told the Daily Mail.

"Paddy Lowe is a fantastic guy, but he is not the person to deal with this.
Lauda is a very clever man, but I don't know what authority he has.
"Paddy不會處裡這種事情 老大我不知道"

"If there was one person who could kick ass in that team, it is the person that
they let go, Ross (Brawn)," said Watson.
"能解決這種問題的人選大概就是Ross Brawn了"

Tags: 賽車

All Comments

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2014-08-01T01:09
Ross Brawn要也是讓Rosberg當二奶好嗎 他超愛HamiltonXD
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2014-08-03T06:55
所以八掛才說ROSS BRAWN被拔掉啊
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2014-08-05T12:40
謠言除了車隊想讓德國人拿WDC之外 另一種說法是車隊想要
兩個車手都是WDC比較好管 (我是覺得車隊腦子有洞 = =
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2014-08-07T18:26
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2014-08-10T00:11
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2014-08-12T05:57
偏偏這個人又EQ很差這樣 就算知道也學不來 XD
只能像是r大說的 大概派下來磨的吧 嘆
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2014-08-14T11:42
目前這樣看下來Hamilton的確強勢很多 只能說很多衰運阿
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2014-08-16T17:28
我不知道其他人有沒有注意到啦 他這幾場週四還上了賽道
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2014-08-18T23:14
去勘察那些 然後都是跟POWE ORZ
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2014-08-21T04:59
像這場第一彎那個SPIN 剛才看了才知道那是個坑XDD
這個人以前不上賽道的啊 連新賽道都不上的 囧
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2014-08-23T10:45
明年轉隊吧 快走!
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2014-08-25T16:30
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2014-08-27T22:16
Ham快走吧 好好開車不要演抓馬了


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2014-07-29T19:22
比Vettel年輕兩歲的紅車車手Ricciardo,在上週日匈牙利站剛剛拿到了人生第二個分站 冠軍。比賽的最後四圈,他大膽的超越了兩位世界冠軍Hamilton和Alonso,圍場上下都對 他的表現交口稱讚。 記者問Alonso,Ricciardo現在是不是已經確立了他在F1的頂尖地位, 西班牙人表示同意: ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2014-07-28T22:16
有沒有善心人士能夠放個低調的 在外面坐車沒跟到,似乎是一場精彩大戰 加上少數幾場MGP沒有拿第一名的,麻煩善心人士分享一下了,低調低調 - ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2014-07-28T09:27
你要我說本賽最佳車手 我一定說是Ricciardo! 非常冷靜 也非常會找機會 雖然說最後幾圈因為新胎優勢很大 可是在這一站要超車真的非常困難 所以沒看好幾圈硬是給Hamilton擋了下了 要知道當時前面兩台車可是銅牆鐵壁阿(抖) 就算過一個還有另外一個哩 不過機會來了 因為套圈車來了(顆顆) 馬上就看準機 ...

Lauda:Benz指令出於比賽壓力 Hamilton忽視是正確的

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2014-07-28T06:45
Niki-Lauda說:Lewis-Hamilton忽略車隊指令是正確的。   F1匈牙利站今天在Hungaroring賽道舉行,桿位發車的Nico-Rosberg被兩次安全車打 亂節奏,跌至隊友Lewis-Hamilton身後。處在不同節奏中的德國人,當時還有一次進站, 車隊通過無線電下令Hamilto ...

Rosberg:車隊指令並非我的要求 是車隊說他會讓!

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2014-07-28T06:44
Nico-Rosberg說,要求Lewis-Hamilton讓車並不是他的意思。   F1匈牙利站今天在Hungaroring賽道舉行,桿位發車的Nico-Rosberg被兩次安全車打 亂節奏,跌至隊友Lewis-Hamilton身後。處在不同節奏中的德國人,當時還有一次進站, 車隊通過無線電下令Hami ...