Honda將成為Red Bull Racing PU合作夥伴 - Honda

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2018-06-19T19:40

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Honda 和 Red Bull Racing 於台灣時間 6/19(二),一同正式發布官方新聞稿,宣布將在
2019 賽季起,展開為期兩年的合作關係。


Honda 和 Red Bull Racing 簽署 PU供應合作協議

Honda 和 Red Bull Group 以及 Red Bull Racing,針對 2019 及 2020 年賽季,達成為

透過本次的合作,Honda 將會為 Red Bull Racing 以及 2018 賽季開始合作,同時也是
Red Bull Group 體系下的 Scuderia Toro Rosso,共計兩支車隊提供同款 PU,一同為 2
019 賽季奮鬥。

■ 本田技研工業株式会社 代表取締役社長 八郷隆弘

「除了 2018 賽季開始合作的 Toro Rosso 車隊,2019 賽季也將和 Aston Martin Red B
ull Racing 車隊成為夥伴。這代表明年我們將會為兩支車隊提供 PU,藉由這樣的合作,
我們有機會得到更多的數據資料,進而提升開發的速度。此外,透過和 Red Bull Racing
、Toro Rosso 這兩支強力車隊建立合作關係,我認為我們離邁向勝利的目標又近了。雖
關係。同時也要再次請一直以來不斷支持 Honda 的粉絲們,繼續幫不斷挑戰的我們加油

■ Red Bull Motorsport顧問 Helmut Marko博士

「這次 Red Bull Group 和 Honda 締結合作關係,對於 Red Bull Technology 旗下的兩
支車隊 Red Bull Racing 以及 Toro Rosso 來說,可以說是即將為新時代展開序幕。此
外,至此為止我們也見識到了 Honda 的努力與進步,並向我們傳達藉由合作能夠爭取到
待和 Honda 一起合作。」

■ Aston Martin Red Bull Racing領隊 Christian Horner

「本次和 Honda 簽訂兩年的合約,對於 Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 來說,有著邁
審慎地分析及評估,我們確信和 Honda 締結合作夥伴關係,會帶領車隊朝正確的方向前
進。Honda 在今年和我們的姐妹隊 Toro Rosso 有著讓人印象深刻的進步及速度,Honda
對於 F1 的目標,和我們的目標是相同的。非常開心明年開始能和 Honda 一同合作,並
以一同登上 F1 的頂點為目標。」


Honda to Supply F1 Power Units to Red Bull Racing

June 19, 2018, Japan Corporate
TOKYO, Japan, June 19, 2018 – Honda and Red Bull Group have signed an agreeme
nt whereby Honda will enter into a partnership with Red Bull Racing to supply
it with power units for two years from the start of the 2019 FIA Formula One*
World Championship. This will be in addition to its current agreement with Red
Bull Scuderia Toro Rosso. The two Red Bull-owned teams will run identical spe
cification Honda Power Units.

■Takahiro Hachigo, President and Representative Director of Honda Motor Co.,

“Having established a good relationship with Scuderia Toro Rosso, we have dec
ided to extend our Formula One involvement to the other team in the Red Bull f
amily, Aston Martin Red Bull Racing, as from the 2019 season. Having two teams
means we can access twice as much data as previously. We believe that working
with both Toro Rosso and Red Bull Racing will allow us to get closer to our g
oal of winning races and Championships, building two strong partnerships. Disc
ussions proceeded very quickly, thanks to Red Bull’s open and respectful atti
tude towards Honda, leading to a deal that is fair and equitable for all parti

■Dr. Helmut Marko, Red Bull Motorsport Advisor

“This partnership with Honda signals a new era for Red Bull Group in Formula
One with both the Toro Rosso and Red Bull Racing teams benefitting from common
supply co-ordinated through Red Bull Technology. We have been extremely impre
ssed by Honda’s commitment and progress and share like minded ambitions to co
mpete for Championships. With this integrated approach between the companies w
e very much look forward to working with Honda.”

■Christian Horner, Aston Martin Red Bull Racing Team Principal

“This multi-year agreement with Honda signals the start of an exciting new ph
ase in Aston Martin Red Bull Racing’s efforts to compete not just for grand p
rix wins but for what is always our goal – championship titles. We have alway
s taken decisions such as this dispassionately and with only one criteria in m
ind – do we believe the outcome will allow us to compete at a higher level. A
fter careful consideration and evaluation we are certain this partnership with
Honda is the right direction for the team. We have been impressed by Honda’s
commitment to F1, by the rapid steps they have made in recent times with our
sister team Scuderia Toro Rosso, and by the scope of their ambition, which mat
ches our own. We look forward to working with Honda in the coming years and to
racing together in pursuit of F1’s biggest prizes.”

*F嶮廨ation Internationale de l'Automobile

<Aston Martin Red Bull Racing>
Location:Milton Keynes, UK
Team Principal:Christian Horner
First Race:2005
Official Website:

Tags: Honda

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-06-23T09:02
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2018-06-24T15:24
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2018-06-27T13:17
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2018-07-01T18:20
慘! 我是說紅牛
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-07-01T21:10
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2018-07-04T06:03
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2018-07-08T11:32
GP2 engine
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2018-07-08T15:31
麥拉拉 褲子都已經被海水沖走了
Una avatar
By Una
at 2018-07-10T20:15
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2018-07-11T22:33
John avatar
By John
at 2018-07-14T10:51
商(PU是Power Unit的縮寫,因為進入油電世代,不是只提
供引擎(ICE)而已,還包含 MGU-H、MGU-K、Turbocharger、
Energy Store 以及 Control Electronics 等其他套件,
所以用 PU 供應商來取代引擎供應商),所以今年麥拉拉用
雷諾,小牛用本田,而大牛今年為止還是用雷諾~ 大牛因
James avatar
By James
at 2018-07-15T04:28
Gp2 engine
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-07-17T02:32
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-07-19T10:52
紅牛...... 希望明年還是有競爭力
George avatar
By George
at 2018-07-20T03:24
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2018-07-20T16:35


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2018-06-19T12:40
各位大大好 Car版首po... 小弟在台灣第一次買車,希望大家能給點建議~以前求學時期在美國讀書,當時開二手的 06年honda civic ex個人算很喜歡。 今年想說也看一下台灣的honda,可是只有city 沒有civic,以預算來講好像很省,但是 比較在意的是聽說開高速很飄? 我的需求比較是希 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2018-06-18T17:33
※ 引述《kuanfu (黑暗騎士)》之銘言: : 之前有個朋友開大貨車去送貨順便載我去坐車 路上聊天聊到開車技術的話題 他說他的 : 技術都是開什麼安全配備都沒有的車練出來的 所謂的安全配備就是什麼ABS 車身穩定系 : 統ESP 倒車雷達 倒車顯影 全視角環景 盲點偵測之類的 頂多就有安全氣囊而已 ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2018-06-18T12:05
事情是這樣的 一位開Toyota的朋友 2012的車 跟我說他電池已經換到第三顆 他的第二輛車也是類似情況 2013 但也已經換到第二顆 最近我的車Honda CRV 電池2年9個月葛闢 想要請問這樣是正常嗎? 之前聽過一個說法,現在的車因為電子系統多 發動的瞬間需要從電池抽出大量的電力。 所以電池不像 ...

Honda city Vti-S 菜單

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2018-06-18T09:35
HONDA city vti-s 原價:66.9萬 去看車,這個月有推「馭先安全版」免費升級搭載 「BSI盲點偵測警示系統」 LCA變換車道警示 RCTA倒車警示 DOW車門開啟警示。 另外有送 「前方偵測雷達」 「倒車攝影系統」 當然選空車折扣,上面就沒有免費搭載,需選配,有在想選擇66.9萬不空車, ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2018-06-18T00:33
: 推 hondasho: 10代的Civic和Accord就基本面來看,在台灣也是有屌打同 06/18 00:0 : → hondasho: 級的能力,進口身份雖然大家愛,售價卻沒人愛…只有國 06/18 00:0 : → hondasho: 產化,價錢才有競爭力,偏偏產能又受限,根本惡性循環… ...