IIHS: 敞篷車安全風險沒有比其他車高 - 汽車

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2020-06-27T01:08

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Crash statistics show no added risk for convertibles

Convertibles may not look as safe as other vehicles when they’re cruising
down the highway with the top down, but crash statistics tell a different
story, a new IIHS study shows.

IIHS 的新研究表明,雖然看起來敞篷車收起頂篷時在高速公路上行駛似乎安全

Despite the relatively flimsy appearance of their roof structures, late-model
convertibles are no riskier than nonconvertibles, according to the analysis
of crash and fatality rates.


In fact, both crash rates and driver death rates were lower for convertibles
than for nonconvertible versions of the same cars. However, the differences
in driver death rates weren’t statistically significant.


“These findings don’t suggest that convertibles offer better protection for
their occupants than other cars, but they do indicate there’s no statistical
basis for concerns that the lack of a permanent roof makes them more
dangerous,” said Eric Teoh, IIHS director of statistical services, who wrote
the paper.

撰寫這篇論文的IIHS 統計主管Eric Teoh 表示:"這些發現並不表示敞篷車為

Teoh compared the rates of driver deaths and police-reported crashes per
miles traveled for convertible and nonconvertible versions of 1-5-year-old
models during 2014-18. He also compared the circumstances and driver
behaviors associated with the fatal crashes, looking at factors like point of
impact and whether the driver was ejected from the vehicle, as well as
impairment and seat belt use.

Teoh 比較了2014-18年間車齡1-5年之間的敞篷版和非敞篷版車輛的駕駛死亡率

Data on drivers killed in crashes came from the Fatality Analysis Reporting
System maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA). Information about the number of police-reported crashes was from the
National Automotive Sampling System General Estimates System and the Crash
Report Sampling System that replaced it in 2016, also maintained by NHTSA.

事故駕駛死亡率數據來自NHTSA 維護的致死事故分析報告系統。

Teoh found that convertibles were involved in 6 percent fewer police-reported
crashes per miles traveled than their conventional counterparts. Driver death
rates were 11 percent lower. However, the likelihood that the driver was
ejected from the vehicle in the event of a fatal crash was higher for
convertibles than conventional versions.

Teoh 發現,與傳統非敞篷的轎跑版相比,警方報告的敞篷車每行駛1英里的事

Previous research has shown that for conventional cars a stronger roof
reduces the risk of a serious or fatal injury as well as the likelihood of
ejection in the event of a rollover crash. IIHS added a roof-strength
evaluation to its crashworthiness testing program in 2009, making a good
rating a requirement for the TOP SAFETY PICK award a year later.

害的風險,同時在發生側翻事故時減少被拋出車外的可能性。2009年,IIHS 碰
撞測試程序中增加了一項車頂強度的評估,2010年開始也成爲獲得TOP SAFETY PICK

Both stretched-fabric and retractable-hardtop convertibles are exempt from
NHTSA’s current roof-crush resistance requirements. However, some
manufacturers have voluntarily strengthened the A-pillars on either side of
the windshield and installed roll bars to provide additional protection in
rollover crashes.

軟頂敞篷車以及可伸縮硬頂敞篷車均不滿足NHTSA 當前對車頂抗壓性的要求。

When IIHS evaluated a group of midsize convertibles in 2007, most of the 10
models earned good or acceptable ratings in the front and side crash tests,
though eight had poor or marginal head restraints. Since then, convertibles
have remained a low priority for the testing program due to their small sales

2007年,IIHS 曾經對一組中型敞篷車進行評估,儘管10款測試車型中有8款的
頭部安全保護獲得差(Poor) 或及格(Marginal) 的評價,但前方和側面碰撞測
試中,大多數車型都獲得了良好(Good) 或可接受(Acceptable) 的評價。但從

This year, the IIHS-affiliated Highway Loss Data Institute also compared
insurance claims data for vehicles available in both convertible and
nonconvertible versions, finding that the convertibles had lower injury rates
and collision claim rates.

今年,IIHS 下屬的公路損失數據研究所還比較了敞篷版和非敞篷版的車輛保險

Teoh found little difference in most of the circumstances of the fatal
crashes for convertible and nonconvertible vehicles. In both cases, around a
quarter of the fatalities occurred in rollover crashes, about half occurred
in single-vehicle crashes, roughly 60 percent resulted from front-impact
crashes, and about 20 percent from side-impact crashes.

Teoh 發現,大多數情況下敞篷版和非敞篷版發生的致死事故僅有些許不同,兩

However, 21 percent of the convertible drivers killed in crashes were ejected
from the vehicle, compared with 17 percent for conventional cars. Among
rollover crashes, the likelihood of ejection was 43 percent for convertibles
versus 35 percent for their nonconvertible counterparts.


Convertible drivers were slightly more likely to be wearing seat belts and
slightly less likely to be speeding, though they were a bit more likely to be
impaired by alcohol. These differences were too small to suggest a big
variation in driver behavior for the two vehicle types.


Teoh wasn’t able to account for all possible differences in the way
convertibles are driven, even when comparing to the nonconvertible version of
the same car. For example, it may be that convertible owners more often drive
them in nice weather or on less busy roads, and that could affect crash rates.

即使與同一款車的非敞篷版相比,Teoh 也無法解釋敞篷車駕駛方式的所有可能

“Based on this study, convertibles don’t appear to pose a particular safety
risk,” Teoh said. “If you’re shopping for a convertible, you should
consider crash test ratings and safety features, just as you would if you
were shopping for any other car.”






All Comments

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2020-06-28T02:22
好了啦 涼b
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2020-06-29T14:28
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2020-07-02T01:06
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2020-07-05T04:30
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2020-07-06T19:15
涼B防禦率最高 風險較低 ← 有跟內文符合
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2020-07-07T15:51
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2020-07-09T15:53


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2020-06-27T00:50
小弟最近上網買了一條AUX線DIY,但是接完後發現冷氣面板有一個旋鈕不會亮但功能正常 ,作業前沒有先確認是否已經壞掉,還是被自己拆裝的時候搞壞,後來有在拆一次確認線 路都沒有未接好或異常的地方,想請問有可能是因為aux造成的嗎?謝謝 - ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2020-06-27T00:29
目前豐田市面上的TNGA世代車都是讓底盤在繼承以往的舒適下加強剛性和超操控 主要日常使用和高速行駛穩定感進步很大 還有最重要安全性 幾個以前最大弱點變成平均水準以上 這對其他車廠威脅就很大了 就連被一直酸的國慘 12代車禍也沒看到像以前變鋁箔包了 目前豐田最落後反而是車機部分 日本原廠像傳統Nokia, ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2020-06-27T00:18
明明是廢文卻忍不住回 唉...... 我不知道原PO是不是反串啦 但看完整篇的邏輯 這種啟智班都講不出來的言論是誰教你的? 反串也不會有幫助好嗎 既然你開頭第一句話550C機車=汽車 那後面禁止550機車上高速的言論 就通通不成立啊 人種搞歧視就很麻煩了 你還搞到交通工具上? 你就講白你歧視重機族群不 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-06-26T23:36
最近牽了一台白色的車,想問問各位前輩士林北投一帶有沒有推薦洗車打蠟不錯的店? 如果有可以幫忙點漆的話那實在太理想了!(已有買原漆的色漆瓶andamp;金油瓶) - ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2020-06-26T22:25
昨天才剛環完島,剛好你說的事情我都有遇上 也許可以跟你分享我的經驗 先分享一下那個溫度大概多熱 我個人是騎紅牌多功能檔車通勤新北內湖,根據經驗走走停停下 風扇會很頻繁的啟動(當溫度到達105度,100度停止) 熱風會吹到膝蓋部位,周遭溫度會上升到40多度 這大概就是我平常能忍受的範圍 ---------- ...