Lotus台灣總代理正式確定花落嘉碼 - 歐洲車

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2009-10-22T00:06

Table of Contents

重點:2010年1月開始,首先發表Elise S,Exige Cup 260,Evora三車系


21 October 2009

Page 1 of 3

Gramus International Co., Ltd to Retail

Lotus Cars in Taiwan

Lotus Cars Limited, the sportscar subsidiary of Group Lotus

plc, announces the appointment of Gramus International Co.,

Ltd for the retail of Lotus cars in Taiwan .

Luke Bennett, Operations Director for Lotus Cars Limited commented 「I would

like to welcome Gramus International Co., Ltd to the Lotus brand. We are

delighted to have teamed up with an organisation that clearly understands

high performance sportscars and the Lotus brand. We have a very exciting

product line-up and all our sportscars, including the multi award winning

Evora, the legendary Lotus Elise and the awesome Lotus Exige, deliver an

exceptional driving experience for their market segment. When a customer

buys into the Lotus brand they are buying into a globally recognised

organisation with a coveted motorsport heritage led by high technology and

innovative engineering.」

Alex Chao, President of Gramus International. Co., Ltd said, 「Gramus has

been dedicating itself in the Taiwan super sports car segment for decades.

Following the successful launch of Lamborghini Taipei, Gramus is honoured

and excited to be appointed as exclusive Lotus dealer for Taiwan . Based on

decades of experience in super sports cars, Gramus will provide Lotus

customers with our recognised premium customer services to ensure that the

Lotus experience is the best!」

Lotus cars will be sold by Gama Lotus in Taiwan , 「Gama」 represents the

sports and premium cars for Gramus International. Co., Ltd. Gama Lotus will

include both sales and service facilities on the same site offering a superior

customer experience in a central location. The new Lotus facilities are in

with corporate image and training standards set out by Lotus Cars and will be

located at 1F ., No.108, Sec. 3, Nangang Road , Nangang District, Taipei 115,


A limited first allocation of Lotus Cars, which include the excellent Lotus

SC and the thrilling Lotus Exige S, is on its way to Taiwan and will be

at the launch in January 2010; other models which include the Elise S, the

Exige Cup 260 and the new Lotus Evora will also be available in Taiwan in the

near future.

Elise S: 179 g /km CO2

7.6 l/ 100 km (37.2 mpg) Combined Cycle

10.6 l/ 100 km (26.6 mpg) Urban Cycle

5.8 l/ 100 km (48.7 mpg) Extra Urban Cycle

Elise R: 196 g /km CO2

8.2 l/ 100 km (34.4 mpg) Combined Cycle

11.6 l/ 100 km (24.4 mpg) Urban Cycle

6.2 l/ 100 km (45.6 mpg) Extra Urban Cycle

Elise SC: 199 g /km CO2

8.5 l/ 100 km (33.2 mpg) Combined Cycle

11.8 l/ 100 km (23.9 mpg) Urban Cycle

6.4 l/ 100 km (44.1 mpg) Extra Urban Cycle

Exige S: 199 g /km CO2

8.5 l/ 100 km (33.2 mpg) Combined Cycle

11.9 l/ 100 km (23.7 mpg) Urban Cycle

6.5 litres/ 100 km (43.5 mpg) Extra Urban Cycle

Lotus Evora: 205 g /km CO2

8.7 litres / 100 km (32.5 mpg) Combined Cycle

12.4 litres / 100 km (22.8 mpg) Urban Cycle

6.5 litres / 100 km (43.5 mpg) Extra Urban Cycle



About Lotus

The main operating subsidiary of Group Lotus plc is Lotus Cars Limited, which

has two operating divisions - Lotus Engineering and Lotus Cars. Lotus

Engineering is an internationally recognised automotive engineering

consultancy based in Norfolk , UK . Global facilities include those in

( USA ), Kuala Lumpur ( Malaysia ), China and offices in Germany and Japan ,

with rapid expansion in new territories such as South East Asia .

Lotus Engineering provides comprehensive and versatile consultancy services

to many of the world's OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers, offering a full engineering

service from initial concept and project design through development and

integration of the complete vehicle to meet all worldwide markets and

customers to full production. This includes third party 'niche vehicle'

engineering and manufacture worldwide.

Lotus Cars builds world class, prestige, high performance sports cars for sale

in 37 countries. These include the iconic Lotus Elise, the Lotus Exige, Lotus

Europa and the new Lotus Evora. Lotus is a global high-tech company,

expanding rapidly and committed to driving forward technology for both Lotus

Cars and its Engineering clients, spearheading research into such areas as

hybrids, electric vehicles and renewable fuels.

For more information about Lotus please contact:

PR Department; Group Lotus plc,

Potash Lane, Hethel, Norfolk , UK , NR14 8EZ

Tel: +44(0)1953 608264;

Email: [email protected]

Information from Gramus International Co., Ltd

Gramus International Co., Ltd., originated from Gama Tuning starting in 1989

and has since then, been the leading company in supplying super sports cars

in Taiwan and accounts for over 50% of the market. In Taiwan , 「Gama」

represents the super sports and premium cars.

Furthermore, Gramus has a state of the art and air conditioned workshop

equipped with most advanced facilities and well trained certified technicians.

Both hardware facilities and software investment will be constantly carried

not only implementing Lotus Cars' highest standard procedure but also serving

its customers with the highest satisfaction.

In 2009, Gramus was recognized by Automobili Lamborghini and was

appointed as Taiwan exclusive dealer.



All Comments

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2009-10-24T11:52
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2009-10-25T17:15
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2009-10-27T21:24
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2009-10-29T01:52
喔喔@@ 台灣最近好多品牌都有代理商了 真是好事阿
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2009-10-30T07:35
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-11-01T00:06
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2009-11-01T13:12
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2009-11-02T09:21
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-11-02T13:00
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-11-06T03:53
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-11-07T02:57
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2009-11-11T21:12
不過Gama的話應該可以撐很久吧(我認為 Orz)
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-11-16T11:46
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-11-18T18:28
那寶騰蓮花勒... 推12樓...這牌超冷的...
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2009-11-20T22:44
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2009-11-24T03:40
以前在東區有看過一台 車型好像都沒什麼改變過
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2009-11-27T23:14
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-11-30T21:44
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2009-12-03T16:41
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2009-12-04T03:41
Lotus應該只有手排…設定也很斯巴達 很多有錢人應該不能接受
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-12-06T23:58
畢竟有錢人買跑車很多是要把咩的,不是要上場賽車的 XD
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2009-12-10T10:55
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-12-12T10:36
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2009-12-12T12:25
proton代理商的產品代言人是大甲某廟的嚴董耶 XD
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2009-12-15T08:26

不小心打錯字 >< 不要讓我變消波塊
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-12-19T15:49
John avatar
By John
at 2009-12-22T21:05

就在大家討論中 LAMBORGHINI推出免費健診

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-10-20T16:59
Lamborghini推出煞車系統與引擎冷卻系統免費健檢服務 雖然說上禮拜的北二高車禍發生原因應該脫離不了酒駕 不過這個時機點不免會有聯想 可以參加免費健診也僅限於跟趙先生購買的Lamborghini 其他平輸牛 可能就要自己去外面找草吃了 如果喜歡新聞稿內LP560的照片可以寄站內信給我 附上m ...

推薦一個英國的汽車節目(不是TOP GEAR)

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2009-10-19T23:10
最近在網上看完了六季的 『 車商尋寶記』之後,發現這節目對比較窮的 愛車人士來說,還真是一部不錯的系列,所以在此替大家介紹一下‧ 有興 趣的可以在網上或是你家水管上收尋一下,全系列很容易找到‧ 本節目雖然大部份的車子都是歐系車,但是有時候主持人也會選美系的雪 伏蘭或是日系的凌志來當作目標, 這裏有圖文版 ht ...

兩年一度的MINI DAY 來囉~~~

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-10-19T21:45
※ 引述《eu1201 (SAM)》之銘言: : mini號招全省mini車主 一同度過兩年一度的mini day : 今年適逢mini 50週年生日即將在10月31日星期六, : 於台中月眉育樂世界第二停車場熱情登場! : 活動內容比照國際級規格:DJ全程不斷電的音樂放送, : 穿插熱情奔放的MINI時尚街 ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-10-19T18:37
http://www.saabsverige.com/se/sv/start#/Cars/all-new-9-5/brochures/ 已經可以下載了,其實我覺得新的95不錯看阿... 等下一代93就知道科尼賽克操刀的功力了 - ...

撞爛千萬跑車 酒駕輕傷

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2009-10-19T12:35
http://udn.com/NEWS/SOCIETY/SOC2/5201539.shtml 經營當鋪業的男子王金星,昨天凌晨涉嫌酒後駕駛藍寶堅尼名貴跑車,駛經北二高南下新 店安坑路段時,疑超速失控撞上護欄,車頭幾乎全毀,王金星的酒測值達零點七五毫克, 奇蹟似地只受輕微擦傷。 這輛藍寶堅尼Murciela ...