Porsche Museum - Porsche

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2009-01-03T02:12

Table of Contents

New Porsche Museum to be opened on 31 January 2009

Exclusive restaurant and conference areas complement the exhibition of
historic vehiclesStuttgart. In the new Porsche Museum the final preparations
are made for the opening on Saturday 31 January 2009. At last, now that the
scaffolding has been removed, it is possible to see to the full extent the
bold architecture of the building at the head office premises of Dr. Ing.
h.c. F. Porsche AG in Zuffenhausen: The 5,600 square metres of exhibition
space are supported on just three so-called cores of reinforced concrete –
hence just seeming to hover in space. Inside the building the majority of
approximately 80 exhibits are already in place.

In the other areas of the new building – amongst them the museum workshops,
the museum shop, the Porsche archive, an exclusive restaurant, a bistro and
the capacious event areas – a team of experts are busy putting the finishing
touches. Three days after the ceremonial opening, which takes place on
Wednesday the 28 January 2009, the doors of the new Porsche Museum will be
flung open to welcome the first visitors. On a daily basis, apart from
Mondays, the exhibition can be viewed for an admission price of eight Euros
(reduced price: four Euros). Children up to the age of 14 get free admission
when accompanied by an adult.

The restaurant on the second floor – which has both a view through the glass
facade onto the Porscheplatz as well as through the glass partition into the
exhibition itself – has its own separate entrance and is also open at hours
different from those of the museum itself.
With the new museum and its range of catering facilities additional capacity
for conferences, company and private events in exceptional surroundings will
come into being. We have already received hosts of inquiries.

Interested parties can get more detailed information from the internet on

The following contacts are available for inquiries:

Group bookings and special guided tours:
Tel.: 0049 711 911 20911
Fax: 0049 711 911 20356
E-Mail: info.museum@porsche.de

Event inquiries:
Tel.: 0049 711 911 21911
Fax: 0049 711 911 21356
E-Mail: events.museum@porsche.de


Note: Photos are available to accredited journalists in the Porsche press
data bank under the internet address http://presse.porsche.de/.


On a given day, a given circumstance, you think you have a limit. And
you then go for this limit and you touch this limit, and you think,
"Okay, this is the limit." As soon as you touch this limit, something
happens and you seddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind
power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well,
you can fly very high. ~Ayrton Senna da Silva

Tags: Porsche

All Comments

John avatar
By John
at 2009-01-07T07:29


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2008-12-28T20:33
09年INFINITI-FX35與PORSCHE-Cayenne純論外觀 比較的話大家比較喜歡那種阿?? 一種是日式暴力猛男 一種是德式硬派作風(個人覺得X5比較硬派) - ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2008-12-23T23:04
稍微簡介一下我對911跟Boxster/Cayman引擎與變速箱配置的了解比較: 911的配置: 大顆水平對臥引擎在最後面,較小的變速箱往前延伸到後座中間的位置. 因此,911可以有後座(2+2),而後座中央地板下面就是變速箱. 缺點是最重的引擎放在車尾(後軸之後),有人說大油門出彎時容易像榔頭一樣甩出去. ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2008-12-23T00:36
Cayman基本上就是硬頂沒敞篷的Boxster. 馬力比起911系列當然小很多;但因為MR設計,過彎時的穩定度較911佳. 這車剛出來時我去參加PWRS,此車只能看不能開.但我想開起來應該跟Boxster差不多. 我對Boxster的印象是懸吊路感不錯,動力很飽滿. 煞車強是基本的,沒試過連續重煞不知道熱衰 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-12-23T00:23
我想請教一下,CAYMAN這款車究竟是什麼樣的定位呢 以我的認知提到P總是想到911或是卡燕,CAYMAN我個人鮮少聽人提過,甚至沒看過實車 能否請對他有認識的前輩稍微解惑一下呢? 謝謝啦~ -- POWER   BEAUTY     SOUL - ...

9ff GTT 900,改裝版終極蛙王

William avatar
By William
at 2008-12-18T14:25
自從9ff宣布將會推出以Porsche旗艦跑車Carrera GT為基礎的改裝超跑 讓許多車迷引頸期盼口水流滿地。如今終於發表了:9ff GTT 900 http://twrc.pixnet.net/blog/post/22667384 跟先前在網路上流傳好一陣子的預測圖差不多,9ff並沒有更改太多的車體 ...