Raikkonen瞄准Red Bull位子 - 一級方程式賽車 Formula One

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2012-10-08T18:01

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Raikkonen set for the move to RBR in 2014

It is not held as a secret that Red Bull Racing's seats for 2014 remains up
for grabs with Sebastien's service term expiring and the Australian tough man
on-a-yearly-basis commitment. And if the secret should be digged a little
deeper -- which already a reliable source from insider implied, the RBR duo
have been all along competing for racing for Scuderia Farreri alongside
Alonso, who's now holding a dominent form and looks like ruling the team for
the predictable near future. For sure none of the two are set for a number
two driver, but the thought of being in some kind of connection with the team
of F1 trademark has played its big part of this rumor. As was happening the
spectacular move of Lewis from Mclaren to Mercedes, sure every thing starting
with pure speculation can be counted, not forgetting mutual interest or
success, legal possibility and marketing forces will all say yes to the deal.

So, is there anything to do with the Fin?

Sure there's everything to do with him, who has been recently deeply linked
to the affair with the red, remember the farewell, call it gentle with all
the best wishes from SF PR, call it decent with several ten million
compensation topping the racing world for way more than enough for the rest
of his life, or call it brutal with true futuristic focus having never been
set on even when he claimed championship back in 2007.

But forget it all for a moment, or for good.

Lotus is making a little hollywood style regarding the marriage for the next
12 months by a film named "Kimi will let you know", only to tantalize the
innocent or to fool the potential investment to buy in. We all know what's
going to be annouced, way much easier than Lebron James' THE decision which
afterward only backfired by calling for a lot of shitty comments. Kimi is
nothing like that, right on his birthday, he would not say more than a single
damn thing than like "Lotus, my future, wouldnt it be yours?", at least
that's what the source anticipated.

Nobody confirms his future. It's going to come all the way back to the future
of RBR duo, to be more specific, will Vettel manage to make his way to fight
with or against Alonso in the same red uniform? will Ferrari compromise its
options to match RBR's offer to sign Webber every 12 months or just let the
old man fade?

One thing we can be sure of, is that we will be very much likely to see a
open seat in the RBR for the iceman, if some deal between him and Montezemolo
has not been settled at that moment.

Watch out Alonso, you got full of challenge in your little red kingdom!

By a mysterious & reliable source.

Tags: 賽車

All Comments

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-10-11T13:44
Webber不是簽了2013.........WEB:Not bad for No.3 driver
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2012-10-14T09:27
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2012-10-17T05:10
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-10-20T00:54
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-10-22T20:37
corlos pH衡小於7 這才是本版方程式
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2012-10-25T16:20
看了以上推文, 本文有鎖的實力~
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2012-10-28T12:03
搞不好是小賈2014要走......所以找Kimi XDDDDDDDD
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-10-31T07:46
VET一直都想去F家,問題那個約卡到2016 XDD
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2012-11-03T03:29
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2012-11-05T23:12
2014 KIMI還會在F1嗎? 感覺只是回來玩玩2年就閃了...
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2012-11-08T18:55
謠言也炒太早了XDD, https://muxiv.com
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2012-11-11T14:38
VET一直都想去F家, https://daxiv.com

Raikkonen回應Alonso:FA不斷往左靠 把我擠得沒路了

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2012-10-08T00:48
Kimi Raikkonen在F1日本站獲得第六名,但是關注的焦點確實發車後與Alonso的摩擦 導致對方退賽。Raikkonen賽後表示,當時Alonso不斷向左側擠壓,導致自己無路可走, 最終發生碰撞。   「在直道上我和Fernando是平行前進的,而他一直在往左側靠,而左邊已經沒路了, 」Raikk ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2012-10-07T22:30
http://ppt.cc/D4h1 今天決賽的照片來了 今年位置不好照的好少唷...請多包涵 不過在眼前不遠處看到起跑時候的大混戰還算蠻幸運的 三次來三次看VET拿冠軍...真是很妙 最後BUT和KOB跑很精彩 題外話... 回程的時候在擁擠的普通車上遇到一群麥隊的staff 每個人都穿著全身黑拉著 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-10-07T20:12
此篇是無用文 因為工作的關係,從星期四忙到剛剛才回到家(10/01/20:07) 正滿懷期待的心情,等著低調來看比賽, 沒想到為了看其他板的文章,居然看到標題 小林可夢偉站上主場獎台!! 心裡既開心…又難過啊!!!! 為什麼無法看直播感受那種激動感呢andgt;andlt; 恭喜小林,看來曾田正 ...

Massa開心重回獎台 期待亞軍能贏得2013年合約

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2012-10-07T17:28
亞軍,是Massa本賽季的最好成績,也是他本賽季首次登上頒獎台,他上一次登上頒獎台 還要追述到2010年的韓國站比賽。賽後巴西人相信:今天在Suzuka賽道上所取得的成績, 能夠為他贏得2013賽季繼續在法拉利車隊效力的合約。   當被問及到亞軍是否對他的未來有所幫助時,Massa說:“我認為是這樣。比賽 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2012-10-07T17:06
其實本站Massa還能上頒獎台已經是最大的驚喜 原本在三段練習賽時紅軍上下是愁雲慘霧(現在也沒好到哪去) 法拉利在新加坡並未用上新尾翼(官方說有 但其實...科科) 原本的新加坡大升級也因此失敗 不過有內部說法是 新尾翼是要搭配日本站導入的新底盤 且在新加坡那氣流複雜度過高的賽道上很難測試尾翼的運作狀況 故 ...