some news regarding BMW - BMW

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2009-03-13T10:28

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※ 引述《fatmouse (鮪魚鼠)》之銘言:
: 5).BMW GT 6!
: -Think of BMW`s interpretation of the CLS/A7/Panamera...Concept CS reborn?
: -Many years old Rumor: LC5(Limousine-Coupe-5)、Performance Spatial Coupe
: -Innovative 6er GT(F14)...based on F10 5er platform, no B-pillar
: -F12 platform is made to be able to carry F14 body if needed
: -6er Coupe(F12)、6er Cabrio(F13)、6er GT(4dr/5dr Coupe,F14)

再來談談BMW新增的GT、X系列(According to insider)
當年Chris Bangle和一群智囊團討論多種如何取代傳統SUV的專案
初始想法後來就形成BMW xCoupe Concept...

現在又帶著這想法來到傳統車型上, 這些車型未來能如何進化?
第一步X6 SAC (這不用多說, How to progress the SAV?)
接下來GT5 - PAS(5er GT, How to progress the typical luxury sedan?)

insider用一句話來形容GT系列: "Natural Progression"
GT5 is the progression of a luxury sedan.
GT3 is the progression of a sports wagon.
GT6 is the progression of a premium sports Coupe.

GT6(F14)不會單純只是A7/CLS這些4dr Coupe競爭對手 (Panamera/Rapide就不同級距了)
- It will be much more coupeish than sedanish
- GT 6 Will be a Coupe in it's most progressive form .
- Which mean all the elegance and dynamsim you would expect from the design
...of a Coupe.
- Will be the first BMW to have a full hatchback (like RX-8 rear end)
- Unique passenger entry (對開門, 前門類似傳統Coupe;後門較小...MINI Clubman)
- Left/right split interior for four
- Will be all about dynamics, performance and style
- Driving position is said to be requested to be very to the ground
- Passengers should sink into the seats
- Structural issues are taken care of by strengthened pillars and
...additional reinforcement of the chassis
- Petrol Engines will be only V8's with Twin-Turbo's
...including a Hybrid and the M Division will offer their expertise as
...the car will offer unique potential.
- BMW will offer a upgraded six cylinder diesel engine increased to offer
...more performance.
- GT6 will also preview a GT1 -which will also be a shooting brake
- GT3 will be more like GT5 -more practical, a bit higher than sedan/touring

Tags: BMW

All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2009-03-17T14:32
the first BMW to have a full hatchback ?
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-03-18T20:31

R36與A4 avant

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-03-12T11:21
哈囉~ 看到上面有熱血的老爸愛上R36 於是去找了試駕報告 發現真的傷當不錯呢 可是這一台出來應該是衝著a4 avant來的 不知道有人有開過這兩台的心得嗎 是不是可以討論一下有關 駕駛 內裝 保養 改裝方面的問題呢 除了這兩台 BENZ跟BMW也有wagon車系 可否請神人分享呢 - ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2009-03-12T09:41
: 想買E36 318 MT 入手之後再裡裡外外大整理 : 還有啊 我大概要準備多少錢啊? : 我的估算 : 車-----------------------200K : 內裝整理--------------80~100K : 引擎底盤整理---------100~150K : 推 koca0111:E ...

想請問一下大家 這組輪框可以用在BMW320上嗎?

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2009-03-12T01:03
不知道在這邊可不可以討論??? 在Y拍發現一組框 配320I好看嗎??? 這個價格不知道何不合理???請大家幫我看一下 感恩 - ...

some news regarding BMW

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-03-10T13:23
According to insider... 1).SuperSport labels will be used for 1er and 3er. -有興趣可以搜尋小弟之前提過的1er SS 2).Z2 at the final hurdle -應該是指年底(東京車展?)發表的概念 3). ...

Rumor:BMW & Benz交換持股?

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2009-03-10T01:45
7/11 DYE □ [閒聊] [謠指部] 關於BMW 跟M-Benz的合作 10/29 RonDennis □ [情報] BMW將提供M-Benz及其它車廠引擎 ============================================================ ...