SPA - 一級方程式賽車 Formula One
By Jack
at 2014-08-26T20:08
at 2014-08-26T20:08
Table of Contents
: 推 kmorgue: 推 C3X 說的。 08/26 08:23
: 噓 steven12615: 輸了就各種腦補 科科 都是they的錯 08/26 12:17
: → steven12615: 只是在還以前的債拉 不想想以前搞mas幾次 08/26 12:18
: 推 maywr5297: 還債也是要被罵的,既然都做了,照SENNA說法 08/26 13:15
: → maywr5297: 就是要贏,被罵又不會少塊肉XDDD 08/26 13:15
: → maywr5297: 看要罵個自己挑對像就是了 08/26 13:16
: → maywr5297: 再說要還也不還現在的隊友,真要算的話 科科 08/26 13:17
: → maywr5297: 說到這事,MASSA這場賽後訪問說他壓到HAM的碎片 08/26 13:18
: → maywr5297: 所以車才出問題 08/26 13:18
: → maywr5297: 真是冤家啊 Orz 08/26 13:18
: → maywr5297: 08/26 13:19
: → maywr5297: 前兩年MASSA留碎片,只有HAM壓到,這場剛好反過來 08/26 13:19
: 推 maywr5297: "Winning is like a drug, 08/26 13:21
: → maywr5297: I cannot justify in any circumstances 08/26 13:22
: → maywr5297: coming second or third 08/26 13:22
: → poco0960: HAM今年就還債年,很明顯啊,出來混總有一天要還的 08/26 13:54
: 推 maywr5297: 我沒說他不還啊XDDDDDDD 08/26 14:01
的確,Massa 也出來幫HAM還債了
Massa thinks Rosberg could've been penalised for Hamilton clash
.................Massa suggested Rosberg, who recovered to second after
a front wing change, should be held accountable for the incident.
"Maybe Nico created a problem for the other guy and maybe he should have
been penalised," said Massa.
"He was outside, so when he touched the car he was in a position
where it was impossible to overtake.
"He touched the other car and the other car blew the tyre,
so in my opinion the way it was is not fair.
Massa (設計潛台詞):所以HAM你現在知道2011年時你是錯的了吧?
: 噓 steven12615: 輸了就各種腦補 科科 都是they的錯 08/26 12:17
: → steven12615: 只是在還以前的債拉 不想想以前搞mas幾次 08/26 12:18
: 推 maywr5297: 還債也是要被罵的,既然都做了,照SENNA說法 08/26 13:15
: → maywr5297: 就是要贏,被罵又不會少塊肉XDDD 08/26 13:15
: → maywr5297: 看要罵個自己挑對像就是了 08/26 13:16
: → maywr5297: 再說要還也不還現在的隊友,真要算的話 科科 08/26 13:17
: → maywr5297: 說到這事,MASSA這場賽後訪問說他壓到HAM的碎片 08/26 13:18
: → maywr5297: 所以車才出問題 08/26 13:18
: → maywr5297: 真是冤家啊 Orz 08/26 13:18
: → maywr5297: 08/26 13:19
: → maywr5297: 前兩年MASSA留碎片,只有HAM壓到,這場剛好反過來 08/26 13:19
: 推 maywr5297: "Winning is like a drug, 08/26 13:21
: → maywr5297: I cannot justify in any circumstances 08/26 13:22
: → maywr5297: coming second or third 08/26 13:22
: → poco0960: HAM今年就還債年,很明顯啊,出來混總有一天要還的 08/26 13:54
: 推 maywr5297: 我沒說他不還啊XDDDDDDD 08/26 14:01
的確,Massa 也出來幫HAM還債了
Massa thinks Rosberg could've been penalised for Hamilton clash
.................Massa suggested Rosberg, who recovered to second after
a front wing change, should be held accountable for the incident.
"Maybe Nico created a problem for the other guy and maybe he should have
been penalised," said Massa.
"He was outside, so when he touched the car he was in a position
where it was impossible to overtake.
"He touched the other car and the other car blew the tyre,
so in my opinion the way it was is not fair.
Massa (設計潛台詞):所以HAM你現在知道2011年時你是錯的了吧?
All Comments
By Wallis
at 2014-08-30T21:50
at 2014-08-30T21:50
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