Tesla 發佈了"PIN to Drive" 功能 - 汽車

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2018-08-30T07:32

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Tesla is rolling out extra layer of security with ‘improved cryptography’
and optional ‘PIN to Drive’ feature

Tesla 推出"進階加密"以及"PIN to Drive" 來增加額外的安全防護

Tesla has recently been gradually releasing new security features to make it
more difficult for thieves to steal their vehicles.

Today, Tesla started rolling out a new update with “improved cryptography”
for its key fobs and a new optional ‘PIN to Drive’ feature.
The new feature is optional and adds a new layer of security for owners who
don’t mind adding an extra step to be able to drive their Tesla.

今天,Tesla 推出一項新的更新,其中包括用於其鑰匙卡的"進階加密",
和新的"PIN to Drive" 可選功能。

新功能是可選的,為那些不介意多一步驟才能啟動Tesla 的車主添加了

According to the release notes, the new feature prompts a PIN to be entered
on the center screen before enabling the capacity to drive the vehicle.

In order to activate the feature, owners have to go in ‘Controls > Safety
and Security > PIN to Drive’.


為了開啟該功能,車主必須進到Controls > Safety and Security > PIN to Drive。


Tesla also wrote in the release notes:

“We additionally added support for improved cryptography in our key fobs for
Model S to guard against other attacks.”

The updates and new feature come after a string of Tesla vehicle thefts
through relay attacks in Europe.

Tesla’s vehicles get rarely stolen thanks to its always-on advanced GPS
tracking feature. We recently learned that stolen Tesla vehicles in the US
have almost all been recovered: 112 out of 115.

But some more sophisticated thieves, especially in Europe, are still able to
get away with it due to those relay attacks with key fob.

It’s not a particular weakness of Tesla vehicles and any vehicle with a key
fob is subject to it, but Tesla is making it increasingly more difficult for
those attacks to work through those recent updates.

Recently, the company shared ‘tips’ to help prevent them, which include
disabling Passive Entry (Controls > Settings > Doors & Locks > Passive Entry
> OFF).

But if you want to keep the convenience of passive entry, you can also store
your key fob in some very simple signal blocking pouch when you are not using

On top of it, owners will now have the option to use this new ‘PIN to Drive
’, which adds another layer of security.


這項"PIN to Drive" 功能在現實生活中很常見,就是一個兩階段驗證功能






或許以後的新車款會加一個Touch ID、Face ID 來取代鑰匙或是做為兩階段驗證用

如果Apple 以後真的造了車,一定要把Touch ID 加上去呀~


All Comments

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2018-09-02T08:32
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2018-09-05T06:31
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2018-09-05T10:27
這功能不錯 玩命快遞有演
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2018-09-08T21:17
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2018-09-11T23:17
Slide to unlock
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2018-09-13T16:01
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2018-09-16T03:42
我知道我知道 詹姆士龐德的車有!
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2018-09-18T23:36
應該裝face id更方便
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2018-09-20T08:45
以後發推特的時候也要pin to post才不會............
Una avatar
By Una
at 2018-09-22T17:46
Ford fusion有
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2018-09-26T20:45

特斯拉model 3,可能的內飾設計經典

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2018-08-30T02:43
好幾天以前看到這篇文章的時候,就在想要不要轉這篇文章過來。 一直以來Model 3 的內飾爭議性都很大 鄉民大多數的意見無非就是可以接受的人說他簡約、不喜歡的人就說他醜 車評的評論通常比較中性 很少看到有真正在做設計的人發表其看法 而寫這篇文章的人出身北京目前在德國 在Benz 做了九年,是內飾設 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2018-08-30T02:34
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Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2018-08-30T01:39
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zipcar租車初體驗-Audi A1 25 TFSI

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2018-08-30T00:51
眾所皆知,目前市面上最普及自助租車服務有兩種。 一種是和運租車提供的IRENT,一種就是這次體驗的zipcar。 兩者的差異體現在使用車種以及服務據點上。 irent服務據點多,租車方案也多元,但出租車種相對陽春與廉價。 zipcar在台灣全數使用VAG集團旗下的車種,論品質與安全性是無庸置疑的。 ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2018-08-30T00:35
是的,年初在仁愛圓環發生擦撞,直接送保險處理, 因我從南部上去,也懶得跟他在那邊麻煩, 全部交由保險處理,而我的車送家附近維修, 期間對造一直靠腰說我修太貴他無法接受, 我也是請他直接找保險談別來亂, 過了三個月接到電話說:先生,經過調解,您這部分來需負3成,是否願意就此結案? 我:就算只負1成我明年保費也 ...