Toyota:不過就電動車嘛,四個人就能搞定 - Toyota

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2016-11-18T21:07

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這四個人是負責拆車看看Blot、Leaf、Zoe、Model S裡面長什麼樣子的嗎? XDDD


Toyota creates in-house electric car development group, puts 4
engineers on it

We were excited a few weeks ago when reports came out that Toyota was
going to put together a team to develop long-range electric cars and
bring them to market by 2020. Today, the Japanese automaker
officially confirmed this effort, but not without throwing some cold
water on it.

The reports claimed that Toyota was building a team in-house in order
to develop electric vehicles, which was new for an automaker so far
mostly entrenched in fuel cell hydrogen when it comes to
zero-emission vehicle development.

Today, Toyota sent out a press release confirming the creation of an
“in-house venture company responsible for developing electric
vehicles”, but the company also said that only four people will be
on the project.

That’s disappointing considering Toyota has over 300,000 employees.
We would assume they could spare a few more to put on an EV program
and presumably (hopefully), they will grow the team, but the
announcement made no reference in that regard.

Instead, Toyota explained the small size of the team:

“Its small structure is designed to help it implement unconventional
work processes, leading to accelerated project progress and, thus,
fast-to-market products.”

Obviously, no four people team can bring a vehicle to market so
Toyota will inevitably grow the team at some point if it is serious
about the program, but it is not announcing anything more than 4
employees for now.

Toyota President Akio Toyoda added:

“As a venture company that will specialise in its field and embrace
speed in its approach to work, it is my hope that it will serve as a
pulling force for innovation in the work practices of Toyota and the
Toyota Group.”

As a venture company, the group will be independent of Toyota.

Interestingly, the Japanese automaker made clear in the press release
of the EV group announcement that it doesn’t mean they are
completely walking away from fuel cell hydrogen, but they are clearly
acknowledging the value of electric cars.

After boasting about their fuel cell development, the company wrote:

“However, different energy and infrastructure issues around the
world and the rapid strengthening of regulations aimed at increasing
the use of zero emission vehicles have heightened the need for
product line-ups that can respond to various situations. As such,
Toyota has decided to create a structure that will allow it to
commercialise EVs at an early stage, along with its promotion of fuel
cell vehicles, as an alternative means of achieving zero emissions.“

While Toyota is still entrenched in hydrogen fuel cell technology
through its billions of dollars invested in the Mirai program, it is
now showing clear signs of succumbing to physics and turning to
battery-powered electric cars.
※ 編輯: Scape (, 11/18/2016 21:08:59
Melofans: 屌爆了 11/18 21:09
※ 編輯: Scape (, 11/18/2016 21:10:03
s605171995: 癌董:不過就電動車嘛,100億就能搞定 11/18 21:17
Tosca: Tesla當初是兩名工程師開發的阿 這樣已經是兩倍人力了 11/18 21:20
ctx705f: 鹽董: 11/18 21:21
zxc8424: 先買套Armani壓壓驚 11/18 21:24
poco0960: TOYOTA本身馬達機械的東西都有了啊 11/18 21:38
s0991192568: 先花個一百億壓壓驚 11/18 21:40
ccc73123: 癌董表示: 11/18 21:42
hirosue5566: 鹽懂吃屎 11/18 21:52
jeff101234: 可能是先集中開發車用系統吧@@ 比起結構 電動車的車 11/18 22:13
jeff101234: 用系統更雜阿 11/18 22:14
RV: 是發信叫人開發吧 四個就夠了 11/18 22:33
SakuraHana: 把油電車的油系統拿掉,加大電池就好了 11/18 22:41
xwingxwing: 牛頭不是早就有純電車跟氫電車了阿? 11/18 23:05
wuliou: 一堆集團現有資源 11/18 23:16
ru04hj4: 算了 酸不下去 只覺得可悲 11/18 23:27
accin: 日商R&D現在都玩這招 幹超硬 11/18 23:33
PauFrank5566: 正常拉! 4個高手就可以開發了 11/19 00:01
setunarx: 只有四個被當作是人…… 11/19 00:10
missin: 外包正夯 11/19 00:13
easyman: 一個SW,一個BB, 一個機構,一個動力 11/19 00:46
lavign: 本來就有ev了 11/19 01:54
sysop5566: 台灣真可悲 追不上四個日本人 11/19 08:01
kobe7610: 癌董拿了100億卻做不出個屁來 11/19 08:11
deer5577: 100億到底花去哪了!X! 11/19 08:36
cystal: 100E也沒人想追究 大家分妥妥了就是 11/19 10:07
Likeastone: 軟體 硬體 機構 熱流 搞定! 11/19 13:05
andyting: 一百億花在這裡 11/19 13:29
andyting: 11/19 13:29
ai030821: 太神啦 11/20 01:42

All Comments

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2016-11-19T08:03
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2016-11-22T06:13
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-11-24T20:51
Tesla當初是兩名工程師開發的阿 這樣已經是兩倍人力了
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2016-11-29T15:50
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2016-12-03T20:35
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2016-12-08T13:36
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2016-12-12T18:11
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2016-12-13T04:45
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2016-12-16T14:55
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2016-12-16T20:36
可能是先集中開發車用系統吧@@ 比起結構 電動車的車
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2016-12-17T02:06
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-12-21T04:18
是發信叫人開發吧 四個就夠了
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2016-12-21T19:46
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2016-12-23T22:23
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2016-12-24T01:56
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2016-12-25T22:29
算了 酸不下去 只覺得可悲
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2016-12-27T21:07
日商R&D現在都玩這招 幹超硬
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2016-12-29T13:25
正常拉! 4個高手就可以開發了
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-12-30T21:41
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2017-01-02T18:47
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2017-01-02T23:37
一個SW,一個BB, 一個機構,一個動力
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2017-01-06T10:31
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-01-11T10:30
台灣真可悲 追不上四個日本人
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2017-01-14T09:06
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-01-14T10:38
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2017-01-18T09:06
100E也沒人想追究 大家分妥妥了就是
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2017-01-19T17:12
軟體 硬體 機構 熱流 搞定!
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2017-01-24T03:59
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2017-01-25T14:13


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2016-11-18T14:08
馬自達加入電動車戰局,2019 年開始量產銷售   近日,馬自達汽車公司 CEO 小飼雅道(Masamichi Kogai)宣布,為應對汽車市場越 來越嚴苛的排放標準,馬自達計劃在 2019 年開始量產並銷售旗下首款電動汽車,正式進 入電動車市場。   小飼雅道在採訪中表示:「美國加利福尼亞州和其他一些州 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2016-11-18T11:38
我講的對比其實是馬自達 說真的 我是來到車版之後 才知道馬自達這麼紅 因為平常電視廣告 是完全看不到馬自達的 不管馬三還是CX5 但subaru 我這幾個月來三不五時就看到廣告 outback, forester, XV, levorg 甚至 impreza 通通有 也就是不只一支廣告 是好幾支輪流播ata ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2016-11-18T08:06
請問不拼人品,月收入4萬多元,有存款, 單身無負債,買車會一清付清,幾乎沒在開車, 內心其實連車都不想養,覺的稅金保險都很貴。 因為家裡2000cc的破車,我繳的很幹,真心不騙, 因為我1年用不到5次車,車庫又難停,家又是在那種 只有一個車身的小巷子,遇到有來車,一定有一方要退到小巷子外才能匯車 每年稅金 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2016-11-18T03:23
2016-11-16 01:13經濟日報 記者何孟奎╱台北報導 為結合綠能產業發展,多位立委提出貨物稅條例修正草案,要延長電動車免徵貨物稅年限 ,立法院院會日前已將許毓仁、羅明才兩位立委的草案一讀付委審查;立院程序委員會昨 (15)日也將立委費鴻泰的版本排入周五院會一讀,未來三個版本將併案審查。 htt ...

初入社會的男生 第一台車該如何選擇?

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-11-17T11:08
※ 引述《quartzr (華西街小阿姨)》之銘言: : 選我正解,就買中古車 : 最好跟爸媽的朋友買,toyota等零件便宜的車更好 : 我自己是開march,車子好開不易壞 : 蠻常自己DIY做小保養,接手4年多 : 除了保養外,只換過雨刷、發電機輪胎 : 不過以上以上都是自己動手換得,所以又更省了... ...