消費者報告提高了Model S的可靠性評價 - 汽車

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2017-10-20T18:55

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Consumer Reports raises Tesla Model S reliability rating to
"above average", also rates Model 3 reliability sight unseen

消費者報告將Tesla Model S的可靠性評價提高到"高於平均水準"


Consumer Reports has released their latest reliability rating for the Model
S, upgrading its rating from “average” to “above average.” This is the
first time Tesla has received an “above average” rating from Consumer

消費者報告將Model S的可靠性評級從"平均水準"提升到"高於平均水準"。

In the same article, Consumer Reports also mentions their “predicted
reliability” for the Model 3. They give these ratings out based on previous
experience with a manufacturer and whether a new model is a significant
departure from previous models – and this is not unique to Tesla, they give
predicted reliability scores to other cars too. Since the Model 3 doesn’t
share many parts with the Model S but is expected to be less complex, and
since Tesla has had difficulties with reliability of early VINs before,
Consumer Reports is taking the middle ground as far as predictions go and
predicts average reliability out of the Model 3. They will not have an
actual rating until owners have time to report back with their real-life

這段在講Model 3的可靠性預測,有興趣請自己看

Consumer Reports has changed their reliability ratings multiple times on the
Model S. Originally, Model S reliability was “average,” then temporarily
dropped to “below average” when Tesla had a batch of drive unit failures
which prompted service trips for many owners. The repair was relatively easy
and most cars would be turned around in a day or less, but nevertheless the
number of service visits from owners was too high for CR’s scale, and this
bumped the Model S down in reliability.

消費者報告曾經多次改變Model S的評級,最初是"平均水準",
而後暫時變成"低於平均水準",Model S曾有一批驅動單元故障,促使車主回廠檢修,

This forced CR to rescind their “recommended” label, despite them having
rated Model S as the “best car ever” and Tesla consistently topping owner
satisfaction ratings. Once Tesla worked out the drive unit issues, CR’s
rating went back up to average, which has been improved upon today.

這促使了消費者報告撤銷對於Model S的推薦,
儘管他們已經將Model S評比為最好的汽車,而且車主也有最高的滿意度

With Model X receiving “below average” reliability due to early unit
problems with doors and the large windshield (but no significant powertrain
problems) – many of which Tesla says they’ve fixed – Model S’ “above
average” rating marks the first time Tesla has received this score from CR.
And it shows that Tesla is improving in reliability as a company, and the
Model S is improving in reliability as a car.

Model X由於鷹翼門與大型擋風玻璃的問題(但沒有明顯的動力總成問題),
Model X得到了"低於平均水準"的可靠性評級,其中許多問題Tesla表明已經被修復了。
而Model S第一次得到"高於平均水準"的評級,

This upward momentum “shows promise” for the Model 3’s predicted
reliability rating, giving them “more confidence in the Tesla Model 3.”

這種往上的態勢顯示了對於Model 3可靠性評級的希望,讓他們對3更有信心。

Consumer Reports is careful to qualify their claims about the future
reliability of the Model 3. They distinguish between actual ratings from
customer experience and predicted ratings based on the manufacturer and
newness of the model, and talk about the company’s history and previous
statements about the car.

On the one hand, all car models tend to have more problems with reliability
on early VINs than late VINs, and Tesla is no exception to this. On the
other hand, Model 3 is expected to be less complex than Model S and much less
complex than Model X, and Tesla’s reliability as a whole seems to be

Nevertheless, CR decided to bunt this one and default to a predicted “average
” reliability for the Model 3, which is the minimum required to achieve CR’
s “recommended” mark. Of course, Consumer Reports has not owned a car nor
have their members reported on the Model 3 in the annual reliability survey,
so this is all guesswork so far, and will be updated next year when owners
have had their hands on the vehicle for a while.

Tesla commented on Consumer Reports’ Model 3 rating:

“Consumer Reports has not yet driven a Model 3, let alone do they know
anything substantial about how the Model 3 was designed and engineered. Time
and time again, our own data shows that Consumer Reports’ automotive
reporting is consistently inaccurate and misleading to consumers.”






但Model 3的客群容忍度會更低,希望趕工之餘也要維持好品質才行呀~

期待消費者報告早日拿到Model 3來做測試,給出其應有的評價。

Tags: 汽車

All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2017-10-23T11:16
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2017-10-25T07:13
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2017-10-25T13:20
被評不可靠的是Model X啊
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2017-10-30T06:09
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2017-11-02T13:35
X冷氣比S易壞 又有修到爽的鷹翼門XD
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2017-11-04T05:03
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2017-11-07T01:47
馬力夠內裝陽春 馬力一般內裝豪華 要選哪道?

薄型重低音選擇: 先鋒 or DynaQuest

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-10-20T17:21
先鋒: TS-WX120A TS-WH500A DynaQuest: DQC-895 DQC-1095 中道: 萬元以下皆可 這幾款薄型重低音大家比較推那一台? - ...

車款被評最不可靠,Tesla 槓上權威評選

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-10-20T17:17
車款被評最不可靠,Tesla 槓上權威評選機構《消費者報告》! 2017/10/20 15:00 文/記者蘇銘翰 圖片來源/Tesla 美國相當具權威性的獨立車輛評測機構《Consumer Reports(消費者報告)》,日前公布 2017 年汽車品牌可靠性排行榜,另外也針對個別車款可靠性進行評選, ...

福斯汽車與 Skoda 之間不再緊張!

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2017-10-20T17:13
原文連結:https://goo.gl/sPkjbv 原文內容: 在集團資源共享策略下,車輛售價較親民且車型與福斯(Volkswagen)汽車重疊的 Skoda ,日前爆出因為銷售表現太優異,招來福斯汽車的不滿,並向母集團提議增加資源共享授 權費,以及調整產能,來紓解斯汽車目前所遭遇的問題。這話題發酵數日 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2017-10-20T15:31
※ 引述《b000555513 (哈酷那罵他他)》之銘言: : 今年考的菜逼八分享一下過程 : 記得第一天上課教了D檔滑行繞圈圈,戰戰兢兢得繞了十分鐘發現教練睡著了 : 駕訓班的教練對男生似乎都是放生居多,印象中場考項目除了路邊停車外 : 其他都是教練叫別的學員教我,或自己摸索的,自己跑到女生車上狂聊天。之後 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2017-10-20T15:22
想請問一下各位先進,新車想請業務領特定開頭的車牌(沒選號), 結果卻領錯,需要重領,這樣會變領牌車嗎(二手車價減損), 還是說其實沒有差別呢? 感謝各位回應。 - ...