謎樣 AMG 車款現身 !!! - 歐洲車

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2008-06-23T11:16

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from http://0rz.tw/6e4gU

pic http://0rz.tw/d14hG

This isn't the first time we've seen a mystery AMG model hiding under a
sheet, however, this time it's not much of a mystery. We've been looking at
the spy photos and videos for the past year, and finally the SL 65 AMG Black
Series is ready to debut next month at the Formula One German Grand Prix.

謎樣車款就是 SL 65 AMG Black Series
將在下個月的 F1 德國GP 首度公開亮相

In addition to the SLK 55 and CLK 63, the SL 65 will be the third model added
to the ultra exclusive Black Series. Combining racecar performance with a
street legal road car, the SL 65 transgresses from domesticated sportsman to
a ravaging beast.

SL 65 AMG Black Series 是繼 SLK 55CLK 63 後第三款推出 Black Series 的車款
SL 65 AMG Black Series 不再是運動員,而是野獸!

Transformation towards Black Series will see a boost in performance of the
6.0-liter twin-turbo V12 up to 680hp – that's 76hp more than the standard SL
65 AMG Roadster and 30hp more than the Mercedes-McLaren SLR 722. According to
Autoweek, an insider close to the development stated that engineers could
have easily extracted 720hp out of this engine without any major
modifications but decided to cap it.

最大馬力:612 匹 680 匹
這顆 6.0升 V12雙渦輪引擎不做任何大變動就能輕易爆發 720 匹馬力......(夭壽)

The body gets trimmed down with the use of carbon fiber hood, fenders and
roof which is fixed to the body. Removing the foldable roof and all of its
associated hardware alleviates much dead weight and improves structural


Capable of 220 mph but electronically limited to 186 mph (300 km/h), 0-60 mph
should arrives in less than 4.0 seconds.

極速可達 220 mph(352 km/h
電子限速 186 mph(300 km/h
0 ~ 60 mph:4 秒以下

Only 350 units will be sold worldwide with deliveries commencing in 2009.

全球限量 350 部,2009 年開始販售!


http://0rz.tw/c73hv Ferrari 575M


All Comments

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-06-26T01:47
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2008-06-26T04:00
= =真可怕的 AMG
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-06-29T02:34
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2008-07-01T02:31
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2008-07-05T06:24
我輸了....... Orz
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-07-05T19:57
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2008-07-09T20:11

VW Golf TDI 換油保養

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2008-06-23T00:35
里程: 9500 km 地點: 高雄標達 內容 金額 --------------------------------------------------------- 機油更換工資 $595 放油螺絲墊 ...

E39 528I 會無緣無故熄火 ??

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2008-06-22T23:44
我家的E39 528I 算是車庫車,將近十年的車 跑不到七萬公里,偶爾假日好天氣才開出去 溜溜。 今天剛開出門一切都正常,開了將近十公里 的快速道路到了三重市區,卻讓我發現了一個 很心痛又頭痛的問題,在我等紅綠燈的時候竟 然突然熄火(檔位為D檔),我趕緊打回P檔,等 了兩三秒再發動。第一次重發還 ...

Opel Astra 與 Subaru Legacy Wagon之ꐠ…

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2008-06-22T15:48
※ [本文轉錄自 car 看板] 作者: sbkchou (SBK) 看板: car 標題: [問題] Opel Astra 與 Subaru Legacy Wagon之比較... 時間: Sun Jun 22 15:44:02 2008 Dear 版友們,因為現在的愛車已經步入第七年, 里程也 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2008-06-21T23:33
雖然zeta板主老早就寫過一篇相當棒的159的試駕心得 但小的是窮學生 根本沒想過在有生之年可以開到這台這麼棒的車... 因此抱著賺P幣的心來po這篇文章 還請各位鞭小力一點 ====以下開始很遜的試駕心得===== 其實今天是車商的聯合展示會 因此除了Alfa以外還有Fiat Citroё Volvo J ...

打算購買Q7 3.0 TDI,成交價大約是?

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-06-21T16:42
本來打算添購一部Mini Cooper給女友使用 所以昨天到展示中心去看車(連支票都帶了) 不過,也許是我的車不夠派頭吧 mini展示中心的業代愛理不理的 問了幾個問題要不是不知道 就是隨便應付了事 當下就決定不買mini了 所以現在考慮把我自己的A4 1.8T給女友開 我自己則打算在R 35 ...