BMW X6 50iS 輕度偽裝~~ - BMW

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2008-07-25T10:46

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From the onset it was clear that BMW was planning big things for the X6. I
mean, just from the concept; a coupé SUV? Coupé denotes a certain design
stance, a promise of that much more in performance. Coupés don't just exist
for their own sake, they live to fulfil a purpose. Now we know what that
purpose is for X6, as proved by these stunning spy shots taken in Death
Valley. X6 50iS – or so we reckon – should get full treatment, maybe
slightly less, than what X5 50iS will get which is 405kW and about 700Nm of
torque. Essentially we are facing at least 375kW.

大意就是 BMW 即將推出 X6 50iS 繼續賺錢!
│ │X6 50i│ X6 50iS │
│最大馬力(匹) │ 407│502 ~ 543 │
│最大扭力(公斤米)│ 61.2│ 71.4 │

BMW philosophy is to bring out a new engine with each new model, even if that
engine is not completely new, it has fresh characteristics. So V10 M
power-monger will have no place on the X side. In fact that 5.0-litre V10 may
well be on its own way out, thanks to tight emissions controls. X6 50iS
features two turbos for that 500+ bhp to be gotten from 4.4-litres of V8
brute. BMW philosophy also states that X vehicles don’t get the M badge,
simply because they can’t offer the same dynamics as saloon, roadster and
coupe Ms. Hence the iS moniker. We can expect to see the X6 50iS about a year
from now, officially uncovered and in full production kit.

BMW 當家花旦 5.0 升 V10 自然進氣引擎將不會出現在 X 系列車型~
X6 50iS 的引擎還是以 X6 50i 身上那顆 4.4 升 V8 雙渦輪增壓下去做修改~
BMW 不會讓 X 系列掛上 M 字樣,因為他們不能和 M 系列一樣擁有相同的動態表現。
X6 50iS 將在一年後發表並投入生產!


steven0529: 小學時會有人說要烙國中生打人05/20 12:19
steven0529: 國中時會有人說要烙高中生打人...05/20 12:19
imanikki: 可是高中沒人說要烙大學生打人05/20 12:20
egg9: 因為大學生都在打魔獸吃泡麵   要烙的話也只會烙賽05/20 12:22

Tags: BMW

All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2008-07-30T10:14
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2008-07-31T20:50
John avatar
By John
at 2008-08-01T03:21
因為大學生都在打魔獸吃泡麵   要烙的話也只會烙賽
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2008-08-04T01:57
猛阿XD 還有s版 我媽那天看到bmw的雜誌 直說這台好看XD
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-08-09T00:55
543 喔喔 比M5的507匹還要猛暴喔
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-08-10T09:36
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2008-08-13T14:10
以後改3er的廠家 從V10NA轉向V8TT
William avatar
By William
at 2008-08-17T16:43
3系列落N63再調一調應該可以在一般道路上電爆E90 M3吧?
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-08-17T21:51
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-08-19T17:04
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-08-24T11:11
把M系列再細分 NA的還是掛M 渦輪的開發新?系列XD
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2008-08-25T14:43
335iS ~~


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2008-07-23T16:09
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Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2008-07-18T09:17
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