Kimi專訪 - 一級方程式賽車 Formula One

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-02-22T14:59

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2007 world champion Kimi Raikkonen made a triumphant return to Formula One
racing with Lotus last year, winning one race and finishing third in the
drivers’ championship. Now, with Lotus’s new E21 car showing impressive
pace in pre-season testing, the Finn is looking to build on that success.

去年,2007世界冠軍Kimi Raikkonen加入蓮花車隊華麗回歸F1,他贏了一站比賽,並最終在

As preparations for the 2013 season move up a gear at the second test of the
year in Barcelona, Spain, Raikkonen looks back on his return to the sport,
discusses his approach to racing and explains why his ambitions haven’t


Q: Kimi, when you look back to this time last year - did you ever think it
possible that you would attend the FIA prize giving ceremony at the end of
the season to pick up the trophy for third place in the world championship?

Kimi Raikkonen: No, of course not. I didn’t have many expectations. I didn’
t know the team, nor their car - I just knew that I wanted to do my best and
see what happens.


Kimi Raikkonen: 當然沒有。我沒有什麼期望。當時我不瞭解車隊,也不瞭解這輛賽車—

Q: So the trophy was a nice extra?

KR: Of course you aim for it, but if you are in a completely new situation
and have no reference of what you can and can’t expect, then you take it
with a smile.


KR: 當然你的目標在於拿到它,但如果處於一個全新的環境中,沒有參照的標準,來判斷

Q: There was only one race in 2012 - the Chinese Grand Prix - in which you
didn’t finish in the points. Lotus team principal Eric Boullier says your
biggest strength is your race craft. Can you explain what race craft is for

KR: Ha, I don’t have anything to explain! It is so much simpler - I do my
best in the race. If it works out - good - but I don’t have any plan. Is
that race craft?


KR: 哈,我沒什麼好解釋的!很簡單——我在比賽裡盡力做到最好。如果它有效果,那很

Q: Could it be that you start a bit slow but once you get going you roll over
many others?

KR: That sounds too categorical. It’s like this: sometimes it is more
difficult than at other times. Sometimes you have a good car, at others you
don’t. People tend to mystify simple things! (laughs)


KR: 這聽起來太絕對了。是這樣的:有的時候會比其他時候更困難,有時你有一輛好車,

Q: There are those drivers who train intensively, for example Jenson Button
with his triathlons, or Mark Webber with his biking. You don’t appear to be
that kind of person…

KR: You don’t know that - you don’t know what I do! I do my thing, but I
have no interest to tell! (laughs)

問:有些車手訓練特別努力,比如說Jenson Button的鐵人三項,或者Mark Webber的自行

KR: 你不知道的——你不知道我在幹什麼!我有我自己的事,不過我沒興趣告訴你!哈

Q: For many you were the driver of 2012. After two years away doing things
like rallying, you came back and drove brilliantly. Was rallying so
frustrating that when you came back you had a real hunger for success?

KR: No. Believe it or not, I still want to do rallying. I had a good time and
I knew from the very beginning that it was going to be tough. People say ‘
oh, it’s been a failure’. Not at all - I started with zero experience and
for that I did pretty well. Sure I went off, but anybody believing he could
do better, go and prove it!


KR: 不是的。信不信由你,我還是想開拉力。我在那玩得很高興,從一開始我就知道會有

Q: But being successful in Formula One racing again is nothing to be sniffed

KR: But I’ve done that before.


KR: 但我之前就做到過。

Q: Your young team mate, Romain Grosjean, had quite a difficult year in 2012.
Did you ever offer advice or did you keep out of the matter completely?

KR: It is not my business so I kept out of it. I am not here to explain what
to do. Everybody has his own way of doing things and you cannot so easily
adapt that for somebody else. He had a tough time, but sometimes that
happens. That’s life.

問:你年輕的隊友,Romain Grosjean,2012年度過了一個相當艱難的賽季。你給過他建

KR: 這不關我事,所以我沒有攪和進去。我不是來解釋該做什麼的。每個人做事都有自己

Q: So you are not the Jedi master taking an apprentice under his wings?

KR: This is not Hollywood - this is Formula One. I try to figure out my own


KR: 這不是好萊塢——這是F1。我專注我自己的事情。

Q: At 33-years-old, you are currently the second-oldest driver on the grid.
Does maturity help or is it completely overrated?

KR: That is not good! (laughs) Sure experience helps a bit, but I’ve never
figured out when it’s the point that you have enough experience. What comes
then? If you do 10,000 more races I don’t think you will get seriously
better. I think what is more important is that you can look back on
experience from the previous season with your team. If you have experience
with your team and the people there, that helps.


KR: 這可不太好!(笑)經驗當然會幫到你一些,不過我也不知道怎麼樣才算有了足夠的

Q: You and Lotus seem to be a really good fit. What do you think are the
reasons for that?

KR: It is a real racing team - they want to race and not worry about the
other stuff. There are not many teams that do that. There is far less
politics than at many other teams. I enjoy it here. Sure there are things
that the team doesn’t have - we don’t have the budget of the big teams -
but we are all trying to do the best we can with what we have.


KR: 他們是真正的比賽隊伍——他們只想比賽,不擔心其他的事情。沒有幾個車隊能做到

Q: Looking at 2013 and the new car, the first test in Jerez seemed to be
pretty positive for the team. Can you confirm that?

KR: We didn’t have any real issues in Jerez. The biggest problem here and in
Jerez is basically the new software. We lose all the data when we are running
- that is not very good when you are testing and you have some issues with
parts and you cannot see it in real time. The car itself is running well - we
just have to get that stupid data-logging system fixed.


KR: 在赫雷茲我們沒有遇到什麼真正的問題。在赫雷茲和這裡,最大的問題都是新的軟體

Q: Is there any area in which you'd like to improve the car?

KR: A driver’s dreams are all about downforce. It makes you faster and helps
you save your tyres.


KR: 車手做夢都想著下壓力!它讓你更快,還幫你保護輪胎。

Q: After so many years in Formula One racing, have your ambitions changed? Is
it still the world championship title that you are after?

KR: Otherwise you wouldn’t be here! Sure you have to be realistic about your
chances, but after last year we should have a chance. We don’t have the
budget, but if we get it right and can be consistent and reliable then we
probably can put ourselves in a position where at least we do have a chance.
We will try, but I’m not making promises.


KR: 不然我就不在這了!當然你要現實地看清你的機會,但是經過了去年我們是有機會的

Q: What would be a good year for you?

KR: Last year with additional wins.


KR: 像去年那樣,再加上一些勝利。

Q: Does it surprise you that you are still Ferrari’s last world champion?

KR: Ha! Yes it’s nice. But it will change one day. Maybe this year, maybe
next year.

Q: 你還是法拉利的最近一個世界冠軍,你對此感到驚訝嗎?

KR: 哈!對啊,這樣滿好的。但是總有一天會改變的,說不定就是今年或者明年。

Tags: 賽車

All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2013-02-24T07:56
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-02-26T00:53
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-02-27T17:50
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2013-03-01T10:47
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2013-03-03T03:44
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2013-03-04T20:41
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2013-03-06T13:37
這就是我愛的Kimi^^ 記者問最後一個問題是存心給法拉利
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2013-03-08T06:34
Q: 你還是法拉利的最近一個世界冠軍,你對此感到驚訝嗎?
George avatar
By George
at 2013-03-09T23:31
今年支持蓮花和紅馬就對了 XD
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-03-11T16:28
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2013-03-13T09:25
Ha! That's kimi!
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2013-03-15T02:22
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2013-03-16T19:19
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-03-18T12:16
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2013-03-20T05:13

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