Porsche計劃在六年內讓50%新車都是電動車 - 電動車

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-06-27T18:40

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Porsche的第一輛全電動車Mission E的工作進展似乎相當順利


Mission E將於2019年投產,而去年Porsche曾預計每年會生產2萬輛




Mission E單次充滿電後可行駛超過500公里(NEDC),0-60mph只要3.5秒


讓Mission E可以在15分鐘內就充滿80%的電量




Porsche changes its mind on electric vehicles, plans 50% of its
production to be electric within 6 years

It wasn’t long ago that Porsche claimed all-electric powertrains didn’t
offer enough performance to reach the level that their customers expect
from the premium German brand.

As their work on their first all-electric vehicle progresses, they are
now changing their view on the technology and CEO Oliver Blume now says
that he expects half of Porsche’s production to be electric by 2023.

The Mission E will be Porsche’s first all-electric vehicle and it is
planned to enter production in 2019.

Last year, Blume said that they were planning for an annual production of
20,000 units for the new vehicle. It’s a significant volume for the
German automaker considering they delivered just over 230,000 vehicles
worldwide last year across its entire lineup.

But now they are ready to crank it up with a second all-electric vehicle
based on the Macan.

In a surprising move, The CEO now says that between the two vehicles,
Porsche is preparing for a capacity of 60,000 cars per year at its
Zuffenhausen plant. Blume made the comment to Germany’s business
magazine Manager Magazin last week.

The capacity would quickly make electric vehicles an important part of
its overall production and it explains why the CEO now sees them reaching
50% of its total production as soon as 2023, which is much sooner than
any established automaker.

It wouldn’t be too surprising for the company to achieve its goal if it
can truly deliver on the expectations for the Mission E.

First of all, the design of the concept is simply stunning:

And the specs that Porsche has released are somewhat arguably competitive
with the performance version of the Tesla Model S, which would likely be
its main competitor.

The Mission E is to have “over 310 miles of range” (500 km) on a single
charge, but being based in Germany, Porsche is likely talking about the
New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), which is much more forgiving than the
EPA rating and doesn’t really reflect real-world range. It’s should
still have a more than decent range around 250 miles.

Porsche is also aiming for a 0 to 60 mph acceleration in 3.5 seconds. The
automaker also claims that the Mission E will be equipped with a 800-volt
charging system able to charge up to 80% in about 15 minutes.

We still don’t have a good idea of the pricing, which will, of course,
be an important factor. But if Porsche can deliver on the specs, it could
be sitting on a great performance electric car.


All Comments

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2017-06-29T13:28
什麼時候才有911 Electric
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2017-07-04T09:48
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2017-07-08T21:05
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2017-07-13T13:50
Porsche沒有小車 電動車比率應該會超高
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2017-07-16T02:47
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2017-07-20T16:55
John avatar
By John
at 2017-07-23T14:03
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2017-07-24T23:06
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2017-07-25T10:41
打鹽董臉 台灣沒有電動車市場 呵呵
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2017-07-29T10:01

綠委批電動車沒進度 嚴凱泰:裕隆老實、

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2017-06-27T10:44
新聞標題:綠委批電動車沒進度 嚴凱泰:裕隆老實、不愛澎風說大話 原文連結:https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20170626fin001 原文內容:遭到民進黨立委林俊憲批評拿政府補助發展電動車卻沒進度,裕隆董事長嚴凱泰初期裕日車股東會前回應,絕對沒有放棄或怠惰,「裕隆只是比 ...

納智捷S5售價 杜拜:48萬、台灣65-87萬

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2017-06-27T02:06
不好意思又打擾版上的各位了 上禮拜的問車文 感謝版上大大們的討論以及意見 小弟家人已經決定要下訂Subaru的森林人2.0IE 等車子到了有機會跟際遇在發個小小的開箱文 離題了進入正文吧 小弟上個月有幸跟著教授一起去參觀位於三義的裕隆車業 鑒於這篇文在版上的討論度 看我之前尋車的文就可以知道 小弟我對任 ...

電動車發展進度被批 嚴凱泰:裕隆不喜歡

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2017-06-26T11:32
其實我很好奇,除了嚴家還有徐家不少都是外省上海幫江浙財閥 那時候一群財閥人物跟著黨國老蔣來台灣 不少經濟利益都被他們拿走 常常把愛台灣、台灣人的正統選擇、選民進黨就是不讓外來者荼毒.....等 掛在口上的民進黨,卻拿他們沒辦法,反而還會護航、開放更多好處 被媒體民眾噴才稍微改口、拖延 舉汽車的例子 ...

電動車發展進度被批 嚴凱泰:裕隆不喜歡

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2017-06-26T10:18
心得: 有沒有澎風是一回事 拿補助其實也沒關係 但拿了補助沒做出東西 不管真的沒拿百億只拿十幾億大家還是會酸 ※ [本文轉錄自 Reewalker 信箱] 作者: njnjy (この素晴らしい世界に祝) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 電動車 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-06-26T09:12
其實我也覺得不研發引擎才是對的XD 落後三十年又沒啥動能幹嘛去研發引擎阿 不如學PSA弄顆BMW 1.6引擎魔改各種輸出,高增壓低增壓300hp到150hp都有 你引擎變速箱買來,還是要花一狗票時間調教阿,其實真正厲害的是怎麼去調教 引擎逆工程其實對現代技術來說並不是太難,可是那些參數怎麼調,引擎和變 ...