兩輛Tesla Model S進口新加坡獲得減稅 - 特斯拉

Una avatar
By Una
at 2017-03-28T18:03

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原來去年(2016)有另外兩輛Model S進口到了新加坡並且獲得減稅


這證明了第一次對於Model S收取排放附加稅是根據錯誤的計算得到的結果




電動車是否環保,小弟爬文了一下,發現此事大概是新加坡政府搞的烏龍, 只是嘴硬不



新加坡又進口了兩台Tesla(如下), 不同於第一台Tesla被課新幣$15,000排放附加
稅, 這兩台反而獲得減稅 (排放加減稅)

(2nd) Model S P90, 最大馬力515kW, 一年車, 減稅新幣 $15,000
(3rd) Model S P85D, 最大馬力386kW, 全新車, 減稅新幣 $10,000

奇怪的是, 第一台進口的Tesla(如下), 馬力遠小於上面兩台, 卻被以高排放而加稅

(1st) Model S P90, 最大馬力285kW, 一年車, 加稅新幣 $15,000

第一台Tesla的車主對於政府終於了解怎麼測電動車感到欣慰, 然而新加坡政府仍然


Two Tesla cars imported into Singapore granted tax breaks

Two more cars from California- based electric carmaker Tesla have made
their way to Singapore.

These have been given rebates of $10,000 and $15,000, unlike the first
Tesla Model S electric sedan, which was slapped with a controversial
$15,000 tax surcharge.

The $15,000 tax break was granted to a one-year-old Model S P90, a 515kW
all-wheel drive which was registered this month. It had clocked around
8,700km when it was imported from Hong Kong.

The owner is an IT professional who declined to be interviewed.

The $10,000 rebate was granted to a brand-new Model S P85D, a 386kW
all-wheel drive. The unidentified owner has not registered the car yet.
That means there are currently only two Model S cars on the road here.

The first was brought in early this year by Mr Joe Nguyen, 44,
vice-president of an Internet research firm. Also from Hong Kong, it was
a used rear-wheel drive P85, which was a little over a year old when
registered here with less than 1,000km on the clock.

Mr Joe Nguyen with his Tesla Model S.
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LTA relooking case of Tesla electric car slapped with $15,000 carbon

Mr Nguyen with the used Tesla Model S, which he sourced from Hong Kong
for close to $400,000. The Model S is granted tax breaks in several
countries - for example, in Britain, buyers get a $8,800 grant.
Related Story
Electric car Tesla slapped with $15,000 tax surcharge

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With a power rating of 285kW, it is far less powerful than the other two
Model S cars. But after the car was tested, it was found to have a carbon
emission level liable for a $15,000 tax surcharge - making it the first
electric car to be penalised this way.

Tesla boss Elon Musk came to know of the case, and called Prime Minister
Lee Hsien Loong. The company reckons the Tesla car had been tested

The Prime Minister's Office said various agencies would look into it. The
Land Transport Authority (LTA) said it would conduct a review. But seven
months later, the LTA said it would stand by its original assessment and
would not re-test Mr Nguyen's car.

Noting that the two other cars had won tax breaks, Mr Nguyen said: "It's
great that the LTA has got the processes right now. Should they re-test
my car? Yes. I'm about to write to my MP about it."

Mr Nguyen's car and the other used Model S car were imported through
exotic car importer Supercars Singapore. Its managing director Marcus
Chua said documentation and inspection took nearly eight months for Mr
Nguyen's car and just under six months for the second. "There seems to be
more clarity this time round," he said. "They asked far fewer questions."

Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan indicated in May that a new Model S
would qualify for the maximum tax rebate of $30,000.

Nanyang Business School adjunct associate professor Zafar Momin said the
likes of electric cars are recognised to be cleaner and most governments
encourage their adoption via tax credits or rebates or both.

The LTA, he noted, has taken into account emissions from power stations
involved in charging the car battery. How far should it go in "trying to
be overly comprehensive in emissions calculations", he asked.


All Comments

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2017-03-30T23:15
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2017-04-01T09:35
3萬新幣 佔新加坡的車價非常小部份.COE就5萬多了
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2017-04-04T17:20
不過電動車怎麼算COE勒 *麻煩*

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By Ivy
at 2017-03-26T23:27
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