德州團購Nissan Leaf最低只要1.15萬美金 - 價格

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2016-12-17T03:04

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Nissan Leaf的官方建議售價是美金32450起






$10,000 Group Buy incentive discount toward the purchase of a Nissan LEAF
from a participating Austin Area Nissan dealer through January 3rd 2017

$7,500 Federal tax credit for the purchase of an electric vehicle

$1,000 Federal tax credit of 30% of the cost of a home charging station,
including installation (up to $1,ooo)

$1,500 Austin Energy rebate of 50% of the cost of a home charging
station, including installation (up to $1,5oo)

$500 Smart Charge Residential is offering an additional 15% off the cost
of installation of a home charging station (up to $500)

A new Nissan LEAF group buy in Texas brings the price of the electric
vehicle down to $11,500

When successful, group buys can be a very efficient way into electric
vehicle ownership. They are not always successful, however, as
demonstrated by a massive attempt with over 2,500 people trying to buy
the Nissan LEAF in Montreal and being shut down by the automaker earlier
this year.

A new group buy in Texas now has the backing of the Japanese automaker
and has managed to secure some truly impressive prices – bringing the
price of the electric vehicle down to $11,500 for the base option.

The initiative is led by Smart Charge America and Nissan in Austin,
Texas. They claim that they are offering up to $20,500 in discounts and
incentives on the price of the vehicle.

Here’s how they break down the discounts and available government

$10,000 Group Buy incentive discount toward the purchase of a Nissan LEAF
from a participating Austin Area Nissan dealer through January 3rd 2017
$7,500 Federal tax credit for the purchase of an electric vehicle
$1,000 Federal tax credit of 30% of the cost of a home charging station,
including installation (up to $1,ooo)
$1,500 Austin Energy rebate of 50% of the cost of a home charging
station, including installation (up to $1,5oo)
$500 Smart Charge Residential is offering an additional 15% off the cost
of installation of a home charging station (up to $500)
It brings the price of the 2016 LEAF S with a 24 kWh battery pack to just
$11,510. When you account for gas savings, that’s basically a free
vehicle after ~10 years.

You can even get a 30 kWh battery option for just $15,000 – down from
the $32,450 MSRP. If you are in Texas and you need a decent daily driver,
it’s certainly worth considering. You can visit Smart Charge America’s
website for more information.

Tags: 價格

All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2016-12-17T16:20
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-12-19T19:06
2330 benz團購不是折扣蠻多的嗎
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2016-12-22T03:04
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2016-12-23T21:00
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-12-24T05:20
團購+1 XD 是說進來也沒得保養維修吧,想買耶

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By Noah
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