國產車已經爭氣了! - BMW

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2006-02-17T11:41

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※ 引述《lerudit (l'Erudit)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《VWTF (VWTF)》之銘言:
: : 高級車的定位不是為了要開到2~300km/h出事才去加以設定更高的安全標準
: : 假如你身在德國買一台bmw3系車,沒冷氣、電動窗、高級音響的陽春車款
: : 和在台灣買一台bmw3系車,冷氣、電動窗、高級音響....一映俱全的高價車
: : 再把兩台車都拆光車體構造、板件厚度、焊點一定相同
: : "安全"取決於車廠對事故意外的毀損設定
: : 一台bmw3系車會因銷往速度限制110km/h的台灣、日本而用較薄的板件較少的焊點嗎?
: : 反過來思考ls250會因銷往速度無限制的歐洲高速公路而用較"厚"的板件較"多"的焊點嗎?
: : 達案是不會的
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ How do you know?
: Even the cars are mass-manufactured, there are not two cars exactly the same.
: Although the quality will not vary too much, but some is better than the
: others. They can go through the product quality investigation, sort out those
: better to sell in the countries having more strict regulation, and the rest can
: goes to the countries that the cars have to sell at a low price...
: They absolutely will not tell you the truth.
Do you really know the process of producing a car? Do you really know the
automation of process and the JIT concept which is broadly adopted by car
manufacturer? There are always varablilty in the assembly line and they use
the total quality control to inspect cars. The plant just produce the car in
batches according to the orders from sales and it is impossible for them to
sort the cars according to the qualities after the final inspection. They
just ship the cars out after the final inspection because the inventory costs
is too high and the sorting will increase the cycletime and leadtime so that
it will raise the costs more than what they can save from sorting.

BTW, the original post said the car wouldn't be different in saftey DESIGN
though they are sold to different places. Actually it is right. It is
possible to choose the different optional equipment for cars but for an
automation process, the bolted spots which are designed into integrated
process will be abosolutely the same.

Using English doesn't mean that you are definitely right, but from your
misunderstanding about the original article the only thing I know is that
your Chinese reading is not that good.

Tags: BMW

All Comments


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2006-02-17T00:00
連賓士都有SLR和CLK-GTR了奧迪和BMW怎麼沒有跟近勒!是經費還是技術問題啊...我指的超跑定義是可以在道路上跑的�� ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2006-02-16T21:09
車是 BMW E34 525 車齡:13年 最近在轉彎時,右輪都會出現and#34;扣and#34;一聲 不過只有在速度慢的時候例如: 起步. 市區 請問會是哪裡出了問題? 켊 - ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2006-02-14T00:40
沒辦法 有些人以為花多錢 就應該要怎樣怎樣 但是既然買的起 就應該要有多一點的知識 這不為過吧 環保線路 現在歐洲車 確時用的很多 !所以過一陣子就的花錢換 這是環保 環保 或是有些人說什麼買的起雙b 就不要在意油耗 講難聽一點 人家就是會比較 才買的起 最討厭人家說這種酸話 人家也是人 而且貴的車子 保險 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2006-02-13T20:36
第一次看到真的對的內容, 有關靜音您所提的全對, 所以代表我的說法也對,(等於Benz S350的靜音品質變得很差) 只是我用表面的兩個說法來表達, 讓您提出這麼多有可能Benz沒有做好的事情, 感謝您~ 我是對賓士非常地不滿, 因為多付了錢而沒有得到相對品質與服務的保證, 才會提出很多我以前遇到的事情, ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2006-02-12T02:52
※ 引述《SGIrobert (貫徹師弟不二之道!!)》之銘言: : : 目前台灣人大多數人的心態就是比較內裝 (我爸也不例外) : : 他可以很得意的說我有DVD、天窗、駕駛座按摩椅、真皮座椅等等 : : 這可以說是被Cefiro給寵出來的吧,週遭還滿多長輩還是很多人認定他是高級車! ...